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Do you make an effort to look your best when seeing an sp? Personal attire important?

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
When i first started seeing sps, i went out of my way to look my best for an encounter. I treated every encounter as a 'date', just like i'd be going out with someone on a real date. I even once purchased a suit in order to see a long-anticipated high-end sp. I don't think i ever wore that suit again! :rolleyes:

A few years later, i met a fellow john for a drink at the hotel i was staying at about an hour before an sp was supposed to show up to see me. After showering & dressing up, i met him at the lobby bar & the first thing he told me when he saw me was "do you always dress up when you see an escort?"

I told him that i did, and put a lot of importance in my personal appearance & so far my routine had never failed me since 99% of my encounters had always been very good to great. I asked him how he dressed when he saw someone, and he pointed to his jeans and t-shirt and said "just like you see now."

I then began to stop over-dressing. Thinking about it, i was probably better dressed than half the ladies i'd see at the time. So i began to wear jeans and a shirt for some of my encounters. Now i often wear polo or golf shirts. If it's very warm outside, i may wear shorts.

In other words, i still make an effort to look as good as i can, but won't over dress. I figure that if i want an sp to look her best, that i should also make an effort.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you put emphasis on your own personal attire prior to seeing an sp?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Being a non-business man I dress casual at best. Summertime shorts, shirt and sandals and winter jeans and a shirt.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
In real life im a very casual person, i don't shave my face, i dress in tshirts and cargo pants, i don't wear parfum obviously and such.

When i see an SP, if its a pre-set date, like i know im going for that and all, i usually shave my face, like not everything but trim to look presentable. Someimes i just put "2" on the clipper and cut the beard, sometimes i go full way and make a "douchebag" type of beard lol, its really how i feel about it, the time i have and so on... Also i had meeting where i put "gel" in my hair, others where i didn't, again depend on the mood, what i will do after and such.

Lately i started using parfum.. got it as a gift and since i NEVER use it in my peronal life, i use it for that... or parties or whatever that are uncommon.

But one thing that remain is the tshirt and pants, mostly because thats all i have... i don't have suits, i don't have golf shirt, all i have is tshirt and hoodies... from video games to metal band to some personal stuff i like , like reaper shirts and so on...

One thing i realized over th years is that it does not matter much how your dress for a one hour meetig in small downtown room... as long as you welcome her with a smile, that you genuily look happy to see her and are a friendly person it should be alright.

SPs in general cares about 3 things

1) The donation of course
2) That your clean
3) That your friendly or at least not a mean jerk

If you manage to have those 3 things, your good.... no matter how your dress, how your room is or whatever...


Oct 11, 2010
Hygene is very important so i always shower before.
I always wear clean clothes also. So that they smell nice.
But i wear relaxed clothing like jeans and a nice t-shirt. Sometimes shorts in the summer.

Lily from Montreal

I have a weakness for men in suit,somehow for me it the man equivalent of the garther belt loll but only if it is really your look,not a costume, jeans are nice but as long as you are clean it does not really matter because we will be naked in (very) soon...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Hygiene is very important. As far as dressing up, not so important. Business casual is what I typically go for.


Sep 4, 2006
At first I would dress business casual (dockers and button down shirt). But one of the SPs I used to see frequently would come in these gorgeous designer gowns, and I felt that we were miss matched, so I would go for a suit and sometimes a tie.

What I do now is come prepared with several options, and greet the SP dressed semi casual (jeans and polo shirt or button down shirt, but not t-shirt). When its time to go out for food, I will change into what I feel is appropriate based on what she is wearing. Nowadays if I do wear a tie its for the purpose of being prop/tool when making out or the main event.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Dress is not an issue. I work in a business environment so I am in a suit every day, shirt and tie is the norm. I do however ensure that the day I will be seeing an SP I trim my nails ;) and file them smooth and that I shave as close as possible. As I see the SP at an incall location most of the time I prefer that she is dressed when I arrive. As Lily said, we will not be dressed for long but it is nice to start off that way.I have on occasion been on a day off when going to see my favorite and was wearing jeans and a polo. She was a little surprised when I walked in and I sensed a little disappointed that I was not in a suit :) she was even more surprised when I removed my jeans to go shower and was wearing only the jeans. Ever since I was a young kid I hate wearing underwear with jeans, dumb I guess but that is one of my quirks.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
a few days before, i will do cut nales. i rarly do this on the day of meeting since it can cut wen using fingers.

the day before meeting, i shave jr. and on the day of the meeting, i shave face and shave jr again, shower of course, mouthwash, and wear clean clothes. i dress very casually so i dont realy dress up i just dress normal.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Since this is supposed to be about how to dress for a meeting with an escort, I'll bring it back to that. I'm going to make this about my specific problem. Since I live and work in the NYC metropolitan area, and most escorts seem to be based in midtown, and if they're in midtown, that means that they're in 4-star hotels, how am I supposed to dress in order to meet them?? Do I have to dress up? Actually, I'm going to answer my own question here. All of those hotels are tourist hotels & tourists dress any old way they want. I used to obsess with how to dress, but it really doesn't make a difference. Just don't be a slob & you're gold...


Nov 11, 2012
I make sure I'm clean and well-groomed, sometimes in business attire, but I don't feel I should need to look like a GQ cover model for a paid encounter.

That said, if I'm not particularly happy with my appearance on a given day (bad hair day, missed shaving, lack of sleep, etc), I will tend to not hobby.

Everything in context, for me. Casual dress and light stubble can be a good look. Wrinkled dress shirt (sitting at the office all day) and unshaven, often isn't. The main thing is to appear comfortable/confident in whatever look you choose.
If it is a dinner date then dress shirt and slacks are a good choice. Though if you are a suit and tie person then that can be eye candy for me. In fact, undressing a man in a suit can be just as arousing for me much as taking a dress, lingerie, garter and stockings off of me is arousing for him.

That being said if he is a regular of mine and we usually dress up it can be super sexy for us to be more casual. Jeans if they fit well are very sexy to me.

Randy Johson

Jul 2, 2009
My standard attire for a date is a pair of skinny jeans and a cashmere V neck sweater..with a splash of Dolce & Gabana cologne.
I happen to love clothes and fashion..dressing well and looking good elevates how you feel about yourself...Im presenting myself to her as much as she is to me...
Fortunately at my age..I can still wear skinny jeans and look fit.


New Member
Jan 9, 2013
Of course! I clean up, try to look my best and put some nice pin stripe trouser shorts without boxers or briefs. Some landscaping.

Basically eveerything I would expect of an SP. Turn up heating (these days). Brush my teeth, tongue, clean my ears clean up around the house wash the sheets etc.

P.-S.: on another note, I also try to catch them at the beginning of their shift.


Oct 6, 2010
I am my usual self, as long as you are not stinky and dirty that is all that is required.


Oct 7, 2009
most definitly showered and shaved and trimmed
a little cologne casually dressed
condo spick and span.
even the toilet seat is down lol

just like if a girlfriend is coming over
shows you made an effort and look dear
more time for sex
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