Montreal Escorts

First SP you ever met?

Supporting Member
I dont know if it's the true but I get so many of the first timer....


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I dont know if it's the true but I get so many of the first timer....
Well guys in this hobby who are experiencing this the first time will show their nervousness. It is not something they can hide. I am sure you can pick up the subtle signs of a noobie. How he carries himself, the way he hands you the envelope, the way(s) he looks at you in the beginning when trying to break the ice, etc. It is the culmination of the little interactions with you.

For a guy who has been in the game? You definitely can tell the “confidence” he is going to radiate. He can’t fake that. Either he has or developed it or he doesn’t have it yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
SP named "Al@na Radic" in Vegas. I think she only did it for a few months. You can still find her pics on Google.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Just glad that many of you had that amazing memorable first experience with an SP.

Unlike you all my first SP was an old hag who didn't take off her panties with a rotten hairy bush that smelled like a dead fish market and that is being nice in describing it. My second SP which was my first Montreal SP didn't fare that well either even though all the GFE was there.

Didn't hit the mark until my fourth (third Montreal) SP which totally turned things around. Talk about having patience.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I saw a professional dominatrix on Jean Talon East in the mid-90s when I attended university. That was in the days of the escort advertisement section of the Montreal Mirror, remember that? She was mature, very attractive, well equipped and had a great dungeon considering her location.

I recall she was located in a high-rise apartment where a leather store was located at ground level, how fitting. Being a schoolboy at the time guess what my thing was? Lol!


Active Member
Aug 2, 2019
It was a SP from Montreal Girlfriends back in 2003. Unfortunately, I do not remember her name, but she was absolutely stunning, and ridiculously perfect. I could not believe my luck and was completely blown away. I still remember the session and it still brings a smile to my face. Also, Montreal Girlfriends had some really amazing women and I am so glad that I got to meet some of them.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2019
It was a SP from Montreal Girlfriends back in 2003. Unfortunately, I do not remember her name, but she was absolutely stunning, and ridiculously perfect. I could not believe my luck and was completely blown away. I still remember the session and it still brings a smile to my face. Also, Montreal Girlfriends had some really amazing women and I am so glad that I got to meet some of them.
They had an amazing lineup. I wish that I could find some of those old pictures
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I had an emotionally disturbing experience during my first initial, at the age of 19." If I recall correctly, I contacted an agency company and inquired about their services which were priced at approximately 140 dollars. My friend and I were together. During that period, I was financially constrained. An agreement was reached with the service provider whereby my friend covered the cost of the initial half-hour for the sum of $140 whilst I took on the expense of the final half-hour at a cost of $100. It benefits everyone as the $100 I gave her would not had to be split with the agency. My friend began and completed within the span of 30 minutes. In a French dialect, while summoning me to the room, she exclaimed, "MON TABARNAK, JAI PAS TOUT LA SOIRÉE!" Being unfamiliar with this experience, I felt extreme shyness and anxiety. With a loud voice in French, she asked me if I knew the rules. I responded with a gentle nervous sound, saying no. Then she told me in French that she performs oral sex without a condom, intercourse with a condom, and for a brown extra, i can do it from behind. I experienced trauma and fear. I desired for that meeting to come to a swift conclusion. She forcefully pushed me onto the bed, swiftly removing my underwear, and proceeded to give me an unskilled and dry oral stimulation. It could be argued that the oral sex experience was exceptionally unsatisfactory disaster. From a technical standpoint, there is no excitement and the content lacks any flavor. In a brief span of time not exceeding one minute, she put the condom and straddled me. Undoubtedly, the most unfavorable encounter I have ever had. As soon as I exited the chamber, a sense of comfort washed over me. I choose not to assign a rating to my initial encounter. I would give a decent rating of 4 out of 10 for each department, based on my initial thoughts. For a period of 24 months, I refrained from contacting any service provider due to the profound impact the experience had on my mental state. Everything took a turn a couple of years after I started referring to renowned agencies such as Eleganza, devilish, and extase. Oh, those nostalgic times of yore.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
ma première fois officiel à été dans un bar de danseuse de st eustache, j'avais 18 et j'allais la comme première expérience dans ce genre d'endroit, j'ai pris une danse et elle ma demandé ce que je voulais. j'ai fini par prendre un complet dans la cabine.

Sinon avec une vrai escort c'étais avec l'agence sexy 4 you a Montréal. j'ai pris le temps de choisir avec qui et j'étais super nerveux du haut de mes 18 ans sans trop d'expérience en général. je rendais un petit peu la fille malaise tellement j'étais gêner mais elle a été super gentille et compréhensive et m'a expliquer en détail la scéance et les options que je pouvais lui demander. une belle première fois mémorable !


New Member
Jun 16, 2023
I was in London for New Years 2012 when I called Diva Escorts and they sent over a beautiful young Russian.


Ideal Silver Fox
May 12, 2014
My first sp ever was Sylvie from Passion XXX in February 1999.

At the end of the meeting, she gives me a business card. On the business card, it posed as repair garage just in case the card gets found by someone you don't want to know you were with a sp.

The reason i saw a sp. My friend and I hung out in a strip club. He pitched the idea of seeing escorts, next thing you know, a couple of hours later, we see escorts in different rooms of course.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Nice to hear...same for started years years ago with a lunch with friend/still is talking about girls we like..we were already big big fans of CLÉO/Strip Club.......him was an asian fan and i was and still in black from there we both decided to upgrade and see sps....we had/have great moments to share...and many other very interesting we still have lunch every Friday.....that"s real and great
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For me it all began 24 years ago in early October. I had been single for just over two years & still wasn’t ready to get into a serious relationship. Nor did i have the time to invest in one. At the time i enjoyed travelling on my own & spending time hanging out in stripclubs. So i’d write stripclub reviews on various sites including one called Canbest. They also had a section for escort reviews that I didn’t know about until a buddy of mine pointed it out after he had read one of my reviews. I started reading some of these escort reviews & it got me very interested. So after spending weeks doing my research & participating in discussions & asking for advice i decided to plan a trip to Mtl to possibly see an sp or two in order to satisfy my curiosity. It would also coincide with a hockey game that i’d be attending at the Molson Centre. Although i had been in two long-term monogamous relationships I had been quite active sexually between these relationships & I actually enjoyed having casual sex/one-night stands when i wasn’t dating someone. So two weeks before my trip i pre-booked three dates: Monica @Heartbreakers, Sabrina & Angie @SENSUAL Delights. For the next two weeks i was thinking constantly about my upcoming trip. While i was excited to dip my toes into hobby i figured that i’d probably end up getting cold feet. However on the night after i arrived i decided to go along with it & it’s hard to describe how nervous i was! And the guilt! And the questions i’d be asking myself like “what the hell am i doing this for? I have no problem getting laid when i want to! Will i be able to live with myself if i go along with this?” To make a long story short my first date (with Monica) went great! She was a cool girl & full gfe & five minutes into the date we were already on the sofa making out & i wondered why did i wait so long to try this?

The next day i was supposed to see Sabrina but she cancelled about a half hour before our date. I was very disappointed! The next day I went to the hockey game & i was already starting to feel guilty. The following day i got some bad news from back home so feeling down i called Heartbreakers again in order to see Monica but she wasn’t working. So they sent me Shany. She was kinda cold & not really gfe. We didn’t click at all. I ended regretting seeing someone so i figured i’d retire. The next day i cancelled my date with Angie @SENSUAL Delights. I figured that was it for me with escorts. Shany had even told me that this scene wasn’t for me. However the following summer i was back in Mtl & saw Andrea @SENSUAL Delights & had a fantastic time! And as they say…the rest is history! I haven’t been active in the hobby in nearly 4-5 years for various reasons but i’ll probably end up putting an end to my hiatus within the next few weeks or so…for old times sake! ;)
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
While married , I didn`t see escorts but I did have 3 serious and passionate affairs with married women.
After my divorce I dated young women and had no interest in escorts....that is till young women started finding me too old for raising a young family.

For my first " toe in the water " about 25 years ago , I went with an agency from the yellow pages and their Mirror ad and picked a pretty blond. As I later learnt fast ......don`t always expect what you expect.
Instead of a blond , a dark haired Arab girl shows up.

She had attitude and that attracted me to her. She gave me her phone number and warned me not to call her every day. I obeyed and didn`t call her for 2 weeks. She gave me hell for taking so long to call,
I saw her 6 more times till her older sister found out what she was doing and told her parents at which point she was sent packing back to the old country .
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