No I wouldn’t. But you see, that’s the problem. You assume my post was about Trump. It never was. You also assume my post was about Sean Hannity, it was not. What you failed to do was read the article so I’ll post another for you. Nancy Pelosi (this is who I was talking about) might have a piece in all of this. But your accusations about a news person and a former president clouds your ability to understand that there may be more to this. Do I think Trump had a part in this? Absolutely! Do I think he alone was responsible for the insurrection? Only a fool would think that. There are so many moving parts to all of this. But I bring up Nancy Pelosi and all I get are unfair references or comparisons to the previous administration. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of capital security. She may have let all of this happen because she didn’t listen to the request from the former president. I’m not saying this is what happened, I’m saying there’s more to it than CNN or MSDNC is reporting. We need to open our eyes a little bit, if it’s unfounded than so be it. But let’s not be blinded by our politics to not look at all sides of this.If Trump say that planet earth is flat you would be afraid to cross the ocean by boat beeing afraid of falling into space !
Believing Sean InsHannity is about like believing the man who lied at least 30000 times during his presidency.

Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence.