Montreal Escorts



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This is exactly the problem, all these half assed measures, balancing acts trying to please the population at the same time as trying to stop the virus doesn’t work.
Politicians have to stop trying to think how to still win the next vote and not get the population pissed off and do what is needed.
Right now it seems the only hope we have is if the vaccines eventually out pace the variants and hopefully they will be effective enough against them, until then we will still have many that will get seriously ill and die needlessly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
The curfew and a lot of this covid stuff is ridiculous at this point. Some of you old foggies would have us lockdown for the next 10 years. Are you enjoying never seeing most of your family face to face? Or do you break the rules like everyone else when it’s convenient for you? Enough is enough. Almost everyone over 65 who wants to be is vaccinated at this point!!!

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Montreal also has an international airport bringing in thousands of people.
Do you do your part and never leave the house, go above and beyond the measures put out? Many are tired of the failed measures and after a year are tired of the failed government.
After curfews, store closures, strict fines for gatherings and cases still go up I can see people saying fuck it, enough.
Ya...and remember how the March 2020 lockdown was only supposed to be 3 weeks?
And don't you just love how the government keeps blaming us for the spread of the virus?

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I agree with the decision of the Toronto police.

Doing random descents is not done.

They will only act at gatherings when they suspect that several people are violating health restrictions.

For Rob Ford, should have established a curfew, it would have been easier.
Ya, it seems the cops are tired of being the government's goon squad.
Btw I think by "descents" you mean "raids". And Rob Ford can't mandate a curfew...since he is dead. DOUG Ford hasn't done so because I am guessing he has a political future to think about.
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Dec 5, 2018

You got it right. The curfew is an example of an authoritarian regime and it is unconstitutional yet Lego who is a coward is using police to do his dirty work and lock everyone up as prisoners. Lego is restricting the freedom of ppl to move around after dark that is unconstitutional. The curfew breaches Section 2: Protects the freedom to assemble and associate and Section 7: Protects the right not to be deprived of liberty "except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice". Section 15 guarantees equality under the law. Charter rights however are not absolute. Governments defending curfews must provide evidence to the court that the use of curfews will actually impact virus transmission. However no science or stats demonstrate that curfews work. Even Quebec health minister Horacio awknowledged that that there is no hard scientific evidence to support curfews yet here it is. Lego acts like a dictator.

Although I am against all these nanny state measures the curfew in my book is going too far. Historically curfews were used by dictators under occupation of another country for example the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany. Historically curfews were used to oppress the population and this is not too different. All measures being used can go with public health but a curfew is going too far.
I agree with you .
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Montreal also has an international airport bringing in thousands of people.
Do you do your part and never leave the house, go above and beyond the measures put out? Many are tired of the failed measures and after a year are tired of the failed government.
After curfews, store closures, strict fines for gatherings and cases still go up I can see people saying fuck it, enough.
Yes i do go above and beyond.. I leave my house only for groceries or going for a power walk..I don't gather with people, go to people's houses , nor do i invite people over. My gf and i both live alone and so we are able to see each other. She respects the same limits as i do. And i do not travel, not even to other regions in Quebec or beyond. I work from home so no need to go to the office. Cases are up because many people did not adhere right from the beginning. Now thats not to say the QC government could not have done better. I think the rise in cases is also due to the gov applying only half measures... They needed to close down schools, construction, and manufacturing in addition to everything else since those sectors are where a large number of cases have come from.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Yes i do go above and beyond.. I leave my house only for groceries or going for a power walk..I don't gather with people, go to people's houses , nor do i invite people over. My gf and i both live alone and so we are able to see each other. She respects the same limits as i do. And i do not travel, not even to other regions in Quebec or beyond. I work from home so no need to go to the office. Cases are up because many people did not adhere right from the beginning. Now thats not to say the QC government could not have done better. I think the rise in cases is also due to the gov applying only half measures... They needed to close down schools, construction, and manufacturing in addition to everything else since those sectors are where a large number of cases have come from.
Why not to build underground bunker right in the cemetery? In this case no people will risk their lives at your funeral.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^Up 2 .. Easy to say when you have not lost your income and wonder if you will lose your house. Option A: Close your business and a 70% chance you will go bankrupt plus your employees will have huge hardships, but you will not be one of the 0.04% over 80 who may die. Option B: Open up and let those who do not want to enter your business stay at home, let you employees make their choice to see if they want to be one of the 0.04% if they are 80 or over and numbers go down when you are younger.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Ya...and remember how the March 2020 lockdown was only supposed to be 3 weeks?
And don't you just love how the government keeps blaming us for the spread of the virus?
I am in BC now, the 3 week shutdown was supposed to end tomorrow, it got extended to May 13, people are pissed. The ones making these calls have not lost a nickel, perhaps if they were on the $2,000 a month CERB income until they resolve this things may happen.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
More and more protest are made, not only from peoples against the mask but even by the ones for it. Considering as stated above it always start with a "oh its for 3 weeks" and end up being months, peoples are getting more and more impatient.

I think L'égo is really trying to see how many twisting his elastic can go, but sooner or later it will break. Peoples been way more patient than i ever taught they would. I lost my patience during April 2020 personally.. then got some back when stuff came back more Normal but the mask mandate on July 18 was really when i got very angry at him. And since then its been crap and crap.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Lego the dictator announced that as of Monday, May 3, 2021 the curfew in Montreal and Laval will be pushed back to 9:30pm. This is good news. Now by June I hope the curfew is history.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I hope they will soon have a vaccine passport and allow people to get back to some sort of normal life.
I am looking forward to seeing and being with family both here and in the US hopefully by the middle of summer.
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May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I continue to be shocked and saddened by how dismal it appears up there - ongoing lockdowns, curfews, no improvement in the poor health care system, inadequate supply of vaccines…

I have to agree with those who argue against these extreme measures. Not only have you given up your rights and freedoms, destroying businesses and livelihoods in the process, but I’ve not seen proof that said measures work. Here in the US many states that followed strict lockdowns did not fare better (and in some cases were worse off) than states that did not impose lockdowns.

I actually just brought my daughter here for a few months to get her out of Canada. She will get vaccinated (first dose this week) and we are still required to mask up indoors, but otherwise life is pretty close to normal.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
It is sad but the worst part is that here most people are weak little sheep that like being controlled and brainwashed by the media and the government. The baby boomers feel safer when the government is going ballistic with sanitary restrictions and litterally owning our freedom...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The 50+ group are the least affected by this. Most never sleep past 10pm so the curfew works for them. Most are already married got a SO so really socializing or partying is not in their agenda. They are also the least affected financially since most already got a house, got nice jobs which they can work from home. There are more old people to young people in Canada. Young people are the hardest hit by all of this. One has to understand the dynamics of why the people are accepting the government sanitary rules.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
I think this virus gonna be with us forever! it knows that human needs contact with others, and it needs human to survive by transmitting one to another, than to another one.
If the whole world shuts down for 14 days, then the virus will be dead ( i mean shut down completely, no going out only stay in the house, no airplaines flying, no going out, not even for essential services ). COVID will be gone !


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It is sad but the worst part is that here most people are weak little sheep that like being controlled and brainwashed by the media and the government. The baby boomers feel safer when the government is going ballistic with sanitary restrictions and litterally owning our freedom...
I don’t think so.
Yes I believe in masks, keeping your distance and getting vaccinated, this is the least I can do for myself, for my family, for my friends and anybody that I may come in contact with and to me this makes absolute common sense whether scientists say it or not. and it is painless free and not a big deal to abide by at all.
Curfews are a whole different thing, if conditions are really so drastic that everyone’s lives are in danger then yes a real curfew where the only reason for going out is for food and medication and doctors visits and that is only if you can’t get things delivered I would be ok with, if actual figures showed that it works which in all probability it would if you don’t go anywhere you can’t spread anything.
These half assed dumb idiotic curfews of 5am to 8pm and 5am to 9.30pm don’t work at all, people will still see each other during the time allowed and the virus doesn’t give a shit about time it will spread just the same especially in workplaces and schools, and stores which have all remained open.

No one likes being controlled and their basic freedoms of not being allowed to see their family and friends that is total BS that boomers or older people like it. Younger people have the freedoms they hold so dear and want because of the generation before them and the ones before that, to my knowledge so far none of the ones bitching so much about freedoms had to fight a world war to keep them including boomers. Bitching, or typing is easy, no courage involved or needed.
I have little to no trust in politicians no matter what party they belong to.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I continue to be shocked and saddened by how dismal it appears up there - ongoing lockdowns, curfews, no improvement in the poor health care system, inadequate supply of vaccines…

I have to agree with those who argue against these extreme measures. Not only have you given up your rights and freedoms, destroying businesses and livelihoods in the process, but I’ve not seen proof that said measures work. Here in the US many states that followed strict lockdowns did not fare better (and in some cases were worse off) than states that did not impose lockdowns.

I actually just brought my daughter here for a few months to get her out of Canada. She will get vaccinated (first dose this week) and we are still required to mask up indoors, but otherwise life is pretty close to normal.

50% of Ontario adults are vaccinated with one dose. Quebec is starting 25-29 year olds. There are worst situations around the world than Canada.

Yes, the restrictions are getting old, but we have another 2 months to go. We did get vaccines late. Thank god Europe was a reliable trading partner


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The 50+ group are the least affected by this. Most never sleep past 10pm so the curfew works for them. Most are already married got a SO so really socializing or partying is not in their agenda. They are also the least affected financially since most already got a house, got nice jobs which they can work from home. There are more old people to young people in Canada. Young people are the hardest hit by all of this. One has to understand the dynamics of why the people are accepting the government sanitary rules.
How is it possible to be so far in the left field (baseball analogy, not politic...)??? Assuming 50 years old are going to bed at 10pm??? Most of them married??? (in fact a lot are divorced). Really socializing is not chasing skinny strippers... Financially, around 50 a lot are paying for kids or ex-wife and there is usually still a mortgage to assume on the house. As for the well paid job, it depends. A young engineer, around 40 is better paid than a 50 years old average guy with an average job. The dynamic of why people accept the rule is also some has common sense and good judgement and others... In my opinion, those hardly affected are the young adult. They are the ones who lost their jobs in bars and restaurants. They are the ones socializing a lot and needing it. I would imagine they are in the 18-25 range.
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Toronto Escorts