General Gonad said:
Reggie, are you kidding me here? You would be alright if your daughters were in an HDH indy position "as long as they were happy"? Come on, I don't believe that for a second. Moreover, the very fundamental problem is that
all SPs get corrupted with the easy money, which is why this business flourishes. As they taste easy money, they forget about the value of hard work., For me it would be hypocritical to accept your daughter's choice, especially if you consumed ladies like we have. That is the height of hypocrisy, unless you believe in fairy tales.
As I have said many times, this is not easy work. Simple, yes, but not easy. SP put up with people most others can't. We have sex with people even if we are not attracted or 'not in the mood'. We make each and every one of our clients feel special (even the ones that aren't...
if we are any good at what we do) Yes, we are actressses... and lovers, and friends, and psychotherapists to clients. We share our most private parts with total strangers. We listen to people's inner most secretes and personal problems. For these and many other reasons; Not everyone has what it takes to be an SP! So stop telling us that our work is easy!
By the way, I told my mom. I didn't want her to find out through anyone else. She told me she was dissapointed that I felt like this was my best option and that I was not doing something that she could brag about (the stigma around sex work hurts her) but she accepts what I do and supports me because she knows it is my choice and not her parenting skills. She worries about me getting hurt or becoming infected with HIV but she has always worried about me since I can remember. We are as close as ever.
General Gonad said:
Have you ever met an SP who left the business "less damaged" than when she entered it?

Your "daughter-by-proxy" (sick to mention this given you paid to have sex with her), is one of many examples. Even the ones that think they're better off, are fooling themselves. But I do agree with you on one point: as long as we engage in this activity, we contribute to the potentially devastating effects. If you ignore this reality, you're really living in Fantasyland.
I am sorry you think I am fooling myself. I think I am honestly less damaged than when I started. For example: I make my limits now and insist on them. Before if I went on a date, some men were capable of convincing me of having sex without a condom, even if I really would have preferred he use one and they were available. Now, NEVER! I am graduating university with my BA, this is my last semester; something I never could have achieved had I not started SPing. I have a higher self-esteem than I ever have had before (a girl can get a lot of positive feedback in this business: Being told I am smart and intelligent and beautiful and... every time I go to work.) I applied to grad school with the encouragement of clients OK, and teachers also. The point is, I was afraid and didn't think I had it in me before.
Granted, on the negative side I am more blaze about sex than ever. Also, I am leary of men and think they see all women as possible sex partners before anything else. (Even if she is viewed as someone you'd never have sex with, you had to consider it before saying 'Yuck never!') I don't believe long term monogamy is likely in any relationship. And I think that spouses lie to eachother more than anyone. In some way I have become more cynical. I have been robbed a couple of times; then again most businesses get robbed once in a while.
General Gonad said:
I agree here but I will admit that it would bother me if my son were gay...period. I am being honest about this, not because I am homophobic, but because it wouldn't be easy for me to accept. Is this shallow? Yes, it is, but it's the truth. However, compound that with the incidence of STDs among the gay population, and it would really bother me if he was gay and SPing.
This comment I found quite disturbing. Why should your son's choice of lover be a problem? To carry on the family's name? Your 'Y' gene? It woudn't be as if he woud be expecting you to participate in a homosexual act. As for the STD thing; it is not what you do but how you do it. Straight or gay, SP or not, condoms must be not negotiable. The STD rate is quite low among populations that always use condoms. So don't use the STD thing as an excuse. At least admit that is a homo-prejudiced reaction.