Montreal Escorts

enough with the office de francaise


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Kepler said:
Well MERB is outside their jurisdiction. But the escort agencies ARE in their jurisdiction. I notice that many agency websites are in English only. A clear violation of the law.

I would love to see the newspaper headlines generated by an OLF crackdown on them!


Very interesting point. The Devilish and Eleganza websites are both in English. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that the owners, Chris and John, are both native Anglophones? In any event I am interested in knowing about the particular law the requires them to have their websites in both languages. I did not know that there is a provision applicable to web-based businesses.

What if you are a Montreal based Internet-only web business and all your customers are in the USA? Would you still be required by this law to have your website in both languages?


Oct 11, 2005
Roland said:
We want Hollywood FL as part of the settlement..we own most of it anyway.:p
...and Lake George,Old Orchard Beach, of Miami,Clearwater,St.Pete....
O.K. just make sure you bring the babes.:cool:
Apr 16, 2005
Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi !!!!!!

beautydigger said:
No, I mean the babes that chase the polar bears out of the streets.:p
Naw we need them to help circle the wagons. They're pretty good beatin' them redskins off too. Show ya the arrow holes in my hat for a quarter.:p


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
beautydigger said:
With Kosovo declaring its’ independence recently, this would be a good time for the Quebec separatists to do the same. I am sure the UN will support it. Please, don’t burn our embassy!

Kosovo held a referendum, in which 87% of people voted, and
over 99% of the voters approved sovereignty.

The problem is that in Quebec, with a clear question, the separatists would never even get over 40% of the vote.



Virgin User
May 17, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
In any event I am interested in knowing about the particular law the requires them to have their websites in both languages.

The law and the bureaucrats who enforce it answer thus:

You are not required to have both languages. You are required to have French.

EagerBeaver said:
What if you are a Montreal based Internet-only web business and all your customers are in the USA?

The fact that the owners are english, or that the business is registered offshore has zero relevance to this law.

General info guides:
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Equanimity said:
I think many agency websites could be registered offshore in which case the law may not apply. I recall Emma once telling me that the FKS website was registered offshore in an attempt to get around some wrinkle in the Canadian prostitution laws. Whether this is true I don't know.

Of course if the basic business is illegal ( for the agency owners )breaking the language laws is the least of their problems.


Keep in mind that FKS has had ladies touring in Canada for some years, and the touring ladies are basically offering an incall, if I am not mistaken. So the "wrinkle" may have been potential conflict with the "bawdy house" law to the extent incall rather than outcall services are being offered. I am speculating on this based on what I know about the Canadian law.

Devilish and Eleganza, on the other hand, are pure outcall agencies. As I understand the law, a pure outcall agency is 100% legal in Montreal. If I am mistaken about that, please call my attention to any federal or provincial law in Canada which states otherwise.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Kepler said:
The law and the bureaucrats who enforce it answer thus:

You are not required to have both languages. You are required to have French.

The fact that the owners are english, or that the business is registered offshore has zero relevance to this law.


Thanks for the reference. I do hope that Devilish and Eleganza don't have their balls busted on this. They may be legal on the outcall side but illegal on the language law side. But that's assuming that they have a mailing address in Quebec which I don't know to be the case.

BTW MERB's mailing address is in Toronto so this law would not apply to Fred Zed and his company. MERB is exempt.
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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
Devilish and Eleganza, on the other hand, are pure outcall agencies. As I understand the law, a pure outcall agency is 100% legal in Montreal.

The girls and clients seem safe. But not the owners:

Criminal code:

"212. (1) Every one who ... (j) lives wholly or in part on the avails of prostitution of another person, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years."

If the girls are under 18, the penalty is a minimum of 2 years, and the max goes up to 14 years. Use coercion, and the minimum goes up to 5 years.

And of course: "212. (3) Evidence that a person lives with or is habitually in the company of a prostitute or lives in a common bawdy-house is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof that the person lives on the avails of prostitution, ..."


Feb 9, 2006
EagerBeaver said:

Very interesting point. The Devilish and Eleganza websites are both in English. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that the owners, Chris and John, are both native Anglophones? In any event I am interested in knowing about the particular law the requires them to have their websites in both languages. I did not know that there is a provision applicable to web-based businesses.

What if you are a Montreal based Internet-only web business and all your customers are in the USA? Would you still be required by this law to have your website in both languages?

This is Buisness , the tourist that come evreywere speak english that why there website is english.. even if you in russian escort service are in english..


Feb 9, 2006
johnhenrygalt said:
Outcall is legal for the girls and the clients. The owners likely run afoul of the "living off the avails of prostitution" provisions of the criminal code. Offshore registrations may be an attempt to throw up a cloak of obfuscation as to who really owns (and therefore possibly lives off the avails of) the agency.

I was listening a t.v. show last year call "Les Francs Tireurs" and they talk about dope dealers or any illicite "activati" and the income you make or how make it they don't care,, they only thing want is there share ... so a dope dealer can put on is income deducs is trip to columbia or is phone call bill... but if you declare 100000 they want 40% of it .... so go figure how to declare that you have agency of lady industry !!!!!!!!!!
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Sep 19, 2005
Castor said:
repeated over and over (see Spiderman 15's comments earlier in the thread), which is indicative of some people starting to say to themselves: "what Techman is saying is why isn't anyone agreeing with him?"
OK, since you are making a reference to my cousin Spiderman15, I am going to comment in bulk on some of your posts here, then I will also stop posting in this thread as this is becoming a waste of time and whatever members told you or will tell you is just going to fall in deaf ears.

I have never saw so many logic fallacies grouped in a single thread and posted by a single member. You outdid yourself here. We obviously use different logics. Yours, the lawyers and politicians logic. Mine which is the mathematicians and computer scientists logic. So, here we go:

You have been dishonest and deceiving in this debate. Your sole goal was to win your case whatever it takes, not surprising for a lawyer. Also, the more you post here the more you make a fool of yourself.
  1. Here is one of your best statements: automatic English to French translation is not top notch. Mazingerz can write in English. Therefore, Mazingers has to post in English (Thank you for the big lough). I have a question though. Is this argument symmetric? I mean, French to English automatic translation is not top notch either. Techman (Roland, Lion Heart...) can write in French. Therefore, Techman has to post in French.
  2. Techman agrees with me. Therefore Techman is smart and everybody else is a fool. I like reading Techman's posts. Though, I know that he gets so excited over 2 topics French and Microsoft. Like yourself, he will do whatever it takes to win the case even if the price is slipping into absurdities. I stopped reading and replying to his posts on these topics because it is simply wasted time. Castor, your statement reminded me of this joke. A politician once said "There are 2 types of electors: those who vote for me and those who know nothing about politics".
  3. Some of your arguments are based on wrong assumptions. Any person who studied logic 101 will tell you that when you start from wrong assumptions, you can derive any statement you want through rigorous reasoning. The resoning is rigorous, though the starting point is absurd. An example of this type of reasoning follows.
  4. You state that the English of some SP is at the same level than that of Mazingerz. This SP chose to write her thoughts in English, then Mazingerz should also write in English. Your starting point is wrong, Mazingerz's broken English is by no means at the same level as the English of the aforementioned SP.
  5. The concept of English-only and French-only threads just does not make sense. Should a thread be labeled English-only when the thread starter chose English to write his post. Your attitude is taking us decades backwards. Since we are at it, why don't you ask MERB admins to start a private section for the elites like yourself where only White people will be allowed to post about HDH SPs and in English please!
  6. Replying to an English post (that is explicitly quoting that post) in French might be perceived as impolite or even useless. Having a rule to enforce replying to posts in the same language is hardly implementable: how do you know if the member who posted the question does not read French? Also, you must know by now that threads do not belong to their thread starters, anybody remember stoneeca? He was the starter of this thread, though the thread turned to something that has nothing to do with the original topic. Almost all threads end up this way. Why do you want all posters in a given thread to use the language of the thread starter? Even Q/A threads mutate and end up dealing with issues that are different from the original question.
  7. Members should post in English for their post to get a higher reach. First, I post mostly in English by habit. I do not give a violin's fart about the reach that my posts will have...I am not an evangelist or a politician. That being said, if we stick to the posts'reach argument, probably members should switch to posting in French . I can see from this thread that most members can read both English and French. Some strippers I talked to also mentioned that they can read English, but they feel intimidated to write in English. I think that unilingual francophones + bilinguals outnumber unilingual anglophones on MERB. A few years ago, we were able to see the visitors of MERB by country on the stats' page. Visitors were split this way: 75-80% from Canada, 20% from the states and less than 5% from other countries. That was when the US dollar was still strong. Of course, Canadian visitors do not necessarily come from Quebec and and are not necessarily bilingual, though I tend to believe so. So, saying that English should be used to insure a wider reach is just being delusional.
  8. You resort to name calling to win your case and even hijacking another thread. A sign of somebody who does not have any other logical arguments to make his point.
  9. Your only supporters are 3 imaginary yet intelligent members who are afraid to post their opinions here. Are they fearing for their lives or something? Try to use such argument in a court room: Your honor, I have 3 witnesses who can prove that my client is innoncent. Though, they are afraid/shy to come here, so please take my word for it and release my client right away.
Finally, if I were you then I will drop this Mazingerz obsession and move to more productive posts. As Al Pacino said to Reeves in the devil's advocate movie: "You cannont win them all".

PS. I am not defending French or English here. I am pretty sure that if a member posts in English in the Quebec city section, then a "Castor ben de chez nous" will ultimately step out and start whining about it. I do not adhere to the nationalists's ideas at all. I am just defending diversity and freedom.

Yeah, I also prefer to read a well-written post in either language, rather than a post written in a broken language.
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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
mazingerz said:
comme tout Américain qui se respecte, tu es arrogeant, tu te crois le maître du monde, tu veux dicter tes règles et tu ne supportes pas qu'on ne t'obéhisse pas.

Parler ainsi des femmes, ou d'un groupe ethnique ou religieux serait appelé sexisme ou racisme.

J'ai hâte de voir ce que diront ceux qui haïssent les USA une fois que la Chine deviendra la super-puissance mondiale.

mazingerz said:

Les versions anglaise et française des lois québécoises ont la même valeur juridique. Tous les québécois ont droit à des services en anglais, à des procès et à l'aide juridique en anglais. Des écoles publiques anglaises sont financées par l'état.

S'il n'est pas officiellement admis que le Québec est bilingue, la réalité en est tout autre.

mazingerz said:
L'anglais n'est même pas une langue officielle au Québec et n'est même pas parlée à 20%.

"Au Québec ... En 2001, deux personnes sur cinq (40,8 %) ont déclaré être bilingues..." Ce taux est en forte croissance.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Basic Point and Beaver Nazis

Looks like we can add Beaver Nazi to the lexicon along with Soup Nazi, Language Nazi, etc.

EB tends to draw re-actions regardless - he managed to turn smoked meat into a debate. This draws out the Beaver Nazis who disagree with him in a reflex re-action.

Conversely the debate about posting in french in response to an english thread or vice versa has merit.

The basic point is that by doing so the poster who switches languages takes away from the topic of the thread and turns the discussion into a language issue.A disingeneous way of deflecting or killing debate.


Feb 24, 2005
I'll write it in english to make sure everyone understand: I think everyone here agree that:

1-) most of people in Quebec are french
2-) official language in Quebec is french
3-) everyone are free to say whatever they want here in Quebec (aslong its not a personnal attack etc...) (liberté d'expression)

So please.... if you cant offer* to french people what you're asking (french people reply in english into a thread started in english). dont ask opposite....! It's pretty much simple!

*If you cant reply in french into a thread started in french

Bon j'espère que la gang de 'you know' vont mieux comprendre et l'accepter de meme :)
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Feb 9, 2006
wilko26 said:
I'll write it in english to make sure everyone understand: I think everyone here agree that:

1-) most of people in Quebec are french
2-) official language in Quebec is french
3-) everyone are free to say whatever they want here in Quebec (aslong its not a personnal attack etc...) (liberté d'expression)

So please.... if you cant offer* to french people what you're asking (french people reply in english into a thread started in english). dont ask opposite....! It's pretty much simple!

*If you cant reply in french into a thread started in french

Bon j'espère que la gang de 'you know' vont mieux comprendre et l'accepter de meme :)

Cette année je vote pour ce thread !!! Bien DIT !!!:D


Nov 12, 2007
wilko26 said:
I'll write it in english to make sure everyone understand: I think everyone here agree that:

1-) most of people in Quebec are french
2-) official language in Quebec is french
3-) everyone are free to say whatever they want here in Quebec (aslong its not a personnal attack etc...) (liberté d'expression)

So please.... if you cant offer* to french people what you're asking (french people reply in english into a thread started in english). dont ask opposite....! It's pretty much simple!

*If you cant reply in french into a thread started in french

Bon j'espère que la gang de 'you know' vont mieux comprendre et l'accepter de meme :)

I don't care if the board is in Quebec, Ontario or Albania, to reply to a thread in a different language then it was posted in is a slap in the face to the person you are replying to. Might as well tell that person to such your balls and fuck his mother. If you can read say, Homeric Greek or Elvish well enough to understand a post in Homeric Greek or Elvish, you should reply to it in Homeric Greek or Elvish and not Sanskrit or Kingon. Even if you have to use an on line translator to do it. If you know the language a bit, take a chance to improve on it some more. Basic politeness as far as I am concerned.

I wonder if this habit of replying to posts in any language you want regardless of the language the person you are communicating with initiated in, is some sort of universal thing, or a result of language politics in Quebec.


Feb 24, 2005
wasisname said:
I wonder if this habit of replying to posts in any language you want regardless of the language the person you are communicating with initiated in, is some sort of universal thing, or a result of language politics in Quebec.

I think you didnt understood my post.... dont ask what you cant offer... point!

And to answer your question: Yeah its an habit from immigrant who work in public to answer clients in english even if clients ask a questions in french!

Ant the last part of my answer is: I dont think that cause your the first guy posting about girl A from agency Z every french customer MUST post is PERSONNAL experience in english just because the first guy her that bang her here was an english customers!

Thanx for understanding my dear 'you know'....
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
J'ai one idée, we pourrait all écrire like ceci. Ca might p'tet avoid les disputes. Hey! "disputes" fonctionne in les two langues. :D
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