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French Canadian !


Jun 14, 2015
English should never be eradicated. I majored in English in college. It is the language of Shakeapeare, and Dickens, and Tennyson, and Hemingway, Faulkner, Vonnegut, and yes Kerouac..........the great French Canadian/American writer of English!!!!!!!!! One of my favorites but despite his ancestry, he wrote in English, not French..........maybe some people who support Bill 101 should read these authors. They brought joy to all our lives.

Tu sembles suggérer que les gens qui appuient la loi 101 sont des ignorants de la littérature anglaise... Tu vois, c'est un des problèmes contre lesquels les français doivent se battre constamment. Beaucoup d'anglais se croient intellectuellement supérieurs parce qu'ils sont incapables d'imaginer que des auteurs francophones puissent écrire aussi bien que les Shakeapeare, and Dickens, and Tennyson, and Hemingway, Faulkner, Vonnegut, and yes Kerouac...

Pour ma part, je préfère Mark Twain... Grisham, Clancy et Crichton et je déteste Richler...

As-tu déjà lu Jules Verne? Ou encore, quelques québécois comme Ferron ou Godbout?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Il y n'y avait aucune restriction avant la loi 101. Les anglais en profitaient pour exiger aux français de s'exprimer en blanc (speak white). Dans n'importe quel environnement où on avait au moins un anglais, il n'était pas permis de parler français.

Allume tes lumières et regarde les faits.

La loi 101 a été crééee à cause de gens comme toi.

There is no point in debating with you. It is a double standard to you. Tell me where and when it was not permitted to talk in French? Bill 101 was created by jealous and xenophobe separatists such as yourself who wanted it to be 100% French everywhere. They were jealous the business and commerce choose English for their day to day operations. Many of the French from the 60's were uneducated and did not speak any English as such were locked out of management positions. Not our fault they refused to speak English. There were no laws to enforce English but now there is a law to enforce French. Take it however you want. This is as I said a war between the French and English that will never end. I am saying linguistic freedom you are pushing for linguistic enforcement. See the difference. You are to stubborn. I got nothing more to say on this topic. Bill 101 is here and French is being actively enforced. It does not matter if democracy and freedom are being suppressed in the name of enforced unilinguism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
English should never be eradicated.

I completely agree with you on this. Tell this to the separatist xenophobes. They are JEALOUS and their jealousy lead to fear and hate. They are so jealous that they are employing fascist type policies to shove French down everyones throats. Go figure. They still try to sell us lies that it is about preservation. What a joke. Quebec is the subject of ridicule due to their petty language laws. Loool


Jun 14, 2015
There is no point in debating with you. It is a double standard to you. Tell me where and when it was not permitted to talk in French? Bill 101 was created by jealous and xenophobe separatists such as yourself who wanted it to be 100% French everywhere. They were jealous the business and commerce choose English for their day to day operations. Many of the French from the 60's were uneducated and did not speak any English as such were locked out of management positions. Not our fault they refused to speak English. There were no laws to enforce English but now there is a law to enforce French. Take it however you want. This is as I said a war between the French and English that will never end. I am saying linguistic freedom you are pushing for linguistic enforcement. See the difference. You are to stubborn. I got nothing more to say on this topic. Bill 101 is here and French is being actively enforced. It does not matter if democracy and freedom are being suppressed in the name of enforced unilinguism.

Qui est le plus têtu? Toi... Tu n'acceptes pas les faits qui sont documentés depuis longtemps. Avant la loi 101, il suffisait qu'un seul anglais se présente dans un groupe de personnes et tout le monde se mettait à parler anglais.

Les postes de directions dans les entreprises n'étaient pas réservés uniquement aux anglais mieux éduqués que les français... Il y avait aussi des français en position de gérance. Mais pour bien se faire comprendre par les employés anglais qui exigeaient "speak white", ils n'avait pas d'autres choix que de parler anglais.

La liberté linguistique que tu prônes mène inévitablement à un bilinguisme-anglais... Ça veut dire que les anglais parlent uniquement anglais et les français parlent franglais...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As-tu déjà lu Jules Verne? Ou encore, quelques québécois comme Ferron ou Godbout?

Yes, I have read Jules Verne, although English translations of course. And I have also read Hugo and Camus and studied the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre and Voltaire.

But my major was English, and I studied Shakespeare and then concentrated on 20th Century Literature. Other authors I studied were the great and highly underrated Edgar Allan Poe, and Henry James. In the 20th Century Hemingway, Faulkner, Kerouac, Vonnegut, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and J. D. Salinger. These works cannot be taken away from us.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Jack Kerouac was a French Canadian guy who was raised in New England and New York City, but he chose to write his prose in English. I think he did speak some French, but he is still considered among the great American writers of the 20th Century. Like Hemingway, he was an extreme alcoholic and died of liver issues while still in his 40s.........he seems to have lived a very interesting life, though.


Jun 14, 2015

Jack Kerouac was a French Canadian guy who was raised in New England and New York City, but he chose to write his prose in English. I think he did speak some French, but he is still considered among the great American writers of the 20th Century. Like Hemingway, he was an extreme alcoholic and died of liver issues while still in his 40s.........he seems to have lived a very interesting life, though.

For what I know, Kerouac stopped speaking french when he began to go to school in Lowell... He was raised speaking a kind of french language called "joual" by his french-canadian parents. He's never been in contact with the french-canadian culture aside from his parents. So, making him a "french canadian" is somehow a reach... Ted Cruz is more canadian than Kerouac was... ;)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You got it all wrong titilleur, read his full bio and listen to his interview.

He spoke really good french. He was quite humorious just like we are. Started to speak english around 7 years old cus his mom and pop spoke french only to him.

Ted Cruz? You got to be fucking kidding to compare!



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You got it all wrong titilleur, read his full bio and listen to his interview.He spoke really good french. He was quite humorious just like we are. Started to speak english around 7 years old cus his mom and pop spoke french only to him.

Bingo! And despite being a Francophone he chose to write English and became an English literature legend of the 20th Century. A true legend. Kerouac is one of my idols and he was raised as a French Canadian kid but Bill 101 would take his greatness away from us........

This is the guy who wrote English language masterpieces titilleur:


Jun 14, 2015
You got it all wrong titilleur, read his full bio and listen to his interview.

He spoke really good french. He was quite humorious just like we are. Started to speak english around 7 years old cus his mom and pop spoke french only to him.

Ted Cruz? You got to be fucking kidding to compare!


Excuse-moi, je me trompe surement sur Kerouac. Je n'ai jamais été un fan. J'ai seulement vu une entrevue où il baragouinait le français. Il y a des anglais qui parlent mieux français que lui dans cette entrevue. Il cherche ses mot en français en faisant toujours une référence en anglais...

Ma comparaison avec Cruz est pour dire que Cruz, étant né à Calgary, est plus canadien que Kerouac qui n'a jamais mis les pieds au Canada...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Excuse-moi, je me trompe surement sur Kerouac. Je n'ai jamais été un fan. J'ai seulement vu une entrevue où il baragouinait le français. Il y a des anglais qui parlent mieux français que lui dans cette entrevue. Il cherche ses mot en français en faisant toujours une référence en anglais...

Ma comparaison avec Cruz est pour dire que Cruz, étant né à Calgary, est plus canadien que Kerouac qui n'a jamais mis les pieds au Canada...

Check l'entrevue avec Pierre Nadeau. Radio Canada n'as pas en ligne la version complète mais je l'ai déja écouté. Il cherche des bouts des fois, mais c'est juste normal cet entrevu a été enregistré alors qu'il était un écrivain reconnus, mais plusieurs années avait passé donc un peu normal que son francais était rouillé alors.

He was born Jean-Louis then nicknamed ti-jean. Sa mère était une Lévesque de Tamiscouata. His father Léo-Alcide Kéroack from riviere du loup (st-hubert at the time).

Most of his poetry is written in french. He was viewed as kind of weird as a teen cus he sympathized with the few black guy around town. Something others viewed badly at the time. For him they were just human being.

Crois moi c'est pas parce que tu est né dans un pays que tu essais ensuite de renier (Cruz) que tu es plus canadien qu'un gars né au usa mais qui as toujours été fiers de ses racines.



Jun 14, 2015
Check l'entrevue avec Pierre Nadeau..........Cheers,

Tant mieux s'il était fier de ses racines françaises alors... Comme tu le dis, ça le rend plus respectable que le canadien-anglais Cruz qui crache sur ses racines.

Anyway... Le beat generation c'est pas ma tasse de thé...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Your posts seem to scoff at a man who, although raised speaking French and imbued with French Canadian culture by his parents, nevertheless became one of the most brilliant writers of 20th Century English literature. Kerouac disgusts you not because he turned his back on French Canadian culture (which he did not do, because he was American after all, moreso than Ted Cruz ever will be), but because he not only embraced American life, but through his literary exploits became a hero to an entire generation of Americans, not just "hippies" but those in academic circles who marveled at his literary talents. Kerouac was educated at Columbia and he is viewed as widely influential upon a number of leading American literary figures of the 20th Century. Although you would like to wipe out that legacy, or wish it to have centered around French Canadian culture, it will never be wiped out. On The Road is one of the treasured books in my library and will remain so for my cannot be eradicated.


Jun 14, 2015

Essaies-tu de sous-entendre que j'aimerais que tout ce qui tourne autour de Kerouac soit "éradiqué"? Si c'est le cas, tu me prêtes des intentions que je n'ai jamais même pensé avoir... J'ai seulement dit que cette affaire me laissait indifférent. Tu aimes Kerouac? Tant mieux. Tu me demandes si je l'aime? Je ne répond rien... Je ne répond pas "non" et je ne répond pas "oui". Juste "rien". Pis ne viens pas mettre la loi 101 dans ça. Elle n'a rien à voir avec Kerouac.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I can lend you my copy of On The Road if you want to read it. It's the original English version. You can probably get a French translated version of it at the libraries and bookstores in Montreal.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
25 pages. You guys are insane. I don't think life lasts long enough to spend that amout of time talking about English and French lol


Jun 14, 2015

Thanks... I can read in english and also in spanish... I'm just not interested in "way of life" stories... I have enough of managing my own.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
25 pages. You guys are insane. I don't think life lasts long enough to spend that amout of time talking about English and French lol

25 pages avec aucun argument valable prouvant à quel point la loi du Québec est supposément raciste. Ok, ce n'était pas le sujet initial mais ça revient tjrs à ça dès qu'on parle des langues supposées officielles du Canada.

Les seuls arguments qu'on a entendus, C'est qu'il y a de l'anglais par ici et par là mais rien qui démontre que le droit des anglophones est brime. Aucun n'a pu démontrer qu'on leur empêche de parler en anglais. Sauf que les arguments de certains revient à dire que, au nom de la mondialisation, il faudrait leur permettre de faire des affaires uniquement en anglais et ainsi leur permettre de manquer de respect envers leur clientèle francophone en refusant de leur parler en français.

Ce n'est pas le racisme qu'ils démontrent avec leurs arguments mais le manque de soumission des québécois face à l'hégémonie de l'anglais. Ce n'est pas du tout la même chose
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