Montreal Escorts

Ever been robbed by an SP?


New Member
Feb 24, 2006
Recently at Cleos... I had just withdrawn $200 from the atm machine... A stripper came to my table and asked me if I was up for some dances. I said "sure" and we headed to a booth. When we got to the booth I emptied my pockets and placed my wallet on the little stand that's in there (so the grinding can be more comfortable for her). At a certain point during the session, she kinda tried to smoosh her breasts up against my face, in a very awkward way. That's when, I believe she reached behind me and slipped the money out of my wallet; as she excused herself right after that, saying she has to go to the bathroom for a moment. Looking back I'm pretty sure this was an excuse for her to be able to go somewhere private in order to discreetly put the stolen money in her purse. When she came back, we continued on for many more dances and not once did she try to repeat on me her awkward breast to face smooshing move. When it was time to pay her, that's when I noticed my money was missing. Chose not to make a scene, just went to the atm and made another withdraw so I can pay her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
There's a new movie with Jennifer Lopez out called "Hustlers". This is based on the true life story of some strippers of the infamous NY strip club Scores. These girls took female empowerment to the ultimate by working in groups first in the club to ease thousands of dollars out of distracted clients and then tens of thousands of dollars from clients outside the club. The long article below gives a good recap of what happened. A couple of quotes from the article concerning the girls' reasoning:

The men were mostly assholes. Even when they didn’t start out that way, they’d get drunk and say things like, “Did your father abuse you? Is that why you do this?,” which was unnerving even when it wasn’t true. The majority were married, though that didn’t stop them from asking for things like blow jobs or sex or to be penetrated with a Champagne bottle, a request that they were shocked came from a clean-cut family man.

“It fucked me up in the head a little,” she said of the window her job gave her into the male psyche. “The girls develop a terrible contempt,” one former Scores manager told me. “They stop believing men are real. They think: They are there for me to manipulate and take money from.”

And when it came to that, they all preferred the assholes. There’s something extra-satisfying about persuading a man who thinks you’re trash to spend his time and money on you. Preferably so much that in the end, they hate themselves. It’s like, Who doesn’t have any self-respect now, motherfucker?

At least they were worthy opponents. Not like the sad-sack losers who came in just to talk. “Like,” Rosie said, “I want you to look at me like I’m not one of those scumbag perverts.” Those guys had their uses, since you could string them along forever and extract payments for “rent” or “school.” But their weakness was pathetic. “I had so many damsel-in-distress stories,” Rosie said with a sigh. “Don’t tell me you love me. That means I know I can milk you for everything, and then some.”

I still want to believe Montreal is not like this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Meta, i thought about making it a thread by itself, but I know the Mods like similar themed threads to be consolidated to save space. I think alot of the forum readers would fine the article interesting, so I hope it doesn't get buried on this thread. I seem to recall there was a thread once which posed the question - Do you think SPs view their clients as losers? Here you have one opinion.

And their scheme may have continued working if they didn't get too greedy. Married guys cheated out of a few thousand dollars might not press charges to avoid publicity and their wives/families finding out. But when they are cheated out of $100,000 - that's a big time loss. And I remember when the doctor pressed charges, he said that his wife already knew he cheated on her and she didn't care, as long as he gave her money for her bling.

I personally do not see any similarity with Montreal. I think there is a much friendlier vibe with the Montreal scene. Of course I could be fooling myself and the friendly Montreal SPs may just view me as a "pathetic sad-sack loser" who they can milk dry. LOL. ( But no I really don't believe this.)


New Member
Nov 24, 2010
I have been milked for extras where some ladies will pad the price for any little thing. Ladies that do this do not seem to last long as clients that have this bad experience never return. Some may even do retribution by calling for appointments that they do not show up for. * wink * wink. I have never been robbed as in give me your money or I will do you harm.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
I was robbed twice, I take that usually well, it happens. I know it's part of the game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Years ago, I had an SP freelancer in Chicago I picked up on the street. This was back in the day when I would consider such a thing. Anyway, it was a shitty experience to begin with and after she really wanted me to take take a shower. I believe that this was so she could rob me. No thank you! Long story but this was another run out of the apartment and down the stairs get away and the last time!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Meta , thanks for the link to the film clips for "Hustlers". It looks terrible. It says "Inspired by a true story" which means they can throw the facts and truth out the window to give Jennifer Lopez a star turn that the #MeToo Oscars will love. Every review will use the phrase female empowerment.

Justin Chang, writing for the Los Angeles Times, called the film "brassy and invigorating" and wrote "...Scafaria's clear-eyed grasp of that distinction that makes Hustlers more than just a girls-gone-wild cautionary tale, a peekaboo parade or a hypocritical amalgam of the two. The movie's empathy for its leads and its wholly justified rage against the architects of financial collapse is held in check by the knowledge that every hustle has its collateral damage."

The true story is way more interesting.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
C'est déjà arrivé avec une régulière que j'avais vu une douzaine de fois. On avait même déjà eu un dinner date, la seule avec qui j'ai tenté l'expérience.

On s'entendait super bien, on échangeait plein de choses sur nos vies comme le font 2 amis. Mais malheureusement, elle avait des problèmes de bipolarité et quand elle était sur un down, elle était capable du pire.

On s'était donné rendez-vous comme on le faisait d'habitude près de chez elle. Mais elle m'avait demandé l'argent d'avance pour le vétérinaire et on devait passer là avant d'aller au motel. Sauf qu'après avoir passé chez le vétérinaire, elle revient me dire qu'elle n'est plus capable de rencontrer des clients.

J'étais fâché mais aussi très déçu car on avait développe une complicité difficile à avoir. Et, on ne s'est jamais reparlé depuis.

Elle était supposé me le dire quand elle lacherait ce métier. Je ne pensais pas que ce serait de cette manière


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I once paid 90 minutes and she only had 2 condoms. I feel robbed of my 3rd sog

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^^ Blow job.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
i'd say yes. i saw a agency girl outside of her agency. it wasn't the first meeting w/ her like this. i had a fifty in my bedroom laying on the nightstand. it was gone.

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
i'd say yes. i saw a agency girl outside of her agency. it wasn't the first meeting w/ her like this. i had a fifty in my bedroom laying on the nightstand. it was gone.


$50, left out, on the nightstand.....where is the “Trust”?
Was this at Home?
Could the $50 have fallen behind the nightstand?
Did you ask the Girl about it?
Have you seen the Girl since?

Dam, $50, stolen.....come On! :flame:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Hell no. On the flip side I wouldn’t tempt a girl by leaving it out. All my cash is secured when I have a girl over. I have her fee out and that’s it. The rest of the money is in the safe or at least out of sight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I only do incall and the escorts I see are usually ones I have seen before.
I usually have $100-$200 dollars in my wallet besides having the donation in an envelope, never know when you might decide to stay an extra 30 minutes or so.
I have never had any issues.

These women are escorts not thieves.
They are all Merb advertisers, I doubt any would jeopardize their reputation for half of what they make in one session, that is just plain stupid.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012

$50, left out, on the nightstand.....where is the “Trust”?
Was this at Home?
Could the $50 have fallen behind the nightstand?
Did you ask the Girl about it?
Have you seen the Girl since?

Dam, $50, stolen.....come On! :flame:

yes i looked behind the nightstand afterwards as well. yes i left it out i thought i could trust her it wasnt the first time i had seen her etc. I had left things out with other several girls (but all on agency time except this one)

no it was about a year ago and i never confronted her of it since. She'd deny it anyway. I'd have confronted her if I noticed it while she was still present but I had not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
So it seems the new movie "Hustlers" about strippers drugging and stealing from their clients has been a real inspiration to young women.

Why women are flocking to Queens to become strippers - The article says that the club used in the movie has seen applications to become strippers double since the movie came out.
"Dancers love the movie because it “shed a positive light” on their profession." Lol. Since when is drugging and stealing from people a" positive light". #MeToo - The men deserved it.

Sexy Judy

Supporting Member
Jan 11, 2015
I was robbed 3 times by clients in my 10 years business , im blessed . But i believe i have a good spirit and that i am a good person so i trust karma .
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