But, when you do not feel that connection/lose that connection you will no longer care who they fuck.
Not how it works for me.
I just see sex and love as two different things. And while love for your sexual partner definitely enhances the experience, it is absolutely not a prerequisite to enjoyment.
So you see, I enjoy hobbying precisely because no strings are attached. It’s just a transaction. To me, an affair would be much more morally questionable because of the feelings involved.
I completely realize that what I do would still be considered as « cheating » by most people, not least of which my wife! But while I feel the need for promiscuity, I still very much love her and enjoy that connection with her. And I certainly have no intention of ever leaving her and my kids!
So between occasionally seeing SPs and straight up having an affair, I feel like hobbying is the lesser evil. Provided I take excruciating care to keep it secret, it allows me to satisfy my sexual needs without getting dragged in a messy affair that might compromise my family life.
Is what I do wrong? I mean… to most people, sure. I guess. Would I be pissed if my wife did the same? Honestly… I don’t think so. I’m serious! If fooling around every once in a while to scratch a physical itch helped her tolerate my indiosyncracies and allowed me to remain her man forever… I could definitely look past it and die a happy man. Really.
That’s just my two cents.