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Do you really believe in feminism?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
We'd need a whole new thread to discuss the Hakim approach (the Yahoo link). It shares somes thaugh with the famous Edlund-Korn Theory of prostitution and the amusing Economics of sex.


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
We'd need a whole new thread to discuss...

It looks like we'd need a lot more threads to discuss a lot of things raised here :smile:

Willing to hand over the baton to the next guy/gal. Right now I'm so tired that I'm deleting answers to people because my brain mistakenly thought "this was supposed to go in the AM thread!" (sorry to Patron).

(I expect my contributions to be minimal for the rest of the week as I've been spending way too much morning and evening time reading/replying to the posts here. Then again, curiosity killed the cat and we all know women belong to the feline species ;). By all means, keep the thread rolling!)


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Most escorts in Montreal make a lot more than girls in Europe (tax-free) and should be thankful to all the guys who give them the couple a hundred an hour, in Montreal.

Of course I appreciate my clients, and I appreciate that they decide to spend their hard earned money on my services, but you make it sound like it's some form of charity I should be grateful for, like I don't deserve to earn what I do.

Let's look at the local market instead - Montreal has the cheapest rates of all the major Canadian cities, and is far cheaper than most major US centers. There is an exceptional selection of beautiful women available at a far lower cost than elsewhere in North America. So perhaps not all providers will be "thankful to all the guys who give them the couple a hundred an hour".

Hard ro find anything good and good Independent SP rates are double and triple what guys in Montreal are willing to pay.

Simply not true. There are many independents available at all price points. Many girls who charge more than the minimum are often fully booked, so obviously at least some guys in Montreal are willing to pay for a quality service. An escort has the right to work at the price point which is acceptable to her, and a client has the option to pay what they are comfortable paying.

Lily from Montreal

Well said Tiannas...
The ''give'' phrasing implies there is no get something in return only it is not material...
And if someone finds hard to find anything good on Montreal Indy scene he is not looking a the right places...

Marie Montreal

Wild when appropriate
Nov 13, 2008
Quote Originally Posted by azzaro View Post
Most escorts in Montreal make a lot more than girls in Europe (tax-free) and should be thankful to all the guys who give them the couple a hundred an hour, in Montreal.

Haaaaaa.... what? What were we saying again here? That feminism is an outdated idea... I have to disagree.


Feb 6, 2004
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Reply to tiannas ==>

Montreal-Canada is the best city in North America for escorts. The reason is women like sex and money and maybe an economic factor behind it too (Montreal job market). But comparing USA to Canada in terms of escorts is not right. USA is an escort-desert and full of con-artists, alot more than here in Canada.

A lot of Canadian Independent escorts are spoiled rotten by the high-rollers from the USA that visit some of you and pay thousands for an hour or two. That is why a lot of you can "abuse" Canadian guys like me since you are making more than any woman can make working a regular job (tax-free). And yes, under "legal prostitution" all of you would be paying half to the government, like in Germany.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
azzaro, I don't understand how you are are being "abused". The girls here are upfront about their rates, captrenault even started a thread for you listing all the merb indies rates. If you don't like a girl's price point, simply don't see her.

And I do feel we can talk about the U.S. As myself and many of my colleagues also work there in addition to Montreal, plus a good portion of my client base is American. And they aren't paying me a thousand dollars an hour!


Feb 6, 2004
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tiannas, I am talking about Montreal escorts being spoiled rotten by the upper 10% of the clients.

Yeah so Montreal women are way ahead of the curve in being escorts to the USA clients (and some Canadian guys in the upper 10% bracket of income), but that leaves 90% of the Canadian guys who cannot afford the 250-300 range escorts like you and in most agencies. I know USA big shots pay in excess of 500 bucks an hour to most of you independents.

I can have a full days of fun with as many girls as I like for 150 bucks (Canadian) in German FKKs and flat-rate clubs including food and drinks. Go ahead..bang the big shots in USA and Canada. Most of you will never get HUNKS like me to hump you properly (British-slang). But, hey, I don't even need to do that in most of Europe. Girls pickup guys like me over there and guys like me can refuse a lot of them cuz there are so many girls asking guys for sex.


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
I get the impression, Azzaro, the you feel that independent escorts in Montreal should be charging their clients a lot less. So what should be a reasonable rate then? Do you feel that $200 is ok? or is $100? or maybe $50 is more a better price range for you to see an escort.

For myself, it's about the value of appreciation of seeing an escort. I value that someone is taking the time to spend with me.

When I go see a dentist to fix a tooth, I value his/her services to fix it. I may have to pay $1000 dollars to have it fixed (stupid infect root canal). And ya, dentist make so much money, but is that justification that they should charging the clients less. Of course not.

And if prostitution were to be legalized and recognized in Canada, I doubt that half of an escorts income will be taken away, in taxes, just for being an escort. It would be based on ones total income, not on ones profession.

Reply to tiannas ==>

Montreal-Canada is the best city in North America for escorts. The reason is women like sex and money and maybe an economic factor behind it too (Montreal job market). But comparing USA to Canada in terms of escorts is not right. USA is an escort-desert and full of con-artists, alot more than here in Canada.

A lot of Canadian Independent escorts are spoiled rotten by the high-rollers from the USA that visit some of you and pay thousands for an hour or two. That is why a lot of you can "abuse" Canadian guys like me since you are making more than any woman can make working a regular job (tax-free). And yes, under "legal prostitution" all of you would be paying half to the government, like in Germany.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Azzaro, not sure if I should post here or on other thread you started. Flashing your credintals and being of Greco-roman decent, and aside from your international achivements. What you got free in the past, you have to pay for it now, maybe that where your abuse issue starts. On the menu we have champagne tastes and beer bottle money . With a right attitude and approach you can make that beer into a fine triple fermented beer.. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. Budget and pleasure


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Yes I deleted my last post . But my goat has been had.. This one stays. Oh btw, my credentials , jack of all trades... Master of none.


Feb 6, 2004
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Azzaro, not sure if I should post here or on other thread you started. Flashing your credintals and being of Greco-roman decent, and aside from your international achivements. What you got free in the past, you have to pay for it now, maybe that where your abuse issue starts. On the menu we have champagne tastes and beer bottle money . With a right attitude and approach you can make that beer into a fine triple fermented beer.. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. Budget and pleasure��

Haha..your post is laughable. :wave: You do not know anything about me and for you to advise me on what I should do and what tastes I have is not needed here.

Feminism has gone too far and guys are routinely abused for being men on this continent thanks to the FemNazis. If it's not one thing it's another. Mental abuse by bringing in religion and pay for sex at rates only guys with that extra retirement money can afford.

HUNKS and regular guys ..these women..will never get..and a proper humping. You may be the only escort/older guy (not sure who you are) on here who feels that women in USA/Canada deserve any more respect (escorts included) than they already get. Plus USA clients are so hungry for sex that they pay huge amounts to most escorts in USA and Canada. Thats is whymost escorts like this have gone berserk and take out their anger on the common guy, any way they can, for not being humped properly (by HUNKS).


Feb 18, 2015
Interesting topic. A few points

Do you really believe in feminism? You may as well ask if I believe in an arm or a leg. Every woman wants to be able to make any choice she wishes with the same benefits and respect as a man. That is not the case for many.

Most leaders of the movement are rational and fair. Extremists and their ideas get the publicity but they are not the whole movement at all. Feminism is being whoever you want to be, that's why real feminists can be so different from each other as it is with men.

Would I date an escort? Yes, if her goal is monogamy. I see escorts and respect their wishes, but monogamy is my ideal.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Azzaro....popcorn and beertime�� no advice given . I don't know you, unless we went to school together. I left the school yard. I just read what's written its entertaining at times. So by what you know of me I am an escort.. Lmao. Thanks , there are many very fine ladies out there , don't know how they do it , to put up with, won't use the word worms they are essential in soil and compost.


Feb 6, 2004
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Azzaro....popcorn and beertime�� no advice given . I don't know you, unless we went to school together. I left the school yard. I just read what's written its entertaining at times. So by what you know of me I am an escort.. Lmao. Thanks , there are many very fine ladies out there , don't know how they do it , to put up with, won't use the word worms they are essential in soil and compost.

"Fine Ladies"..what a must be from the 1920s-mentality. If you don't have any constructive criticism to each one of my posts-don't open your mouth..dude (from the 1920s are ya?)


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Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
An escort has the right to work at the price point which is acceptable to her, and a client has the option to pay what they are comfortable paying.


Thank you Tianna, could not have said it better. That's why old threads discussing "wrong" prices seem so silly to me. For that matter, so is arguing about a gender pay gap. What's the solution, having a 3rd party telling you what the price should be? Ideally in a free society it should always come down to a voluntary agreement between 2 parties, and nothing else.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
"Fine Ladies"..what a must be from the 1920s-mentality. If you don't have any constructive criticism to each one of my posts-don't open your mouth..dude (from the 1920s are ya?)

I think it's pronounced 'FOOOINE!!!"

Yes, there are many Dazzling Dames out there that are just Peachy :thumb:

Play nice boys :smile:


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Feminism has gone too far and guys are routinely abused for being men on this continent thanks to the FemNazis. If it's not one thing it's another. Mental abuse by bringing in religion and pay for sex at rates only guys with that extra retirement money can afford.

Speaking from a selfish standpoint, I do not agree with that. Before 2nd wave feminism, that extra money would most likely be used in supporting a dependent spouse, instead of going to a gaggle of escorts that I can improperly hump. You see, womankind just doesn't need me anymore, just ask Hanna Rosin. I'm free from that burden. So has feminism gone too far? I don't think so... if there is still one guy out there being used as an ATM or as an emotional tampon then feminism needs to go further to the point where he wakes his ass up.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
[This is where my "feminism" should come out loud and clear. No man should ever make a higher earning from the sale of services only providable by women than women.]

I could not find that quote to comment yesterday.

1. I'll guess "services only providable by woman" refers to services involving physical, sexual, intimacy.

2 Management of sex work business is today, was in the Montréal Red Light era and probably was always sometime done mostly by women. It's a bit more complicated if with talk exclusively about ownership, often mixed. There are many types of links between management and ownership. It's sometimes the same, sometimes different. When they are distinct, the managers may be paid in salary, some form of more complicated contract. Sometimes, the managers earn their money directly out of the transactions, the "owners" extracting a fixed rent form the immobilization (often the case with the madams in the Red Light era in Montreal). It's sometimes difficult to follow the money track.

3 If the owners invest a large sum of money, for example in building a multi million Euro Brothel in Germany, it is because you expect a return on your investment and a personal income remunerating the risk of the investment. It would be normal for the owner to get an annual income bigger than each of the 100 or 200 girls prividing services in that brothel.

4 Your comment, however, points out an ethical problem that the typical abolitionnist (the real on) policy provides an answer: illegal to live of the avails. It is not a good answer. The true good answer, IMHO, is that the owners/managers should NEVER be compensated on a fraction of the transaction, but by fixed rates. I do not not know it for real, but I think this is already the case in most settings: massage parlours here, brothels in Germany and Spain, traveling escorts agencies in Europe, many agencies here. Its's a fixed amount per transaction, no touching "extras", a fixed rate for the occupation of space in places like FKK and the terrible all included brothels in Germany, a fixed rate to occupy a room for a certain amount of time in most brothels and massage parlours. It's a fair system that does not preclude owners to make more money that all or some of the sex workers.

5 Most sex work businesses are pretty small. For the ones I know (all women), the owners make annual revenues comparable to sex work workers with whom they contract.

6 I guess it's useless to point out the very interesting works of Chris Brucker on the third parties. You have probably read them.
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