thebitchelor said:
Ok here i aint judging welfare clients...but each time i was working the first of the month (or 30-31 if the first was in the week end)..i never made a lot of money..and always have a very bad night because of the "quality" of the clients...
Thanks for the info. Sometimes I really wonder about the quality of the patrons when I drop into my favorite peeler club. Usually the guys there are politely indifferent to eachother but I didn't know about this welfare thing you guys are talking about until last night when I ran into some uncomfortable experiences. One guy was yelling incoherantly, another took my seat when I went to the bathroom and was oblivious to the fact that my booze, jacket was on the chair and even my handbag was right there under him. Another guy was leaning his chair back into the isle and acting like an asshole, the waitresses and other patrons couldn't pass him...another guy wanted me to look after his seat, which is fine, but it took him like 10 fucking minutes to communicate this complicated fact to me all the while poking my arm, slurring on about nonsence...
I'll be avoiding the first week of the month from now on.
Oh btw, Gwen is fawking hot, my god she oozes severe porn style sex appeal and I totally want to jump her bones all over the room in all the porn style positions imaginable.