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Still lurking.
Aug 27, 2003
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Those "Rhino" pills have been found to contain Sildinafil (generic Viagra) and/or Tadalafil (generic Cialis) along with the usual asian natural herbs.

Find any given one of a number of asian run sex-shops and you will find the pills. Just ask at the counter if they have "the pills."

I've tried them. They definitely work but there are important side effects if not taken properly. Oh and they have two tiers, red ones that are 15$ and yellow (gold?) ones that are 17$. The 17$ definitely work better than the 15$ versions - at least for me. But both work.

  • Take with LOTS of water - not beer, not coffee or juice, water - it will mitigate or even prevent the inevitable headache.
  • Take with a meal!!! I took one on an empty stomach ONCE and it wasn't fun as I wound up with a severe headache borderline migraine for a day and a half! Won't make that mistake again.
  • Monitor your blood pressure! These compounds (Viagra and Cialis) both will lower your blood pressure some.
  • Wait at least 3-4 days before repeating the dose. The effects can last a long time.
One thing to note, since these are classified as "natural medicine" or "alternate medicine" pills, they aren't regulated and checked by the usual institutions (thing CFIA or Health Canada) so the dosage in there WILL vary. You might take one today that has 100mg of Sildinafil in there, but then the next pill from a different batch of the same brand might have 20mg of Tadalafil instead. I suppose it depends on which of the compounds is available for them to manufacture the pills.

IMPORTANT: This should go without saying but if you have blood pressure or cardiac issues you want to consult with your doctor and get a prescription for Viagra or Cialis if possible. If the doctor won't prescribe those for health reasons then perhaps you shouldn't use the Rhino VIP or whatever they call them since they could be dangerous for you. Doctor not prescribing a drug is a huge red-flag.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
??? Go see a doctor and tell them you have "performance issues" (yes, that's the code word) and get a prescription for V or C.

Why put your health in some shady Chinese "supplement" manufacturer???? They don't regulate shit over there - rule breaking is like a game to them. Back in 2008, 54,000 Chinese kids had to be hospitalized due to milk powder contaminated with MELAMINE.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Erectile dysfunction is a medically recognized condition. Viagra (now available in generic from as sildenafil) was first made available in 1998... there is no shame in consulting a doctor if you suffer from that condition.
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Still lurking.
Aug 27, 2003
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Especially with the current wave of online pill pushers like for example, it is now super easy to obtain actual Viagra or Cialis generic pills.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Especially with the current wave of online pill pushers like for example, it is now super easy to obtain actual Viagra or Cialis generic pills.
you mean myrocky... the one site you mentioned is about cars...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
^^^^^ I think he meant


Active Member
Aug 3, 2009
So is my legit? Have any of you guys used it? I am always reluctant to hand out credit card info along with address etc. to online sellers other than Amazon who unfortunately have not gone into the dick pill biz.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2022
Well my perscription Cialis 20mg cost me $75.00 for four at the pharmacy. I think that is expensive but their price much better for quantity
English bellow
1- Transférer votre ordonnance au Costco
2- prenez plus qu’une boîte à la fois
3- si vous passer par l’Ontario, arrêtez-vous en pharmacie ça coûtera un peu moins cher
4- magasiner votre pharmacie en appelant quelques unes
5- sans ordonnance d’un médecin utiliser les services d’une pharmacie reconnu au BC comme Jack Health
MAIS SVP N’achetez pas des produits de contre façon sur le marché noir, votre santé et celle de votre penis vaut mieux qu’une économie de 20$

1- Transfer your prescription to Costco

2- take more than one box at a time

3- if you go through Ontario, stop at the pharmacy it will cost a little less

4- shop your pharmacy by calling a few

5- without a doctor's prescription use the services of a pharmacy recognized in the BC as Jack Health

BUT PLEASE Don't buy products in the opposite way on the black market, your health and that of your penis is better than a $20 saving
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New Member
Aug 15, 2024
I have a friend that has a sex shop who gave me some Chinese pills. I ended up having to go to the ER. My heart was going at 145 beats per minute and I hadn't even started the action. After the pills wore off and left the hospital I got the craziest hard on. Good thing my girl was with me to help out.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
I have a friend that has a sex shop who gave me some Chinese pills. I ended up having to go to the ER. My heart was going at 145 beats per minute and I hadn't even started the action. After the pills wore off and left the hospital I got the craziest hard on. Good thing my girl was with me to help out.
Sounds like Yohimbe. That stuff will make you nervous as F if you take too much or are sensitive to it. They sell this in the USA legally but Public health Canada banned it some years ago. At low dose it's like caffeine for sex energy.
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