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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
A list of ordinary things that non sex workers never need to think about

MAR 20. OCT 2009 11:26 (EST)

December 15th 2008

A list of ordinary things that non sex workers never need to think about

by: Sarah Jasper

1.. I can be pretty sure that my neighbours, in any location I may want to live, will be neutral or pleasant to me, and that I will not be followed or harassed by them.

2.. I can be pretty sure of finding media, books, curricular material and other information that testifies to the existence and value of my work and colleagues.

3.. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only person working in my industry.

4.. I need not worry about my friends and family members facing discrimination for spending time with me.

5.. I can act badly, dress poorly, use drugs or make mistakes without it being attributed to the immorality, poverty, addiction or stupidity of my colleagues.

6.. I can be pretty sure that if I need legal or medical help, my profession will not be held against me.

7.. I can be fairly sure that most people would not advise me to accept a lower paying job or government assistance rather than work in my profession.

8.. I can choose to ignore sex workers many contributions to our culture and society, or disparage and ridicule them without facing any negative consequences.

9.. I can participate in social, creative, political and professional groups without asking whether someone in my profession will be allowed to participate.

10.. People do not assume that I'm so used to being mistreated at work that I won't mind if they mistreat me.

11.. I am not asked to justify the legal income I earn or the property that I may own.

12.. I am considered as or more credible a source of information about my work than someone who has never worked in my industry.

13.. I can expect that my fitness as a wife, woman, mother and pet owner will not be questioned solely based on my work. If my partner, children or pets are apprehended by the Crown, it will not be because of my profession.

14.. I can expect to not be denied a job, passport, education or to adopt or any other opportunity for which I am qualified because of my profession.

15.. I can usually expect not to be asked to provide professional services for free.

Think of how these kinds of daily prejudices would make you feel. Discrimination devalues sex works' many contributions and prevents us from feeling like true members of your community.

Credit to Peggy McIntosh for the original idea of this kind of list

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Hi Naughty,

Here's my 2cents for your discussion (if you want it) :

Although I can be sensible to this, it's easy for me to say that this girl doesn't seem to know anything about 'non sex worker' simply because discrimination doesn't come 'only' from the life we choose or what we do.

Smile !


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Hi Naughty,

Here's my 2cents for your discussion (if you want it) :

Although I can be sensible to this, it's easy for me to say that this girl doesn't seem to know anything about 'non sex worker' simply because discrimination doesn't come 'only' from the life we choose or what we do.

Smile !

True, but it is another stupid reason to be discriminated against... just like colour of skin is a stupid reason...

BTW, I never heard of someone being refused an apartment because the are a mechanic!


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Mmm... a long time ago when I was just out of my teens and struggling... I wanted a nice appartement that I felt I could pay since I work hard in life.

Guess what... I was young and when I said the truth about what I was doing in life... the landlord refused me because he said that he didn't believe that I would pay him and that I would probably end-up paying a couple months only.

I got so mad that later on... I bought the whole f*ng building and threw him out.

I'd be surprised how many black people or Muslim got refused on this kind of excuses since 9/11.

Like I said, I do understand very much what sex worker can feel.
I've said it a couple times. We live in a much individualist society nowadays where money seems to count more than people in every aspect of our lives.

We elect a lot of hyprocrites who abuse this system, our trust and unfortunately they are the ones who makes laws, and even break it as they please, making us believe we live in the greatest democracy...

For sex workers, as well as for poors, blacks, muslims, gays and lesbians, etc...

Discrimination based on race, sex, religion, language, etc... is part of life.
It's everywhere, in any country.

I'd say sex workers should take pride in knowing is 'le plus vieux metier du monde'.

And I bet you.. that it'll probably be the last one if humanity one day vanishes from the face of the earth.
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