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Duplicate handles phenomenon - Your opinion please

How should the Mods deal with duplicate handles

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May 3, 2003
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agentleman27 said:
Bruce34, in your Yossarian posts you pretended to be Bob Crane and later on it was found you were not. If you're not Bob Crane you have seriously, but really seriously affected your credibility.

I agree, maybe the mods should start by removing your Yossarian thread ?



Are you saying that Bruce34 pulled the wool over peoples eyes and pretended to be Bob Crane reincarnated at Yossarian? I'm confused now.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It was Bruce34 that was impersonating Bob Crane? What about all those posters who allegedly corroborated that Yossarian was Crane? Were they complicit in this fraud?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Multiple Handle Paradox

To begin I will clearly state that I believe in the one member,one handle rule.
My work experience in bars more than a generation ago gave me a sense of the problem with fake ID`s from underage drinkers,underage girls trying to work as dancers,credit card scams etc and in todays cyberspace age anyone with a keyboard can assume as many personalities as they wish.Personally this is not something that I would like to get involved with on any level.

Will this thread has quickly evolved towards a consensus another thread was

This new thread places our debate in a different light.

Basically an agency owner introduced a new SP - Marie Claire.Within a few posts the members quickly identified Marie Claire as Mandy.Nobody seemed upset about the ruse and for a free post the agency obtained valuable publicity for their new SP that they could not have bought.It could in fact be argued that certain members enjoyed solving the puzzle.

I grant that the Marie Claire or any similarly re-named SP may not be a board
member and would not be subject to board rules BUT multiple handles are inherent to the industry - be it an SP changing names when she changes
agencies,a dancer changing names when she changes clubs,etc.

How should such a paradox be viewed? Can this paradox be resolved?
Granted we have the expertise to track that Mandy has become Marie Claire
and may be on the way to becoming (fill in the blank). However how much time and energy does this merit? Likewise we have the expertise - as the mods have demonstrated time and again to track that member WXYZ has morphed into XZYW into ad infinitum but isn`t this just as inherent to a board
based on an industry where identities are changed very often?

Perhaps fools shouldn`t be suffered but they should be enjoyed.


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Dec 15, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
It was Bruce34 that was impersonating Bob Crane? What about all those posters who allegedly corroborated that Yossarian was Crane? Were they complicit in this fraud?

I believe Bob Crane, if he ever existed, talked a lot before retiring!
Or...someone had access to the server to retrieve pm!!!!!
Haven't heard from Mods or FZ on this issue!!!
We were taken for a short ride....!!!!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
If it is true that Bruce34 impersonated Bob Crane then I feel that he should be banned. Especially since it seems that PM information was involved here. Seeing as how Oliver mentioned that he had chatted with Bob there seems to be something really screwy going on here. Some info would be really appreciated here. Mods???


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Jul 11, 2003
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Techman said:
If it is true that Bruce34 impersonated Bob Crane then I feel that he should be banned. Especially since it seems that PM information was involved here.

So the Crane impersonation was calculated to obtain information by PM that would not have otherwise been obtained? Very sneaky! Duplicitous! :mad:


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Dec 15, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
So the Crane impersonation was calculated to obtain information by PM that would not have otherwise been obtained? Very sneaky! Duplicitous! :mad:

In order to confirm his reincarnation, that person already had to know the content of pm exchanged at the time "Bob Crane" was active on this board!
Who was "Bob Crane"?
A current member of this board?

No one can refrain from talking fore ever!!!! day....
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Lawless said:
Who was "Bob Crane"?
A current member of this board?

It could be, but no current members write like Crane did. At one time Oliver Kloseoff was under suspicion of being Crane, but having met Oliver in person, I would say that is impossible. Oliver kind of talks like he writes, and I can't see the person I know as Oliver writing the posts that were made by Crane.

None of the MERB senior members immediately leap to mind as suspects. All have very different writing styles than Crane did.

My conclusion is that Crane has likely been gone since he said he was gone. The impersonation of Crane that occurred in the other thread, I will leave to the Mods to deal with. It seems as though many people were fooled. I never posted in that thread as I knew it was BS from its inception. The claim that Yossarian could not use the Crane handle made no sense at all! Furthermore, nobody bothered to check the Montreal Massage Board where he would almost have certainly started posting before coming back to MERB. There were no posts by BC, or Yossarian, on montreal Yet it was bought hook, line and sinker by the ignorant masses. You guys are so easily fooled, it is a good thing your money was not involved!
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A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Does the lack of sex makes us humourless?

Does the lack of sex makes us humourless? Or doubtful? One thing for sure, sex is, in theory, available in heaven.
I am away for the week-end, and back on MERB with a PM from Mod 2 asking me if I was/am Yossarian. I was only making a joke people? I guess we would have to add a Sticky to this board that no jokes about impersonating legends are allowed.
For those who have not met Bob in person, I would have to rely on SP/MP on this one and let them collaborate that Bob and I, Bruce 34, have to distinct penis head*. I have an uncircumcised penis. I never have seen Bob’s. Mine is darker. I recently shaved because I visit swing clubs and there is an illicit rule that shaving is cleaner in that environment, besides who wants to find pubic hair right and left. I like mine massaged near the head area. I also like soft touches near the balls area. (Okay, I better stop, this sounds like a self-review).
On writing style, I don’t do as much research as Bob. We both write full sentences but I don’t like to give a scale, I don’t do a repeat pass-fail test and don’t sign with "Bob" the real one "Crane".
So have a release on me, since it’s free, efficient, and effortless and smile a little. I would have paid you guys a free session with the girls but am on a tight budget myself.

So Eve, naughtlylady and Maylee can help me out here…

*Since we can agree that penis head does not constitute a violation of privacy, let’s elaborate these distinctive physical trait.

EagerBeaver said:
It was Bruce34 that was impersonating Bob Crane? What about all those posters who allegedly corroborated that Yossarian was Crane? Were they complicit in this fraud?

Bruce34 "the I-am-not-Bob-Crane" reviewer


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bruce34 said:
Bob and I, Bruce 34, have to distinct penis head*. I have an uncircumcised penis. I never have seen Bob’s. Mine is darker. I recently shaved because I visit swing clubs and there is an illicit rule that shaving is cleaner in that environment, besides who wants to find pubic hair right and left. I like mine massaged near the head area. I also like soft touches near the balls area. (Okay, I better stop, this sounds like a self-review).

Uh, Bruce, this is a little bit too much information.......... :eek:

Seriously, in light of the duplicate handle problem that is occurring on this Board, your "joke" about posting as Yossarian was in poor taste and judgment to say the least. How do you expect anyone to find that funny when this is a thread devoted to stopping what has become a serious problem? Do you think it is okay for everyone to post nonsense under multiple handles, or would you prefer a Board where posters post legitimate reviews and accurate information?


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
EagerBeaver said:
How do you expect anyone to find that funny when this is a thread devoted to stopping what has become a serious problem?
I agree it is a serious problem. Much like the other voters here I did vote for a ban in 24 hours.
EagerBeaver said:
Do you think it is okay for everyone to post nonsense under multiple handles, or would you prefer a Board where posters post legitimate reviews and accurate information?
Or course it's not ok to post non-sense and I was one member who exposed a few shillers out and I am totally against having multiple handles.

I guess there is a no "cross-zone" when it comes to make any reference to Bob. Oliver was accused, so I guess I am now too. Sorry if it is the case and I will make no more jokes on Bob. Sorry.
Also, a footnote, I was the one who exposed the first appearance of username "Bob Crane" months ago. It turns out that that one was a fake - he/she created a handle but never posted.
In this case, I assume MODs did their investigative again and determined that it's a hoax?


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.

I want to change my vote to #3. I initially voted for #1, but there is no reason to give this thing a chance. Just nip it in the bud the minute you see it.

If there is a legitimate excuse the mods should have known about it before.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I would just like to concur with Maylee in saying that I have met both Bob Crane and Bruce34 and they are indeed 2 different people.



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Dec 15, 2003
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With due respect, that's not the point!!!!
I cann't care much if Bob and Bruce 34 are two different persons!!!!
I fully agree with Oliver and Robin.
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Mod 2

Final Results

Given the comments some of you made in the thread, the following figures reflect the reality:

EagerBeaver (vote moved from #1 to #3)
Magda (vote moved from #1 to #3)

1) Warn in private, give them 24 hrs and ban both handles if they don`t reply. Result: 31 (45.59%)
2) Post about them in a thread, without warning, and ban the second handle right away... Result: 9 (13.24%)
3) Same as above but also make a note on the 2nd handle`s posts saying who the poster is. Result: 24 (35.29%)
4) Leave them alone, unless they abuse guidelines Result: 4 (5.89%)

Based on this poll, we will continue with our current procedure (#1), but since option #2 and #3 together got the highest votes (33), we will also ban the 2nd handle right away and post in the duplicate posters / shills thread when appropriate.

I STRONGLY suggest whoever has been using two or more handles to notify me ASAP, if you don`t want to face the shame of being uncovered as a dupe (pun intended). I have been holding my breath until the closing date of that poll, and many members have taken advantage... Vacation time is over :rolleyes:

Thank you all for your comments.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Interpreting Data.

Based on the figures posted by Spiderman05 in the following thread:

and the posted poll data:

68 members out of app 7600-7700 voted in this poll or less than 1%.

On the other hand app 6500 members have 10 or fewer posts = app 4000 have zero posts while app 2500 have between 1 and 10 posts.Taking 10 as the arbitrary cut-off point for a newbie we still have raw data that shows that over 90% of mature posters did not care about the issue.

Perhaps the community would be better served if efforts were made to encourage members to post,especially new members.

Mod 2

eastender said:
68 members out of app 7600-7700 voted in this poll or less than 1%.
Correction: 68 members out of exactly 1733 members who logged on to MERB between October 20th and Nov 4th (the duration of this poll). Not much higher participation rate, but 3.9% is still better than 1%. ;)

eastender said:
Taking 10 as the arbitrary cut-off point for a newbie we still have raw data that shows that over 90% of mature posters did not care about the issue.
Correction: 90% of mature posters did not care to vote about this issue. It doesn't mean they don't care about the issue itself.

I agree, we definitely don't have quorum, but hey! We have to start somewhere. :cool:

eastender said:
Perhaps the community would be better served if efforts were made to encourage members to post, especially new members.
Any suggestion?



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Mod 2 said:
Correction: 68 members out of exactly 1733 members who logged on to MERB between October 20th and Nov 4th (the duration of this poll). Not much higher participation rate, but 3.9% is still better than 1%. ;)

Correction: 90% of mature posters did not care to vote about this issue. It doesn't mean they don't care about the issue itself.

I agree, we definitely don't have quorum, but hey! We have to start somewhere. :cool:

Any suggestion?


Before suggestions may be offered and validated the community would have to agree what data would be used and what the objectives would be.
Example 1733 logged on during the polling period out of app 7600 - 7700 so somewhere between 5800 and 6000 had no interest in MERB during this period otherwise they would have logged on.Are we targeting those that logged on,those that did not,both groups,fresh members?
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