Montreal Escorts

French Canadian !

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
As for visiting hobbyists like me we would win tremendously if Quebec separates. The property value will drop in Montreal like a rock (we have seen it), SP’s prices will drop too especially if Quebec will be forced out of Canadian dollar and working outside of Quebec will be as difficult for girls as now in the US and local demand will shrink due to a slump in economy.

Very true. I have been thinking the very same thing for many years, just did not want to sound too cynical. Fortunately (for Québécois themselves) that's not gonna happen.

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Ceci je pense est la meilleure recette pour une soupe au champignon que je connais:

1 cuillère à table beurre
1 1/2 tasse champignons
1 cuillère à thé jus de citron
4 cuillères à table farine
2 1/2 tasses bouillon de poulet
1/2 tasse lait 3.25%
1 pincée poivre blanc
1 pincée sel (au goût)

Des commentaires?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Si tu mets du safran mets du vrai pas la scrap mieix connus sous le nom de safran americain.

Moi j'ai une recette de soupe de poissons au safran a tomber a terre.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You are perceiving reality in a completely distorted way. I've spent the largest part of my life living in Quebec and have never felt English was on the retreat, on the contrary. Full access to it on TV, Radio; pretty prevalent in Montreal, where one can easily live in English only if they please. I grew up with English pretty much surrounding me, and the advent of the internet has only contributed to accentuate that phenomenon.

Reduction of attendance in English schools can only be partly explained by language laws:

Part of this drop also stems from Anglo parents sending their kids to French school!

It seems you are in denial of the facts here. Just like the PQ who are selling lies you are also justifying fascist type language enforcement. When Bill 101 came into effect there was a mass exodus of Anglophones and Allophones whose second language was English. Nowadays immigrants who do enter into the province are not allowed to attend English language schools that is the real reason for the reduced enrollment. The immigrants from British influence countries leave Quebec. They usually go to Ontario. How many Indians and Chinese do we see in Quebec? Very few. Majority of immigration to Quebec are now from Arabic countries like Morocco and Algeria and also from Haiti. Countries who were under France rule. You are trying to distort the true reality. Many of members of my family have also left Quebec and I myself have left and lived several years in Toronto only to come back for personal reasons. I am contemplating to leave again.

There is no secret plan for the DOMINANCE of French. It is a widely accepted fact among francophones that English is the second language of the whole planet. Not sure why you mention Europe: over there too, English is learned as the planet's lingua franca.

I talk about Europe due to Titileur trying to justify Quebec enforcing French. He seems to think linguistic rights equals language enforcement. He is really living in a fantasy world. The Francophones accept it as they got their Bill 101. French is being actively enforced that is what they wanted. I have to say the bill has been very successful. There has been very significant linguistic cleansing. This province is turning more and more French day by day. I estimate in about 30 years English will be all gone.

You have a far too acute sense of persecution. Quebec's language laws do not prevent you as an anglophone from accessing education, health care, etc., in English.

The goal of the xenophobes is to reduce access. This is what they want. I estimate in about 30 years there will be no more English schools and probably no more English hospitals.

Having said all of that. The war between the languages is something that will never leave Quebec. The moral of the story is that the government should not be deciding for people their social values and how they should live their life. They also should not decide what language they want to use at their place of work. Language should be based on demand. The people will decide. If there is significant demand then the service in that language should be offered. If there are significant employees who prefer to work in a given language then they should be allowed to do so. The question you should ask yourself do you enjoy your freedom or do you want the government to decide what language you should speak? What job you should do? And also the internet would be censored. The government decides what sites people can access. Who far do we go with government controlling everything. Is it so important that everyone paint their house the same color? This is no different then Quebec's draconian approach to enforce language. There are many products that cannot be shipped to Quebec due to not being any French manuals. Why does the government decide? Let the business offer it and the people will decide. If there is demand the people will buy it. Simple as that.

One last thing. Cruiser777 as posted this and this sums up what I said. I will not write it in my own words I will post it here. Like it or not these laws are fascist and nationalist at its core. Quebec is the subject of ridicule by other countries due to its petty enforcement of language.

Parts of Bill 101 were found unconstitutional big time (By the Quebec courts themselves) since it went too far against charter
of rights of Quebec before it went to the supreme court of Canada...

Where Quebec used the "Notwithstanding Clause"** put in the Canadian constitution on the insistence of the Western provinces
and of course then these provinces were bitching about Quebec using this "Loophole"*

In any case, IMO, laws like these don't belong to a civilized G7 country, I don't think 3rd world countries have any laws against
learning any other language if they want to.
Its hard to imagine that 3rd word countries have more freedom then the Quebec people (Who want to learn another language).

* On the "Positive" side (Thanks to Mr R.Bourassa), this gave birth to the English (Reduced size compare to French) signs.

So Mr.dboone please read this and never forget this the next time you try to justify Quebec's enforcement of French. The language wars will never end. It has been the one constant in this province.


New Member
May 22, 2008
I somehow agree with a couples of ClOUD 500 but too scare to quote them to get other warnings lol

I'm curious to have your impression toward Moncton as they did went and fight not to loose French years before Québécois did but for different reasons our rules are more stricts...

Yes we do have more arabic haïtiens moroccans lol all indians and asians are all in midwest and west Canada as Ontario is much more hard to immigrate there with the amount of requests.

France had a huge amount of immigrants in the 80 which i felt i was probably more french than 3/4 people...The times i visited for weeks..Specifically Paris


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
Lily, il me semble que le cumin est plus corsé que le safran. J'adore le safran, jalimon c'est quoi ta recette de soupe au poisson ?Pour du Safran de qualité, allez chez Akhavan sur la rue Sherbrooke dans NDG, il y en a un aussi dans le West Island. Cheers


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Pour toi Brittany. C'est une recette de josée di stasio que j'ai un peu adapté à moi pour qu'elle soi facile pis tellement bon!!!

huile d’olive
1 poireau émincé
1/2 fenouil en dés
2 branches celeri couper en dés (si feuille les mettre dedans!)
2 pommes de terre coupées en tres petits cubes
4 feuilles de laurier
des pincé de thym
2 gousse d’ail haché
1 tasse de vin blanc
6 tasses de fumet de poisson (si en poudre pas trop concentrer sinon trop salé)
3 pincées de safran
poissons blanc coupé, crevette, petoncle (moi je prend des filets de soles bon marché et 1 sac de petonce et crevete gele)
4 tomates italiennes couper petit (ou demi boite tomate en dés)
1/2 tasse coulis de tomate ou 1/4 pate tomate (y aller selon couleur et gout)
Sel et poivre

Chauffer poireau, pomme de terre, fenouil et celeri avec huile et beure 5 min. Ajouter thym et laurier.
Ajout ail et cuire, dès que l'ail sent quelques chose ajouter vin, fumet poisson et safran. Faire bouillir et pis feux doux 10-15 min.
Si patate cuite...

Ajouter poisson, tomate et coulis. 7-8 minutes.
si j'ai des epinards j'en drop un peu dedans... Ou ben du Kale et meme pourquoi pas des haricots blanc!
poivre et sel au gout.

Cette soupe est malade. Réchauffé le lendemain en lunch tout autemps!



Jun 23, 2013
Bravo pour ton effort de parler français :)

Crois-tu que l'espagnol est en danger au Mexique? Crois-tu que la langue anglaise est une menace pouvant mener à la disparition de la pratique de langue espagnole?

En passant... Je doute que ce que tu mentionnes soit répandu dans tous le pays... Ça doit être surtout concentré aux abords de la frontière avec les USA pour attirer les dollar$ US...

Tu as raison que c'est la frontière ÉU-MEX. Et que l'anglais ne va pas dépasser l'espagnol au Mexique. Mais à mon avis c'est un peu stricte de régler la langue du nom d'un magasin.
Last edited:


Jun 14, 2015
Si on demandait à plusieurs résidents du ROC au hasard dans chaque province, pourquoi ils ne veulent pas que le Québec se sépare du Canada, quelle réponse croyez-vous qu'on obtiendrait?


Jun 14, 2015
Hopefully they would look at Quebec as their constantly brooding child.
Troublesome, but their family never the less.

Luckily it is the people of Quebec that get to decide and they have done that a couple of times now.
How many more is needed before the message is loud and clear.

Les québécois font partie de la famille? Voyons donc... Ils ne sont même pas nés des mêmes parents que le reste du Canada... Les québécois ont été adoptés de force.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Anyway, I think we are probably better of discussing the merits of IGA potatoe salad as this debate has been going on longer than our lives and I am sure the two of us are not going to resolve it.

As I said before this is a problem within Quebec that will never stop... The war between the English and French aka Federalists between the Separatists.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
At the same time I think Bill 101 is far too restrictive and counter productive to the economic livelihood of Quebec and especially Montreal.

Yep the Bill at its core is Fascist.

Why is bilinguilism looked upon as the end of the world for the French language and culture, nobody is forcing anybody not to speak French at home in the work place at school.or anywhere. Culture is preserved by family, and family values, it should not be forced down people's throats by politicians looking for votes.

That is because they are driven by jealousy and xenophobia. The goal of the PQ and separatist xenophobes was never about preservation... Those are a lies being sold by the PQ to the public to get what they want... This was always about French DOMINATING all other languages and for the the complete eradication of English. The Bill in itself is unconstitutional and the Federal government has not allowed Quebec to go as far as they wanted to otherwise English would probably be illegal. Fascism at its very core. A language and culture is preserved by the people and thought to their offspring. If that is not being done and such strict enforcement laws are needed then the language does not deserve to survive. If a language is dominating without government intervention that means the people and majority have chosen to use that specific language. The government has no business deciding for the people what language they can use at work or officially just as in the government should not be enforcing rules from the Bible as in no prostitution. If the girls choose to work as escorts that is out of their own free will and if they do it is because there is sufficient demand for it as in clients willing to purchase sexual services.

Tell me how many countries allow a state or province to be as distinct as Quebec is and to operate almost autonomously in a different language.
Which state do you see in the US that recognizes Spanish as an official language and allows the powers that Quebec has.

And Quebec still says Canada does not let Quebec work autonomously and they are not serving their interests. I am sure there would be a Bill similar to what we have here in US states with large amounts of Spanish speakers if they also formed their own terrorists organization like the FLQ and commit acts of terror. So far they have not done that. The separatist xenophobes did and the result was the October crisis where the military were brought in.

But you know this is the one problem in Quebec that will never be resolved. The language wars is never ending. I think the government should stay out and let the people decide. Demand will dictate which language will be officially used. Each business should have the choice to choose the language they want to carry out their day to day operations. As for linguistic rights I believe everyone has the right to that. Everyone has the right to either be served in French or English and to work in French or English.


Jun 14, 2015
cloud... t'es juste aveugle...

Pourquoi la loi 101 a-t-elle été pensée au départ?

Il y n'y avait aucune restriction avant la loi 101. Les anglais en profitaient pour exiger aux français de s'exprimer en blanc (speak white). Dans n'importe quel environnement où on avait au moins un anglais, il n'était pas permis de parler français.

Allume tes lumières et regarde les faits.

La loi 101 a été crééee à cause de gens comme toi.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
This was always about French DOMINATING all other languages and for the the complete eradication of English.

English should never be eradicated. I majored in English in college. It is the language of Shakeapeare, and Dickens, and Tennyson, and Hemingway, Faulkner, Vonnegut, and yes Kerouac..........the great French Canadian/American writer of English!!!!!!!!! One of my favorites but despite his ancestry, he wrote in English, not French..........maybe some people who support Bill 101 should read these authors. They brought joy to all our lives.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
English should never be eradicated. I majored in English in college. It is the language of Shakeapeare, and Dickens, and Tennyson, and Hemingway, Faulkner, Vonnegut, and yes Kerouac..........the great French Canadian/American writer of English!!!!!!!!! One of my favorites but despite his ancestry, he wrote in English, not French..........maybe some people who support Bill 101 should read these authors. They brought joy to all our lives.

2 books i must have read 10 times, on the road by kerouac and papillon, by henri charriere

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