Montreal Escorts



Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
I think political reality is that the curfew cant run for more than 2 more weeks or the end of the month. The COVID numbers are dropping and by months end the should be enough to have some substantial easing of restrictions. The 3 day hotel quarantine is a fiasco designed to discourage spring break travel to COVID hot spots south of the border. It will end shortly after the last determined spring breaker finishes their 2 weeks.
I hope you are right but i have my doubt. If Legault has decided to keep Gaspesie orange ( no gathering, no house visit, curfew from 9:30 to 5 ) and there is 0 or 1 new case every day there, i thing the whole province is stuck with curfew for a long time.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
This non sense curfew is a product of our interventionism socialist government. They are so obsessed with interfering in our everyday day life and controlling our thought that they are ready to shut down peoples rights and liberty for even more control. And all that while taxing us like there’s no tomorrow and squeezing every last single dollar they can from our pocket. They’re blaming us and our behavior when there’s a new outbreak or wave but when the cases drop it’s all because of their political measures. Our society is sick and it’s not because of covid.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Where is that Maxi with 45 min in line at the cash! I will make sure not to go there . Lol
Next to Plaza cote des neiges.....its not always like that though.. mostly around 6:30-7:00pm weekdays during curfew.... on weekend mornings and afternoons its not bad...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This non sense curfew is a product of our interventionism socialist government. They are so obsessed with interfering in our everyday day life and controlling our thought that they are ready to shut down peoples rights and liberty for even more control. And all that while taxing us like there’s no tomorrow and squeezing every last single dollar they can from our pocket. They’re blaming us and our behavior when there’s a new outbreak or wave but when the cases drop it’s all because of their political measures.
Tyranny goes on due to complicit bow down to the government sheep. The one thing I learned is that ppl do not value their freedom much they prefer the government to take care of them like a mother takes care of her kids. I lost hope in society ppl seem to want Socialism. In the 21st century we are still fighting the same evil which is Communism. Curfew will go on till ppl stand up to it. Look at George Orwell 1984 this seems to be fact today.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Lego the dictator pushed back the curfew to 9:30pm effective tomorrow in red zones including Montreal. My guess is Lego is afraid to loose the election because many are fed up and not on board with a curfew especially considering daylight is getting longer and the temperatures are beginning to rise.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Not shifting the curfew with the daylight savings time shift would have caused huge blowback.
If the numbers keep going down, he will have to lift it completely.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
What a bunch of crazy and irresponsable young peoples manifestant contre le couvre-feu yesterday night in Old Montréal......avec confrontation avec les policiers, allumant des feux et saccage des lieux......i live there and know well how the situation is already bad
pour les commercants.....THEY DON"T NEED SUCH IRRESPONASBLE MANIFESTATION....come situation est triste et oui insupportable.....MAIS ce n'est pas la facon d'améliorer les choses....un peu de plomb dans la tête les jeunes....nous sommes sur le point
d'y arriver au bout de ce pénible 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante has commented on last night’s anti-curfew protest in Montreal.
Citizens were out to protest the first night that the curfew rolled back to 8 p.m., from 9:30 p.m.
Unfortunately, the protest included numerous fires being started and smashed storefronts along Notre-Dame Street.
Riot police eventually intervened. It’s being reported this morning that 108 tickets were handed out and 7 arrests were made so far, and investigations are underway into dozens of acts of mischief and criminal fires.

In old Montreal, thugs demolished shop windows and restaurants.

I'm tired too, but I understand.

Put these people in jail.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Chouin95, You agree with all these thugs. They have damaged shop windows and restaurants and you are supporting their actions.
The pandemic has not caused them enough problems.

People have the right to express themselves but not by breaking everything in their way
Feb 6, 2016
On the contrary, the BLM movement has set the precedent that violent reallocation of property from those who have, to those who don’t want to pay, seems to solve some unrelated problem. Law enforcement’s unwillingness to address this is validation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think some of the restrictions are totally laughable including the curfew.
You can take 25 members of your family and friends to a movie theatre but you cannot see any spaced out in your back yard.
You can sit in the park across the street legally with masks on with your family members but you move onto your own backyard and all of a sudden you incur a $1500 dollar ticket.
In my opinion curfews achieve nothing you can see anybody you like in the street between 5am to 8pm the virus doesn’t care that it is before 8pm it does not spread specifically between 5am and 8 pm.

You either introduce a real lock down when you can basically only go out for essential things and all schools and stores are closed that don’t sell essential goods or you play yo yo games like Legault is doing half of which are stupid and make no sense.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Finally a chart that makes perfect sense
One can learn stuff on Merb where it would normally take weeks of schooling
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I'm embarrassed at the actions of Montrealer's attacking private business. Everyone is fed up but not everyone is out smashing and looting small businesses. All of these individuals should be ticketed and or locked up, this is beyond stupid


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
No actually what is stupid is a half assed curfew.
It will achieve nothing, you need to close all schools non essential stores, make all work places that you possibly can by online and only allow people to do essential shopping if they cannot have it delivered.
Yes it is difficult and people are fed up but if Legault really wants to step up and as he says be responsible this is what is needed, the alternative is take your chances and hope to hell the vaccination outpaces the variants.
You do this for 3-4 weeks and it will definitely have a huge impact, all this yo yo bullshit and half assed measures are stupid.

This is exactly why Quebec leads all of Canada with number of deaths.
Legault and Aruda have screwed up big time and JT doubled down by screwing up on the purchase of vaccines.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Quebec is leading in number of deaths because of the healthcare system which is in very poor shape compared to other provinces. It is no secret. For the past ten years it was a big problem and if you check the headcount there are not that many more people in the hospitals during covid compared to before. Plus Lego is cheap. He is the one giving the lowest pay to all the healthcare workers. During the era of PLQ under Couillard we went through years of total austerity, Gaetan Barrette really ruined the healthsystem with cutting so much funding and making the workers work harder. The system is seriously under resourced for the amount of patients there are. The government as usual is never held accountable for anything.

And no I STRONGLY DISAGREE with lockdowns. They do not work as you clearly have seen. It has been one year already of this nonsense. Government is not grandma and got to stop playing the role of parent and treating everyone like children. The way I see it healthcare should be privatized and people got to be accountable for their own actions. We got to follow the Swedish model. Government should not be involved in medical decisions at all. The whole thing is so politicized. The information about the virus should be made available to everyone but ultimately it should be left to the individual and business to decide for themselves. None of the politicians has suffered any paycut. The pandemic has been very good for the politicians and big corporations, they made big bucks out of this including pharma companies who will make billions out of a vaccine and got government subsidies (taxpayers money). To conclude just to point out that Quebec is the ONLY place in North America with a curfew. I saw for the past few days the way police were chasing after people for just wanting their freedom. Lego is a coward using police to do his dirty work. Police are there to serve and protect the public now they are being used to oppress the people much in the same way tyrants used their police force. Lego accepted back a member back into his caucus even though he violated covid rules. Do you really think Lego is following his own rules? Different set of rules for politicians.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I guess we are going to disagree.
I think the Swedish model was a disaster compared to its neighbours.
Real lockdowns work, half assed ones don’t.
If you don’t go anywhere you cannot spread any type of virus that is just plain common sense you don’t need any kind of diploma for that.
Masks also work and so does washing your hands and keeping your distance, and luckily it seems so do all these vaccines.
I would be in favour of a real and effective lockdown for 3-4 weeks instead of this half assed yo yo bull shit.
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