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favorite current tv series...


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
South Park is the greatest show ever. The most realistic too. All those know someone just like them in real life.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ozark Season 2!

For those of you who were enthralled with Ozark and the thrilling finish to season 1, I have inside information that season 2 production is about to wrap up in the Atlanta area where it is shot, and Netflix will likely be releasing it in July or so to streaming customers. I am told that Ruth Langmore and the Snells, as well as bumbling, sociopathic, homosexual FBI agent Roy Petty, will all be back. Also back in recurring roles will be the preacher, Mason, and Rachel, the owner of the Blue Cat.

The plot of season 2 is expected to revolve around Marty's plan to launder $50 million of pooled drug cartel and local heroin revenue in construction and operation of a Riverboat Casino.

There is no word yet on whether the Byrd's life tenant, Buddy Dyker, will be back. I hope he is back. He is a vital supporting character who adds a lot to the ethos of the show IMHO.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Season 2 of Ozark is being filmed in Montreal? The series takes place at Lake Ozark in Missouri and is filmed in Atlanta from what I read although maybe they’ve shot the Casino scenes in Montreal?

Did you get a pic taken with Jason Bateman? He is probably a good potential client for you.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I just saw the 1st season, and second season opening episode of Luther. Excellent BBC-produced crime drama. It's about an obsessed with his work London homicide detective, John Luther (played by Idris Elba) who investigates psychotic and sociopathic serial killers. Luther's obsession with getting into the minds of the psychos and whackos he investigates ends up being injurious to his mental health and sanity, costing him his marriage and unravelling his personal life. In season 1 he ends up forging an unlikely alliance with one of the psychos he investigates but cannot arrest, because she is simply too good at covering her tracks and leaving police with no clues or evidence- even though Luther and the rest of the police know she committed the crimes. Luther's alliance with Alice is a key plot element in season 1.

The season opener of season 2 is the best episode I have watched so far. MAJOR LEAGUE creepy, on par with any good horror film, Luther investigates a masked killer who is killing women in "Jack The Ripper" fashion, while taunting police by committing staged, theatrical murders on what he knows are police surveillance videos, and then posing after the kill with murder weapon. Extremely creepy and well choreographed, it's just a really well done show.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Taboo.... can't wait for the second season.
Unfortunately it'll be onlly in 2019 :(


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Better Call Saul Season 4 is Here!!!!!!

Better Call Saul Season 4 starts Monday August 6 at 9 pm EST on AMC, here is the New York Times Review:

According to that review the body count is going to go way up in season 4. It is sort of heading towards the Breaking Bad territory from which the show derives. Going back to its roots, so to speak!


New Member
Mar 11, 2010
There is a disturbing trend of remaking old popular TV series. An example of this is McGiver. Evidently Magnum PI ( G ) is coming back as well.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Lost In Space- 2018 Reboot

Netflix has released the 2018 Lost in Space Reboot/Reimagining and I have started watching it. In the reboot, Maureen Robinson is a highly educated scientist and not the milk and cookies serving, stay at home Mom that the 1960s show's version was. Judy Robinson is a mixed racial black girl and the biological daughter of Maureen (suggesting an unknown black father who is not in the show), while Penny and Will are the white children of Maureen and John, who adopts Judy as his own daughter. So it is an interracial family.

Believe it or not they brought back actor Billy Mumy (who is in his 60s and played Will in the 1960s show) to play Dr. Zachary Smith, but early on Dr. Smith's identity is stolen by a nutcase character named June Harris (this character is homage to the late actor Jonathan Harris, who was legendary playing the original Dr. Zachary Smith). The Reboot's Robot, who is highly intelligent and not the "bumbling ninny" who bore the constant brunt of insults from Dr. Smith in the original version, is now able to shift his appearance in 2018. The Robot adapts and modifies his appearance to give the humans a more aesthetically appearing robot companion.

It is fairly imaginative how they rebooted the whole cast and plot. One interesting detail is that Will, the youngest child, originally holds rejected applicant status (he is the only one in the family who flunks Jupiter 2 training). But Maureen is able to sabotage the program's security system to show that Will actually did not flunk his Jupiter 2 training and was accepted into the program. This deception is of course done in order to keep the family together. In the ultimate irony, Will, despite really holding "reject" status that is apparently known only to Maureen (but suspected by Will), he almost immediately proves his usefulness and resourcefulness on the Jupiter 2 mission. He bails his family members out of some extremely dangerous situations, first by applying his knowledge of geology, and then by first saving the life of and later befriending the Robot, who proves to be a highly intelligent problem solver with superhuman powers.

It's interesting. The cast members face much, much greater adversity than the 1960s cast members did, from treating and healing injuries sustained in the initial crash, to battling the harsh elements of the planet they find themselves on, to battling others on the planet. If you liked the original 1960s show, you will find it interesting.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Ray Donovan
Chicago PD

NYPD and NYPD: Criminal Intent, which are still shown now and then on various channels, are still great.

Tim Horny

New Member
Nov 13, 2009
I am a 60 Minutes - 20/20 news program only guy now. The TV shows today are crap, especially the re-makes like Magnum PI(g)
and McGyver.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I really liked Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Of course I loved GOT. I also can recommend Fargo the series. I've seen the first 3 and they ere all different and all good. One that was pretty good that I'll recommend is Ozarks.


Jan 10, 2019
The Deuce, HBO series set in 70s NY city about the beginning of the porn industry.

I love GOT but my favorite show now is Vikings.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If you like Vikings then you have to watch The Last Kingdom and in a similar type of historic drama with power plays and lots of blood and gore.... Marco Polo
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