1. ) Do you really care if a nice guy runs our country as long as it is run well, We did excellent during the recession. I do not want him to ne my friend..
It depends on your point of view whether or not Canada did well or not during the recession, never the less, how we did had nothing to do with Harper (though he likes to take credit for it). If anything, it had more to do with Paul Martin being finance minister under Chretien than it it ever did with Harper
2. He just started a great free trade deal with Europe that will stop the dairy gouging in Canada..
WTF does that have to do with Harper acting like a fool in Europe and trying to restart the cold war. Even the Germans want him to dial it back and the Americans are less hawkish than Harper.
An excellent article in the Globe and Mail about how Harper is looking more and more like a fool, and I agree. He's an idiot.
3. I would like to see proof on that. .
You need to read a bit more. Harper has gutted the scientific community in Canada for purely political reasons - mainly that they prove over and over that his policies are the stuff that disaster is made of. All you need to do is google "Harper's War on Science" for all the proof you want. HERE is
an excellent source about just the kind of damage that Harper is doing to the core of our scientific community.
the union which represents federal scientists and other professionals employed by federal government departments – 5,332 of their members have already either been fired from their jobs or transferred to other duties. That number includes 139 scientists/professionals at Environment Canada (cut by $253.8 million since 2011) and 436 scientists/professionals at Fisheries & Oceans (already cut by $79.3 million, with $100 million more in cuts slated to come). Thousands of unionized support staff have also been cut from these and other departments. - See more at: https://www.policyalternatives.ca/p...-governments-war-science#sthash.RHLIjjD6.dpuf
It goes to point number 3 above. Harper is waging war on reality and the
census long form provides a scientific reality that Harper can't fight. So his solution is to simply get rid of facts.
5. The pipeline will bring billions into Canada ( Transfer payments are needed out east ).
Doubtful. All it will do is bring money to Alberta and Alberta is all that Harper cares about. The only people that care about idiotic pipelines are Albertans. Harper is singlehandedly turning Canada into a 1 dimensional economy - natural resources. It was easy to do up until now. Natural Resources were in demand, so Harper really could not go wrong. Well, the commodity bust is here folks and we've put all our eggs in one basket and now we're going to pay the price. As far as Transfer Payments go, the reason the eastern provinces need transfer payments is Stephen Harper and his fixation on support to Alberta at the expense of the rest of the country.
Not only that, but the oil sands are an environmental catastrophie on a scale never seen before on the entire planet.
The Tar Sands accounts for about 1.6 percent of Canadian GDP. Outside of Alberta, the impact is next to nothing. This is a statistical fact.
Harper has devoted 95% of his government's energy on one small business unit in the country at the expense of everything else.
Anyone with any brains cares about democracy.
8. That black goo develops more money in 1 year than any other province brings in 10 years. See #5 about transfer payments. It is also used to give funds for research & development which you care about..
Uh no.
1.6 percent of GDP for the black goo.
9. If another country wants to buy a business here and keep the cash flow in what is the issue. The company would either fold or be bought out by the Americans, both are foreign..
That's not the point, the point is that Harper goes out of his way to prevent foreign takeovers of
Western companies like Potash, but does nothing to prevent foreign takeovers of eastern companies.
10. Western Canada pays a lot of bills, he is not taxing the hell out of the east to pay for needed capital which the liberals would do and have done in the past. ( N.E.B. many years ago, really fucked us ).
Really? Actually, it was the "National Energy Program (NEP)" and what it did was create this thingie called Petro Canada. Maybe you've heard of it. (Mind you, they recently merged with Suncor), but Petro Canada established a Canadian foothold in the Petro Chemical Industry in Canada that did not exist prior to that. (Up until that point, all decisions regarding oil production in Alberta were made in the United States or Europe.)
And ironically,
Alberta is currently discounting its crude oil on the world market by about $20.00 a barrel in order to sell the stuff. Ironic because that is a far greater discount than under the then National Energy Policy which simply marketed crude oil to Canadians at 90% of the world price. Alberta was free to sell its oil at the world price to any one else.
11. Quit watching David Suzuki, there is no fresh water problem in Canada..
12. I and most do not care, Canada is doing well and far better than if any other political party was to run. Liberals would fuck you over so fast and the NDP would tax the hell out of you with all the " free " stuff..
Seems like there are lots of things you don't care about. From transparency, to ethics, to democracy, to equality, to science, to the environment. You don't seem to care about too much.
Well, here's something you need to take note of. Lots of other people do care and we've had enough of Harper. Never mind the Senate Scandals, the ethics scandals by his MPs, or the long gun registry, or the callousness. People all over the country are sick of Harper and what he's done to Canada.
Next election, he's done.
The worst Prime Minister in the history of Canada.