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Do you get turned off by women that swear a lot?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
In day-to-day life, I find it repulsive in not only women but men as well, who constantly are dropping the F-bomb and worse.

Having said that, in the bedroom, some coarse language can be very titillating, particularly when role-playing.
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Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
Well, considering i was kicked out as an alter boy when i was younger(much), not for swearing, but for gambling. Nothing big, we use to toss coins and i sort of started it, so i took the heat for it. The other guys were good boys, i corrupted them and they would of gotten whooped if they got kicked out. I am not the religious type, and it seems that French curses are all religious natured.

Point is if the lady and i are alone, it does not bother me what comes out of her mouth, but in public, and on a date, please be a lady, and ill be the gentleman.

There are times I'm out with a friend with benefits kind of deal and we have a few drinks and we play around, saying things like," hey, she's hot, would you her or him. So yea, its okay under some circumstances. Not a turn off when used in the right context.

I'm far from being perfect and i use naughty words, sometimes at the wrong time, but i have learned to catch myself most of the time, and when it just comes out, a quick apology, especially around children.

Respect is what it is all about.
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