Montreal Escorts

First SP you ever met?


Active Member
Nov 20, 2021
For me it all began 24 years ago in early October. I had been single for just over two years & still wasn’t ready to get into a serious relationship. Nor did i have the time to invest in one. At the time i enjoyed travelling on my own & spending time hanging out in stripclubs. So i’d write stripclub reviews on various sites including one called Canbest. They also had a section for escort reviews that I didn’t know about until a buddy of mine pointed it out after he had read one of my reviews. I started reading some of these escort reviews & it got me very interested. So after spending weeks doing my research & participating in discussions & asking for advice i decided to plan a trip to Mtl to possibly see an sp or two in order to satisfy my curiosity. It would also coincide with a hockey game that i’d be attending at the Molson Centre. Although i had been in two long-term monogamous relationships I had been quite active sexually between these relationships & I actually enjoyed having casual sex/one-night stands when i wasn’t dating someone. So two weeks before my trip i pre-booked three dates: Monica @Heartbreakers, Sabrina & Angie @SENSUAL Delights. For the next two weeks i was thinking constantly about my upcoming trip. While i was excited to dip my toes into hobby i figured that i’d probably end up getting cold feet. However on the night after i arrived i decided to go along with it & it’s hard to describe how nervous i was! And the guilt! And the questions i’d be asking myself like “what the hell am i doing this for? I have no problem getting laid when i want to! Will i be able to live with myself if i go along with this?” To make a long story short my first date (with Monica) went great! She was a cool girl & full gfe & five minutes into the date we were already on the sofa making out & i wondered why did i wait so long to try this?

The next day i was supposed to see Sabrina but she cancelled about a half hour before our date. I was very disappointed! The next day I went to the hockey game & i was already starting to feel guilty. The following day i got some bad news from back home so feeling down i called Heartbreakers again in order to see Monica but she wasn’t working. So they sent me Shany. She was kinda cold & not really gfe. We didn’t click at all. I ended regretting seeing someone so i figured i’d retire. The next day i cancelled my date with Angie @SENSUAL Delights. I figured that was it for me with escorts. Shany had even told me that this scene wasn’t for me. However the following summer i was back in Mtl & saw Andrea @SENSUAL Delights & had a fantastic time! And as they say…the rest is history! I haven’t been active in the hobby in nearly 4-5 years for various reasons but i’ll probably end up putting an end to my hiatus within the next few weeks or so…for old times sake! ;)
WoW! As I was reading your history, it was like mine. Me too I started on the Stripclubs scene. It started with my friend Alex from school. And the first time that I went to a massage salon I felt so guilty. I couldn’t even rise for the ocasion. Now I can say that have tasted indys and reputed agencies with zero regrets. Even the failed dates.
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Jul 31, 2010
The first I don't remember her name, it was a long time ago in 2010 with a "Woman of Passion" agency's escort.
Young tanned petite brunette, very Québecoise and pretty.

I started to search for SPs even in the newspapers (it was still a thing) and on the internet after I heard my neighbors almost every night. I was alone and got quite horny.
I had no clue that there was such a SP "industry" in Montreal and never used this type of service. ( I am not from Quebec).

I phoned the agency and was really amazed that a girl could be at my apartment a few hours later. And it looked pretty safe for an introvert like me, no questions asked.

But I feel ashamed of my first encounter because I CIM, I could not hold it and did not know I should have warned and more importantly asked before if it was ok.
I was completely oblivious to the meetings etiquette (even if it seems obvious and natural today).

Obviously it was not "offered" or even an option because the girl was pissed off, she showed it but did not say anything and did not ask for extras. I don't remember if the encounter stopped there. So I probably got almost banned from the agency without even realizing it. That was not the case and I really enjoyed my time with the other girls I booked from the same agency (before it disappeared).
In my few years of that hobby, I think I asked for CIM less than 5 times, it is not even something I want when I meet an escort.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The first I don't remember her name, it was a long time ago in 2010 with a "Woman of Passion" agency's escort.
Young tanned petite brunette, very Québecoise and pretty.
I saw three of their girls that year: June, Daphnee & Crystal (twice). All three were very attractive but Crystal was a total knockout. I remember her being tanned. I think she also showed her full face on her website’s pictures. Maybe she’s the one you’re referring to. A few years later i saw Daphnee again when she made a comeback with Xxxtase.


New Member
Sep 2, 2011
Je ne me souviens plus qui j'ai fais venir, il y a plus de 20ans déjà mais le reste par contre c'est encore très frais en mémoire...

À l'époque j'avais un bureau au coin de Rosemont / St-Michel dans une immeuble 2 étages où il n'y avait que des bureaux commerciaux. la pièce était petite donc aucune possibilité d'avoir un futon encore moins un lit alors j'ai apporté 4 matelas de camping et un oreiller. Ma toute première fois alors j'étais passablement nerveux. Je book avec mon "nom d'artiste" et lorsque la jolie et sexy accompagnatrice se présente bien sûr j'oubli tout et lui dis mon vrai non et elle de me répondre en pouffant de rire " ah ben tu te trompe j'ai rdv avec Jean" je ris également. On monte au 2e dans mon bureau en ouvrant la porte elle voie les matelas au sol et me fait la remarque" ah ben t'es vraiment en manque mon gars" tout en pouffant de rire à nouveau, mois de même.

Grâce à elle et cette introduction humoristique qui à complètement brisé la glace et détendu l'atmosphère ce fut une rencontre mémorable.
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Sep 6, 2016
Leah at Sexy Nadya VIPs. I only realize now how spoiled I was; but MTL has the best and she's right up there


Mar 14, 2020
my first SP was Fiona. i was so nervous. my hand were so sweaty and shaky but as soon i've arrive i told her about it and she put me at ease with a relaxing massage with a lot of teasing.
at the end of session, I was completely happy and satisfied. I still see her when i am available.
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New Member
Oct 18, 2023
Rosa at YPG spa in 2023 and let’s say she took me to heaven and back multiple times during a 45min session nonetheless. Set the bar high extremely high from jump still haven’t met anybody of the same caliber.
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marky mark

Active Member
Aug 30, 2014
nadia jolie! those cheeks were amazing. she was so good in reverse cowgirl
Wow, you started with Nadia Jolie?? Talk about an auspicious beginning. She kinda spoils you for the rest though. Saw her several times, hours I will not soon forget. That girl is the very definition of a "10".
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
my first SP was Fiona. i was so nervous. my hand were so sweaty and shaky but as soon i've arrive i told her about it and she put me at ease with a relaxing massage with a lot of teasing.
at the end of session, I was completely happy and satisfied. I still see her when i am available.
That's really starting with a Bang. Could only have dreamt to start with Fiona.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
…30 years ago… with a sp from Les filles de M. Jacques
In the end of action, rubber broken. I was freaking out and the girl told me not to worry. My dick is still there. Ha!Ha!
Bodick, where was the incall of M. Jacques?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
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Jul 18, 2012
30 years ago I was 18 and at a hotel in Ottawa. I called a number I found either in the yellow pages or the back of a newspaper. No idea what she'd look like. She was older than me for sure when she showed up. Don't think she was ugly but I'd say she was more of a hooker than a sexy escort. I asked her to strip for me, she said sure, and demanded $20 extra bucks. Was not worth it lol. Had sex then asked her to jerk me off to finish. It was transactional and way better imagining what it would be like in my head. It was a few sketchy/unsatisfying experiences like this early on that I haven't banged 100 escorts by now. Just one or two here and there. But I feel much better about things nowadays and plan to make up lost time!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I was a newbie to the Montreal scene in summer 2013. Mike at Good Girls (really miss that guy) in his gruff manner scheduled me with Tessa, who met me at a table inside the Marriott Chateau bar. She gave me the primer or overview of the Montreal escort scene over some wine and Caesars.

Generally my US appointments go one hour, but Mike encouraged me to book 90 min or two hours since that’s generally how things roll in Canada. I never booked a Montreal appointment less than 90 min after those pearls of wisdom from Mike.

I believe that trip included Alexis as my second appointment. I didn’t want that trip to end. I remember sitting in my room at the Marriott ten minutes before checkout booking my next trip to Montreal for the next month.
This seems like it was yesterday. My first Montreal experience.

My first hobby experience ever was at the famous JuliesNYC. After getting up the nerve to call this popular brothel, I arrived and was greeted by four hot girls and a mediocre looking one in a talent lineup before my eyes. I chose the mediocre. Less intimidating.i was as nervous as hell.

After the third or fourth appointment at Julie’s, it was said I walked in like I owned the place, requesting doubles.

That first appointment seemed like it was yesterday, but was years ago.
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