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favorite current tv series...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Doc, you should check out the link I posted above to Joanna Krupa's Playboy layout. I think you'll like her even more after seeing it! :p

So who do you think will win Battle of the Blades? I think all three finalists are worthy but I have a soft spot for Shae Lynn and they actually did a Shae Crusher tonight! I loved it when Lemieux challenged Doug Gilmore to do the show next year and Dougie was speechless and didn't answer!!

I agree with you about Runkle's ex-wife. She is a pain and gets on my nerves but I think that is her purpose on the show. I had to watch Romancing the Stone the other night to remind myself what Kathleen Turner used to look like. Man, she was hot back then and at her hottest in Body Heat and as a hooker in the under-rated Crimes of Passion. And we can't forget Jessica Rabbit!!! She had severe problems stemming from when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about 20 years ago which is in remission now. But it's great to see her have the guts to take on this role and I can't imagine anyone else being able to carry it off as well as she does.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
By the way, has anyone been watching the new version of V? I caught the first two episodes and still haven't made up my mind yet. There are some good things about it but I have a bad feeling about how it's going to go.

I was also watching Trauma lately, a new show on NBC. I liked it a lot, especially the hot blond paramedic :p but it seems it has already been cancelled from what I hear. It was actually the first show I saw in HD and I thought it was amazing visually so that may have something to do with the reason I liked it. Sad that it's been cancelled after only 5 episodes though.


Nov 19, 2008
Wow some nice tastes is shows here,, I got to geek out mine

V- Is not out of the gates fast but I can see it pick up some steam as we go along.

Dollhouse (Defunct) - Joss Whedon gets screwed again with a show ahead of it's time.

Vampire Diaries (ok,,ok do not laugh ,, but asides from the lack of nudity it is better than True Blood season 1)

Smallville-(I am a huge superman/DC comics fan soooooo cannot pass this one up even though that certain seasons were lame.. But this one is really solid )

Supernatural-Gotta love the sound track

Tudors (I love HIstory )


Mar 31, 2005
I'm partial to Fringe, though I find this season a bit slow out of the gate, but we shall see!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, you should check out the link I posted above to Joanna Krupa's Playboy layout. I think you'll like her even more after seeing it! :p

So who do you think will win Battle of the Blades? I think all three finalists are worthy but I have a soft spot for Shae Lynn and they actually did a Shae Crusher tonight! I loved it when Lemieux challenged Doug Gilmore to do the show next year and Dougie was speechless and didn't answer!!

Yeah, i enjoyed the layout when it was posted. I also enjoyed her recent spread in Maxim. My favorite to win right now is Donny Osmond. Mia & Dmitri are great dancers, but i sense she's not popular enough.

As for 'Battle of the Blades', my money was on Claude Lemieux/Shae-Lyn Bourne winning, but it turns out Craig Simpson/Jamie Sale won the competition tonight (voted by the people). A friend of mine told me last night that Jamie Sale would since Canada is still in love with her, but i told him no way, Lemieux deserved to win, no matter who was the more popular. I was wrong. I still think he performed extraordinary throughout the season, especially last week when he performed to a song he sang himself, Leonard Cohen's "Halelujah". It's ironic that Joana & Derek danced to that same song tonight on DWTS. By the way, there wasn't a dry eye in the place (and here at home) when Barbara Underhill performed tonight with Ron Duguay & former partner Paul Martini....with Barbara's daughter singing. They dedicated their performance to Barbara's late twin daughter, who died when she was a young child during an unfortunate weird accident at home. Man, that was beautiful to watch!!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Yeah, i enjoyed the layout when it was posted. I also enjoyed her recent spread in Maxim. My favorite to win right now is Donny Osmond. Mia & Dmitri are great dancers, but i sense she's not popular enough.

As for 'Battle of the Blades', my money was on Claude Lemieux/Shae-Lyn Bourne winning, but it turns out Craig Simpson/Jamie Sale won the competition tonight (voted by the people). A friend of mine told me last night that Jamie Sale would since Canada is still in love with her, but i told him no way, Lemieux deserved to win, no matter who was the more popular. I was wrong. I still think he performed extraordinary throughout the season, especially last week when he performed to a song he sang himself, Leonard Cohen's "Halelujah". It's ironic that Joana & Derek danced to that same song tonight on DWTS. By the way, there wasn't a dry eye in the place (and here at home) when Barbara Underhill performed tonight with Ron Duguay & former partner Paul Martini....with Barbara's daughter singing. They dedicated their performance to Barbara's late twin daughter, who died when she was a young child during an unfortunate weird accident at home. Man, that was beautiful to watch!!

I missed the Blades final last night because I was at the premier of Pour Toujours Les Canadiens at the Bell Center which I'll post a review of in the movie thread when I get home tonight. I was really pulling for Bourne and Lemieux to win but seeing as there were two Quebecers in the final, they probably split the Quebec vote allowing Simpson to get the win. I'll watch it tonight on the CBC website and I'm really looking forward to seeing the Underhill and Martini performance.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was at the premier of Pour Toujours Les Canadiens at the Bell Center which I'll post a review of in the movie thread when I get home tonight.

Any movie starring Claude Legault & Jean Lapointe should be a good one! I heard on L'Attaque a 5' last night that it was a very good movie. I can't wait to see it.


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Jul 10, 2003
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secret girlfriend - heard about it from a friend. originally on comedy central. fucking hilarious! a total horndog's comedy. it's filmed from 'your' point of view.

the league - new series about dudes & their fantasy football league. don't know what channel/network. i get them off torrents. pure guy humor. 2 episodes so far.

modern family - kept hearing about it and finally tried it. so far it's damn funny. i can see 2 good years coming out of it. maybe 3.

bored to death - hbo. light hearted life humor. 8 episodes so far. worth watching. doubt there will be a 2nd season.

mad men - 3rd season just finished. still the best tv show since the wire. season finale was absolutely remarkable.

I have not been able to get into Bored to Death. It's a little cartoonish, the plots are overblown, the comedic aspects a huge reach.

But, you have me intrigued on your other suggestions, in particular Modern Family, The League and in particular, Secret Girlfriend. What is the latter - a film or a series? When is it on?


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Jul 10, 2003
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By the way, has anyone caught The Life and Times of Tim on HBO?

It's a 30-minute cartoon with two 15-minute sketches every week. A special brand of comedy. The cartoon drawings are not as slick as the Simpsons or Family Guy but the storylines are well-done.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I just watched the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm On Demand and almost pissed myself I was laughing so hard!! :D I never really got into this show but heard so much about it this season that I had to check it out again. Absolute hilarity. If you can watch the latest episode that aired this past Sunday, do so!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I just watched the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm On Demand and almost pissed myself I was laughing so hard!! :D I never really got into this show but heard so much about it this season that I had to check it out again. Absolute hilarity. If you can watch the latest episode that aired this past Sunday, do so!

If you go out for dinner before the show, don't forget to grease the maitre d' with the customary $20.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Speaking of AMC, the Prisoner premieres on it tonight @ 8:00 PM. The original British series was way ahead of it's time so it will be interesting to see how the remake stacks up.

I was a huge fan of the original British TV Series starring Patrick McGoohan. In my opinion it is arguably the most cerebral and thoughtful TV series of all time. There were only 17 episodes shot during its run in 1967-1968 and yet the series endured as a cult classic because of its themes of individualism vs. collectivism and the idea of human beings being reduced to numbers.

I watched the first 2 episodes of the remake on AMC and was immensely disappointed. I felt that the AMC remake did pay some homage to the themes of the original but largely devolved into a daytime soap opera type of entertainment, cheapened further by the weak acting of Jim Cavaziel who is a lightweight compared to Patrick McGoohan. Patrick McGoohan must be turning in his grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those not familiar with the original TV show, it is about a British Secret agent who mysteriously resigns from his job for unknown reasons. After he returns to his posh London apartment to pack and go away on vacation, he is gassed with a mysterious drug, kidnapped and taken to an apartment in a seaside village where he is given the name #6 - like all of his fellow Villagers, who all have numbers as names. The Village is actually a beautiful little place that is colorful and very European, but there is no escape from it. Many of the episodes play out as very nightmarish as McGoohan's repeated escape attempts are thwarted, often by a remote controlled plastic bubble called The Rover.

The classic opening scene/credits of the Prisoner is at the link below, and a free beer is owed to anyone who can identify the vehicle McGoohan is seen driving:
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May 23, 2006
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