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Denis Coderre


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

La Ville de Montréal a annoncé lundi qu’elle en est venue à une entente hors cours avec Formula E Opérations Limitée (FEO), qui paiera un montant de 3 millions $ pour régler le dossier et arrêter la poursuite contre la mairesse Valérie Plante.

La réponse de Denis Coderre "Pas de commentaires"

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
When I see and when I hear Denis Coderre speak, I shiver. I am not capable of this liar.
That's how I feel about him. I can't stand him. He doesn't even pretend to be a pleasant guy, he is so condescending and very closed minded.

I have to admit that I don't really follow municipal politics and I'm not super knowledgeable in the issues that are at stake.

All I know is that the issues I did follow, he failed at miserably and Valerie plante resolved. I realize these are not important for most people and not the priority issues but I hate him.

He was stupid when he tried and failed to get the horse calèche banned. Valérie did it the proper way and got it done.

He handled the whole Pitbull issue without any sort of measured approach or critical thinking. Thank god he wasn't re-elected and the issue was then handled reasonably by Valerie plante.

One thing I think Valérie plante went completely overboard with was the insane amount of streets that lost a car lane to a permanent bike lane that become completely useless half the year.

I know more bikes is better than all the cars on the road with a single occupant. But there are enough asshole cyclists to have developed a strong dislike for a lot of them. As an occasional driver, as a passenger in a car, passenger on a bus AND as a pedestrian.

Anyway that's about all I know about municipal politics lol

Please no Coderre. Please.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Denis Coderre is the worst mayor ever. The dumbass made so many bad decisions. One is he was so against stripclubs and massage parlors, he wanted to shut all of them down. He was an egomaniac always showing us saying he wants to make Montreal a world class city. Little does he know many tourists come to Montreal for the escorts and stripclubs. Many clubs and MPs got shut down during when Coderre was mayor, the police were on a rampage. Then when Plante took over stability came to the sex business. Moving on to other things the dumbass made the decision to tear down the Bonaventure expressway (the entryway owned by the city of Montreal) wants to make an urban boulevard. Another stupid decision. Before when in the Ville-Marie tunnel you were able to go directly to the Bonaventure expressway and then to the Champlain bridge but now you get stuck with traffic lights and that area is always congested. Coderre put taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars for the Erace. What a failure of a mayor. Never again Coderre. He is such an egomaniac the guy returned. Go away.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
It's the weirdest thing : I have never heard a person say a good thing about Coderre. I would say most people I spoke to hate him. But he's got support. Is it one of these things that people are embarrassed to say they support him ?

Plante, while many people dislike some of her policies, I don't know anyone that 'hates' her. Granted she could have done more, like in public transport, but she did have a big chunk of pandemic time in her mandate.

My money is till on her.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It's the weirdest thing : I have never heard a person say a good thing about Coderre. I would say most people I spoke to hate him. But he's got support. Is it one of these things that people are embarrassed to say they support him ?

Plante, while many people dislike some of her policies, I don't know anyone that 'hates' her. Granted she could have done more, like in public transport, but she did have a big chunk of pandemic time in her mandate.

My money is till on her.
Ok here is one that actually hates both.
Coderre is a lying self centred condescending full of himself prick, who spent millions on frivolous crap to feed his ego.

Plante basically bankrupted many merchants by driving people out of Montreal with converting much needed parking spaces into bicycle paths. She is not very business friendly either and never had a handle on the haphazard construction that went on for months on end on some streets leaving businesses without any customers.
I am glad I don’t live on Montreal island and don’t have to chose between these two clowns, unfortunately no matter which suburb you live in you will always be impacted by what is happening in Montreal.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Corderre is a lying self centred condescending full of himself prick, who spent millions on frivolous crap to feed his ego.
I agree with your description of Denis Coderre. He had the chance to show us his way of managing the city of Montreal.
It was found to be corrupt.

As for Ms. Plante, she had to deal with the pandemic, and it wasn't easy. The start of his term had been good.

Between the two I choose Mme Plante, and my decision is easy.

Denis Coderre gives me buttons every time he opens his mouth. ;)

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I agree with your description of Denis Coderre. He had the chance to show us his way of managing the city of Montreal.
It was found to be corrupt.

As for Ms. Plante, she had to deal with the pandemic, and it wasn't easy. The start of his term had been good.

Between the two I choose Mme Plante, and my decision is easy.

Denis Coderre gives me buttons every time he opens his mouth. ;)
Plante's THE CYCLIST IS GOD policy pre dates Covid. She started wrecking the economy and streets of the city long before the virus hit. Plus was it absolutely necessary to continue the suburban train construction during a pandemic? The local economy has been ravaged enough. She couldn't have held off on ripping up McGill College St and creating traffic havoc for another few years to allow the city's merchants to bounce back a little?
I am no fan of Coderre but he seems the lesser of two evils.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Plus was it absolutely necessary to continue the suburban train construction during a pandemic?
I am curious why you think this was a bad thing. It seems construction didn't bother anyone or bothered less than if things were moving full tilt. But maybe I am missing something.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I am curious why you think this was a bad thing. It seems construction didn't bother anyone or bothered less than if things were moving full tilt. But maybe I am missing something.
What I meant is downtown is a mess thanks to all the construction. It actually looks like a war zone in some spots. Plante wants to revive a downtown core ravaged by the lockdown but now the traffic mess discourages people from coming downtown if they don't have to.
The fences and detours aren't very pedestrian friendly either. To me the city looks almost unrecognizable from just a few years earlier.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Denis Coderre a dévoilé sa plate forme électotrale, aujourd'hui, elle comprend 350 objectifs.
Par contre sans aucun cadre financier.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Certains n'apprendront jamais de leurs erreurs...CODERRE----en dépit de sa longue feuille de route--termine sa campagne municipale DE LA MÊME FACON que la dernière c'est-à-dire dans le chaos , la cachette et l'improvisation la plus totale....

Ca va lui coûter again la victoire.....pourra retourner se remplir les poches dans le privé......MAIS évidemment c'est moins glamour et dur pour l'ego.... ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
One of the companies for which Denis Coderre worked is "COGIR" and Coderre said he had signed a confidentiality agreement, and the President of COGIR, said NO, no confidentiality agreement.

Coderre has not changed.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Denis Coderre courtisent les anglophones, après le meeting donné par le PDG d'Air Canada, je ne suis pas certain que c'était une bonne idée?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Pas vraiment le réfugie auprès d'un vote dont il a absolument besoin et qui est grugé par HOLNESS....cela ne changera rien au résultat est trop les carottes sont cuites pour lui.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
When I see and when I hear Denis Coderre speak, I shiver. I am not capable of this liar.
They all lie...


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
To each these tastes.

Yes, but Coderre more than Plante.

Coderre is too full of himself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
C'était dans les cartes/prévisible depuis les derniers jours/fin de est maintenant en mode c'est là que les politiciens sont en état de faiblesse /allant de gaffe en gaffe......pourra toujours demander à son ami JUSTIN de le nommer

à la place de MICHAEL S. ROUSSEAU---PDG de AIR CANADA ;).


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Denis Coderre PDG d'Air Canada. ça n'arrivera pas, trop incompétent.
Désolé de te décevoir, mais Air Canada est une compagnie régulée par le gouvernement fédéral. comme les banques.
Le gouvernement n'a aucun pouvoir sur la nomination du PDG ou du CEO comme disent les anglais. C'est le conseil d'administration qui a ce pouvoir. Le CA est élu par les actionnaires.
C'est plate mais c"est ça. It is what it is, comme disait l'autre clown de la Maison Blanche avant de perdre ses élections.

Air Canada, même sous les anciennes directions, a toujours considéré que "c'est an anglais que ça se passe". C'est une compagnie de voyous qui n'a aucune considération pour le français, même dans le service à la clientèle. Michael Rousseau est un parfait TROU DE C**, un ASSH*LE dans la langue qu'il parle. En plus, c'est un fieffé menteur, il disait comprendre le français mais il ne comprenait pas les questions simples posées par les journalistes.

Denis Coderre ne comprend rien à l'économie. On l'a vu avec le fiasco de la Formule E. Il est le roi des phrases creuses qui ne veulent rien dire. Comme ministre, ça pouvait aller, mais dirigeant d'une entreprise comme Air Canada il l'entraînerait dans un gouffre financier dont les employers seraient victimes. En 2018, Air Canada employaient plus de 30,000 personnes Ils ne méritent pas de subir l'incompétence de Denis Coderre.

Finalement, on peut toujours rêver, c'est François Legault qui serait un bon PDG pour Air Canada. Il a redressé Air Transat, a une vaste expérience de gestionnaire, sa feuille de route est sans taches.
Espérons que les Montréalais feront le bon choix et surtout iront voter en grand nombre. Mais je ne me fais pas d'illusions.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Je pense que vous avez compris que c'était une GROSSE blague....was just joking ;) .
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