We'd need a whole new thread to discuss the Hakim approach (the Yahoo link). It shares somes thaugh with the famous Edlund-Korn Theory of prostitution and the amusing Economics of sex.
We'd need a whole new thread to discuss...
Seriously?Most escorts in Montreal make a lot more than girls in Europe (tax-free) and should be thankful to all the guys who give them the couple a hundred an hour, in Montreal.
Hard ro find anything good and good Independent SP rates are double and triple what guys in Montreal are willing to pay.
Reply to tiannas ==>
Montreal-Canada is the best city in North America for escorts. The reason is women like sex and money and maybe an economic factor behind it too (Montreal job market). But comparing USA to Canada in terms of escorts is not right. USA is an escort-desert and full of con-artists, alot more than here in Canada.
A lot of Canadian Independent escorts are spoiled rotten by the high-rollers from the USA that visit some of you and pay thousands for an hour or two. That is why a lot of you can "abuse" Canadian guys like me since you are making more than any woman can make working a regular job (tax-free). And yes, under "legal prostitution" all of you would be paying half to the government, like in Germany.
Azzaro, not sure if I should post here or on other thread you started. Flashing your credintals and being of Greco-roman decent, and aside from your international achivements. What you got free in the past, you have to pay for it now, maybe that where your abuse issue starts. On the menu we have champagne tastes and beer bottle money . With a right attitude and approach you can make that beer into a fine triple fermented beer.. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. Budget and pleasure��
Azzaro....popcorn and beertime�� no advice given . I don't know you, unless we went to school together. I left the school yard. I just read what's written its entertaining at times. So by what you know of me I am an escort.. Lmao. Thanks , there are many very fine ladies out there , don't know how they do it , to put up with, won't use the word worms they are essential in soil and compost.
An escort has the right to work at the price point which is acceptable to her, and a client has the option to pay what they are comfortable paying.
"Fine Ladies"..what a term..you must be from the 1920s-mentality. If you don't have any constructive criticism to each one of my posts-don't open your mouth..dude (from the 1920s are ya?)
Feminism has gone too far and guys are routinely abused for being men on this continent thanks to the FemNazis. If it's not one thing it's another. Mental abuse by bringing in religion and pay for sex at rates only guys with that extra retirement money can afford.
[This is where my "feminism" should come out loud and clear. No man should ever make a higher earning from the sale of services only providable by women than women.]