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Emotional finale


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
Not want to get into any details, but has the SP or MP you were with cried after she came. Stupid me I asked her if I hurt her which wasn't the case. She was overcome emotionally and bear hugged me
I didn't say a word. Should I have said something? How would you guys have reacted or handled the situation?


Jun 13, 2012
The crying satisfied woman

Not want to get into any details, but has the SP or MP you were with cried after she came. Stupid me I asked her if I hurt her which wasn't the case. She was overcome emotionally and bear hugged me
I didn't say a word. Should I have said something? How would you guys have reacted or handled the situation?

There are things we men will never understand:rolleyes: Be happy that you successfully made her come and probably quite a bit!!

I had a girl friend for two years whom every time that we had a good sex session( and it was almost daily) she would be very noisy and at the end with her big O she would cry and hug me like there was no end. But always refused to talk about it and tell me why...

But I was a happy man". Unfortunately I had to let her go::eyebrows:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
There was an sp who once started to cry and i didn't know why. She then told me that she was crying because i hadn't had an orgasm. I couldn't believe what i was hearing and told her not to feel badly about it since half the time when i met someone for the first time it didn't happen. The next day or so, i saw her again and we both had a tremendous orgasm. Tremendous. She was crying again, but for different reasons. I swear it happened exactly as i'm telling it. I'll never forget her because of these two 'incidents'.

Thor Jr

Late Night Stud Muffin
Jul 24, 2008
In my years that i have been fortunate enough to share with the ladies of this world, i have learned that when a woman sheds tears, seems distant, or is silent, all you have to do is show concern, make sure she knows you care and dont ask questions, actions speak for themselves, just hold them close and for long periods of time and eventually it all comes out, it may take a few minutes or hours, be patient, in their own sweet time and if they really want you to know, they will tell you.

On one incident a long time ago, an ex of mine had a puss on for a long time and was silent and gave me the evil eye every chance she had, well i kept asking whats wrong, with no response and for hours this went on, finally i gave up and shut up, and an hour or so later it all came flowing out, so from experience, i learned to not say a word and let my actions speak for themselves.

Thor Jr

Lily from Montreal

Orgasm from squirting makes me unless I am very comfortable with my date I won't let me go that way,do not want to create a awkward moment...
But if it happen ,pat yourself on the back,you did good lol


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I found that more than a few girls cry after a strong orgasm....its a natural release of emotion after a strong physical release.
I sometimes laugh after a great multiple orgasm.
I find that the best sex comes after a girl has had a good cry.


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
Well I saw her again yesterday. As soon as she saw me we hugged which seemed to last forever. Not a word was said. I did exactly as you wrote Thor as I didn't bring up the matter. However, before we started she told me that it is rare for her to cry after her orgasm only when she feels connected with the person. There is such a strong connection with her. Could be dangerous lol.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The last time i saw an sp cry, she was telling me about some psycho ex-bf of hers who was stalking her and making her life a living hell. I started to wonder if it wasn't making her go a little crazy herself, which would be quite understandable if everything she was telling me was true.


New Member
Nov 7, 2014
Not want to get into any details, but has the SP or MP you were with cried after she came. Stupid me I asked her if I hurt her which wasn't the case. She was overcome emotionally and bear hugged me
I didn't say a word. Should I have said something? How would you guys have reacted or handled the situation?

Was she à débutante ?


Thor Jr

Late Night Stud Muffin
Jul 24, 2008
I sometimes laugh after a great multiple orgasm.

I have to eat after an evening of orgasm, depending where i am, ill either raid the fridge or order room service, if of course i havent planned ahead and have food on the ready.

Thor Jr
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