My favorite character on Curb was Bob Epstein who played Larry's buddy Marty Funkhauser. You may remember Bob Epstein from his reoccurring role as Super Dave Osborne, the world's worst daredevil in the 90's? He had his own show and he was on Letterman and all the late night talk shows.. Anyway, Bob died of cancer in the off season. In the show, they replaced Bob with Vince Vaughn who plays Freddy Funkhauser, Marty Funkhauser's half brother. I miss Marty who always had a confrontational role with Larry over the years. Larry also ruined Marty's Mother and fathers funerals and Larry's advice led to the death of the Pride of the Funkhausers, Marty's favorite nephew when he was mauled by a bull in the running of the bulls in Spain. Larry ruined that funeral as well. I was hoping that Curb would kill off Marty Funkhauser and have Larry ruin his funeral as well. Instead, the show insists that Marty is in China where he has found a girlfriend. Too soon probably? Maybe next season? Great show .
Below is Bob Einstein's favorite clip from his old show Super Dave Osborne:
These old clips are still hilarious. It's too bad they couldn't do something about the damned canned laughter which diminishes the watch-ability of these great clips.
RIP Bob Einstein.