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Do you favor agencies that have cheaper extra hours ? Why or why not ?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

When you have to choose between agencies or Indies because you have SP's you would like to see
Do you favor the one that has multiple hours better rates ?




Aug 8, 2011
From what I have seen up to now in my hobbyist career, the price you pay is rarely in relation with the service you get. I have had fantastic meeting with 120/160 and 180$/hr providers and boring like hell dates with high end SP (400$/ hr). I quicly understod that higher rates pays for luxury condos, pro photographers talented in photoshop and wine and cheese. Since I am not looking for these extras, I skip highend and am faithful to my ATF.

Multi hours offering is often more talk then sex so I never book more than one hour. I am funny so if provider want to have fun after sex , I can offer my services for free ;-)


I love women a bit too much
Sep 23, 2011
Personally it can be an incentive cause I am a guy that book for minimum two hour since my first shot on goal in FS is often a little bit fast and I like to take it easy. I don't like too when it's a one hour bang bang non stop I prefer having time to cuddle and slowly caress the lovely lady I am with between the SOG


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I pretty much agree with what christ2121 just said. I usually book for 2 hours and I like to take my time and relax. This has something to do with where I live, since I usually have a 45 minute drive or more until I get to the incall location & as much as I try to avoid it, I'm usually a little stressed out when I get there. The extra time helps me calm down. But back to the original question, yes, because of this, I usually go with providers that don't charge a huge amount. I've found that there are some exceptional providers that don't charge a lot & I will tend to see them for multiple hours instead of a "bang bang" hour-long session with somebody I don't know.


Sep 4, 2006
As someone who books longer appointments I appreciate the cheaper extra hours. After all if you have someone for more than 4 hours you are expected to feed her, so paying the same hourly rate seems kind of unfair. And so if you don't feed her based on that you are made out to be a monster.

I think the agencies that only offer fixed hourly rate do so because they are popular enough that they know the girls will be booked either way.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
In my early days of hobbying when i used to do 2 hrs minimum & money was no object, i preferred seeing girls where the extra hours came at a discounted price. I liked this since it encouraged multiple hour bookings and for me it seemed more like a real date where i didn't feel rushed to relax, talk & have a drink with my guest before we'd move on to the action.

Years later i became more budget conscious & 1-hour bookings became the norm for me. I sometimes do 90-minute bookings if the price is right with someone i enjoy being with or if it's someone new whom i have a feeling i'll have a really good time with.


Nov 12, 2014
the agency are seriously missing of girls, so they are not interested in long hour booking, so I found a girl that is working in as a sp that I can call, and then we have diner, go to movie and it's a kind of date that I can have sex with, when she's off. And all that for a very good price, and she's also the best fs i never had around all the agency, But since I like girls, i have to change sometimes and go with the agency.:nono:And don't even think about asking me her name or phone number, lol


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
the agency are seriously missing of girls, so they are not interested in long hour booking, so I found a girl that is working in as a sp that I can call, and then we have diner, go to movie and it's a kind of date that I can have sex with, when she's off. And all that for a very good price, and she's also the best fs i never had around all the agency, But since I like girls, i have to change sometimes and go with the agency.:nono:And don't even think about asking me her name or phone number, lol

You have the best of both, private Sp and the use of an agency.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Yes, I think longer appointments and cheaper rates for the longer appointments is a winner for all involved. It is less wear and tear for the SP, and agency (drivers etc.)


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
i wont say that i faver agencys or indys who have mutipel hours at better rates but it makes me more likely to book longer hours.

i use to come to montreal for work and see ladys outcall. one of my favorite agencys was eleganza because they offered good multipel hour discounts which max out at 3 hours so with my favourites like alyssa, sunshine, lily, and someoen else that i forgot name but her pics had very nice long legs (i think her name was nicole) i use to book them for 3 hours and when i try someone new i use to see them for 2 hours. i use to also see a lot sophia from sophias pleasures allot but would see her only for 2 hours because her 2 hour rate was better per hour than her 1 or 3 hour rate. i also saw the famous star (indy) from st jean sur rcihileui for 3-4 hours multipel times because her rate for 3-4 hours was better per hour then 1-2 hours. i generaly will see lady for 3 hours that i like unles i realy get along with the lady and then will see for 4 hours if rate for 4 hours is better per hour then 3 hours.

i am not having sex for 2-4 hours strate so i think rate is refectif on this is or should be fair.

for nadya vip, i will genrally see for 2-3 hours because of multipel hours discount. for goodgirls i genrally see for 1 hour or for special lady might see for 2 hours with my favs but only special ocasions like to treat myself for birthday or bonus at work. if i am interestd in more then 1 hour, genrally i will see ladys or agencys which have multihours discount unless i want to see a particuler lady at the time. if 1 hour is all im looking for, it is okay and i dont faver anyone.

i understand business modal and that is agencys dont want to loss money for mutihours discount, ladys dont want to lose money for multipel hours, drivers dont want to lose moneys, and bookers dont wat to lose moneys.

if i want to see a lady for 2 hours and lady doesnt have mutipel hours discount, it makes beter sense for me to see her and than recouperate at least a minimum of 1 hour since im not a springchicken anymore and see her again at least 1 or more hours later. i did this once to a lady and she ask me and i explained. i also explain no one wants to take the hit for the discount moneys

for ladys, imho unless guy wants sex all time or on bluepill, there is less sex in longer hours so i think easier on lady unless lady doesnt like this client. if ladys is indys than for 2 hours if rate is 2 x hour, it doesnt make sense since if outcall, she takes taxi/drive to hotel and back to her place in 1 hour apointemnt once. in 2 hour apointment, she takes taxi/drives to hotel once but has 2 trips. for 2 1 hour apointments back2back she takes 3 trips wich is go to hotel, go to next hotel, go home. also if she is only availbel for 5 hours like 18pm to 23pm, she will loss travel time in more 1 hour apointements then 2 hours apointements. lady wants the same hourly rate which i can 'understand' since where i work it is anual salery but all anual salery works to hourly salery and i dont want to be payd less just because i am at work for 8 hours. if boss tells me to work an extra hour to make 9 hours, i wuld be upset if she told me that the extra hour was less money because i am at work anyways so i understand ladys dont want to loss moneys.

in order for hobyists to get discounts in mutihours, someone gets less moneys. i understand why agencys dont want to take the hit and i understand why ladys dont want to take the hit.
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