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French Canadian !

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Well its a damn shame if they don't accept and value there history. 25 millions soldiers from the Red Army died in the conflict to save europe. Everyday i wear this symbol its a tribute to them. I
They may in fact be far better experts on their history than you give them credit for. Hammer and sickle for many (myself included) is a symbol of another brutal occupation that followed the Nazi one, and it is even stylistically similar to the swastika.

And by the way, have you ever given a thought as to why so many Russian soldiers perished during the war? There was no military necessity for that, it is just that their commanders did not give a shit about them. The slogan of the day was "Women will give birth to more soldiers".

By wearing hammer and sickle, you are paying tribute not to dead soldiers but -- in effect -- to their murderers.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's a losing fight. You aren't being defeated by politicians. You are being defeated by assimilation. Assimilation is what is slowly dissolving away your culture. Look around you man. French Canadians are marrying immigrants. Look at all the mixed racial peoples you see in Montreal. You can't stop French Canadians from marrying Haitians, Jamaicans, Bahamanians, other immigrants. My favorite SA girl in Montreal is part French and part Bahamanian. You can't legislate her out of existence. She is fully bilingual. Instead of fighting it, accept it. It's inevitable that your culture will be swallowed. It eventually happened even to the Romans. We still have fragments of their culture but do you hear anyone speaking Latin outside of Roman Catholic Churches? We have to bring you into the 21st Century. This is the world you have inherited. You must accept it.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Dont they have many variations of language in china? Like they can all read each other but speak many various language, or the opposite?
I am not an expert, but that seems correct. My point was that Mandarin is much more popular than Cantonese. The latter is spoken in Hong Kong and a part of the mainland nearby, while Mandarin is basically the language of the (huge) rest of China. That is my understanding anyway.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Jailimon, my good friend, I think you are right about the Chinese written language.

EB, only time will tell whether your views are correct. I applaud you for your passion and insightful comments. HH, Sam21 and Jalimon -- you guys have enlightened me with your comments.

I've been deafly ill and am on the road to recovery; my slow recovery has been complicated by my morning for the recent passing of my dear mother. Thus, I've been staying close to home to allow my body and mind to recover.

I fell in love with Montreal and its French language and culture on my very first visit to Montreal over 10 years ago. I kept visiting Montreal because of the French culture, Quebec French language and the beautiful Quebecois ladies. I've been to France and I find Montreal to be more suitable for me. I'm always happy when I'm in Montreal - first on business trips and then more recently as a tourist.

I love Montreal so much that I recently bought a condominium residence in the heart of Montreal's downtown -- a huge cash investment. I hope Montreal maintains its French culture and language forever. I have no linguistic aptitude. Sadly, I can't even pronounce "Merci" -- It comes as "Mercy". I hope to study Quebec French after I move into condo. I find French to be a very romantic, sexy language. (I've been to Toronto several times and I hate every bit of it; I have Canadian citizen relatives there.) I will split my time in Montreal and my home in the U.S.A. I can say "Bonjour" but later discovered that I should say "Bonsoir" in the evening. LOL.

I studied Spanish in junior and high schools in the US. But I can only say a few words now; I love the Spanish language -- one of my favorite places in Europe is Barcelona, where I wish I could live and work.

Even though I have no European heritage, I hope the Quebec French culture and language survive and thrive in Quebec and Montreal until the end of humanity. I hope to become a productive member of the Montreal community after I move into my condo there.

Since I am not 100% yet, I will have to keep my participation on Merb to a bare minimum for the immediate future. I have learned a lot from reading the comments in the Lounge; which I can view without having to sign in.

I hope to be able to learn enough French to be able to have a rudimentary conversation. I will speak with a heavy American accent but I must try because I want to be a good guest.

When my mind and body are read, I will jump back in to Merb. I singed in to Merb now because I feel very strongly about continuing to nourish the French culture and language in Montreal and the rest of Quebec. It makes me vary happy to see young children speaking multiple languages with their parents. Scientists says children from the age of 6 months to 7 years old are in their optimal ages to learn multiple languages; and it will stick with them for life. While I speak only English, the "native mother tongue" words I learned during my formative years (6 moths to age 7 years) have stuck with me to my adulthood. I support Bill 101. I rely on Google Translate. But hoping to hire a French tutor later.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Shyman! So good to read you back! Upon SSJ's recent visit and during our few misadventures together with detour we did had much fun but we did miss you a lot!! Your intelligence, sociability and also crazyness is quite unique haha

EB: I do support Bill 101. It may not be perfect (like not being able to send my kids to english school suck big time! It I would re-write the bill myself I would make it mandatory to send french to english school and english to french school hehe) but it is important to have something in place. If not for that all outside signs would be in English in Montreal. This is just a tiny example of what we do not want.

If you grow up in Ontario you are basically an american. You listen to american music and view movies america sees. If you grow up in Quebec you get the choice to participate in the unique Quebec french culture. Some do some don't. I remember when Titanic went out. It was number 1 in the world except one place... Quebec where a french movie about hockey was ahead.

This french diversity makes Montreal what it is. A melting pot of cultures dominated by our french background and origin. We need to preserve that while still opening our doors to others like we always did.


p.s. let me tell you I went to Vancouver in June and some suburbs are now juggling with the idea for having their own bill 101 as in some you cannot be served in English anymore!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Shyman! So good to read you back! Upon SSJ's recent visit and during our few misadventures together with detour we did had much fun but we did miss you a lot!! Your intelligence, sociability and also crazyness is quite unique haha

Indeed..good to see you around again my friend


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
Sacrament les gars !!!! Ce thread a commencé avec une fille qui se plaind que les reglements de merb ne sont pas bilingue, et vous, vous, vous etes rendu avec des enoncés sur la guerre de Pologne!!!!!!! J ai hate que ce thread soit fermé...

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Sacrament les gars !!!! Ce thread a commencé avec une fille qui se plaind que les reglements de merb ne sont pas bilingue, et vous, vous, vous etes rendu avec des enoncés sur la guerre de Pologne!!!!!!! J ai hate que ce thread soit fermé...

En anglais en plus, hahahah !


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sacrament les gars !!!! , vous etes rendu avec des enoncés sur la guerre de Pologne!!!!!!! J ai hate que ce thread soit fermé...

J'ai ecris sur ma salade de patates et ma salade de betteraves, je peux enchainer sur ma succulente salade d'endives pour completer un trio sante? Haha



Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
My parents lived under communism too and I'm happy I didn't have to endure the hardships my parent did.

Thanks Jalimon and SSJ. I was on death bed when I was supposed to meet up with you guys in Montreal. I ate tainted blow fish sushi and sashimi -- I was hospitalized in intensive care for nearly 11 days. I'm now trying to recover and I need lots of rehabilitation and need to do lots of healing.

Back to the French culture and language in Quebec and Montreal. I believe French is still spoken in many former French colonies, especially those in Africa. French is spoken also in a number of European countries. There are many beloved classical operas that are performed in French. I don't think the French culture and language will ever become obsolete.

Unlike Americans, most Europeans, especially the educated "youths", speak multiple languages. Yes, English will be the language of global business interactions and currency. But people will continue to learn, teach and speak their "mother" tongue. For example, in Singapore, students have to speak English in school but they also have to learn their mother tongue -- so students in Singapore are bilingual. China is doing the same; the business elites conduct business in English but speak their mother tongue among their family members and friends.

The future is embodies by PM Justin Trudeau who is fluent in Quebec French and Canadian English (which I like more than American English, which I speak) -- politics aside, Justin Trudeau's fluency in French and English is the future for all Quebecois and folks like me who want to live and work in Montreal.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks multiple languages, including Russian, English and German and probably functional French. I'm a huge fan of Chancellor Merkel. When I was in Berlin, which is one of my favorite cities in the world, I spoke a few German words but the locals could not understand me. LOL. Thus, I just spoke English and use the universal language: pointing, body gestures and smiles and eye contact. I wish I could speak French, German, Russian and other languages; but I'm linguistically challenged and impaired. :) ;)

I strongly believe (and hope) French culture and language will survive in Quebec and Montreal forever, albeit they will evolve as the society evolves.

I'm sorry for being verbose. I'm still bedridden mostly. ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Shy Man,

Glad to hear of your recovery from this unfortunate meal. I had heard that Blowfish, if not prepared properly, can be a toxic sushi dish. I assume you placed confidence in your sushi chef and I laud your culinary courage. I would probably have wimped out due to the risk.

In the past I have had food poisoning (salmonella), and it is no laughing matter. Hope you regain your strength soon!


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
Only on an escort review forum will you see a thread that can mix Communism, scallions and the preservation of the French culture in North America.
I would be curious to know what Brittany - who started this thread but has not partaken since - thinks of this.
Would also like to know if she finally got an answer from anyone at merb...

Vive le français libre !


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Getting back to the original post by Brittany that started this thread off, its an interesting question. At first, I thought she was trying to stir the pot in terms of the language issue in Quebec, and was saying that everything on this site should be french (ie. reviews, all posts, etc).

But she's actually talking about the maintenance of this site and obtaining technical support as a paying customer. Given that this is something she's paying for, she should be entitled to this, and there should be support for the SPs that happen to speak only/mainly french and shouldn't have to wait 3X the amount of time to obtain responses to her technical queries.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There has been a French speaking moderator since the beginning of MERB. So, I don't understand what the issue is exactly. In the past, Francophone posters had their queries directed at the French speaking Moderator.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
The same Soviet Red Army, invaded countries like East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Chekoslovakia etc.. Held them captive for almost 50 years until the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Also, lets not forget that Soviet Union in itself was formed by the occupation of the 15 countries, including,
Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania etc etc who lost their names and identities for almost 70 years.

Stalin himself under the Soviet Union flag killed as many as 20 million of his own people.

No wander all the enemies of the West (Eastern Europe / The Warsaw pact countries with their armies) joined
NATO "almost overnight" once the Soviet Union broke up.


Jun 14, 2015
Voulez-vous la recette de la meilleure pizza "Chicago style"? La pizza qu'on mange avec un couteau et une fourchette?

Je niaise... Je remarque que la discussion dérape dans tous les sens... alors, j'avais envie de d'ajouter de l'huile sur la piste ;)


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
Premièrement, je voudrais remercier ceux qui ont répondu à mes questions.
Il me semble que je n'ai pas insulté personne pour avoir enfin des réponses.
J'avoue que le titre est peut-être choquant mais avouez que si j'avais juste mis French Canadian, je n'aurais pas suscité autant d'attention et mes intentions étaient d'avoir enfin des réponses.
Ceux qui vous permettez de me juger et de m'insulter, si vous savez lire le français, vous constaterez que j'avais demandé qu'on me réponde en privé.
gugu, je comprends que vous connaissez bien le site et justement j'avais besoin d'une personne comme vous pour me guider. Merci d'avoir fait une version en français, je ne peux pas deviner où elle se trouve cette traduction.
Maintenant, pour que votre traduction soit efficace, il faudrait nous envoyer ce lien lorsqu'on veut l'avoir en français. Ça aurait été tellement simple si vous m'aviez envoyé ces informations en privé comme je l'avais demandé initialement au lieu de vous faire aller les pompoms en forum et de partir un débat d'insultes.
Je ne cherche pas à partir de guerre, ceux qui me connaissent le savent très bien.
Pourquoi je devrais justifier mes questions ?
N'ayant pu travailler pendant près de 3 semaines pour des raisons de santé, maintenant que je reviens au travail, j'aurais bien aimé mettre la main à la pâte mais parfois il manque de farine. Je n'ai pas demandé d'ajouter du sel d'insultes. Travaillant que 2 jours collés par semaine et ce site étant mon outil de travail, j'avais besoin de l'utiliser et de comprendre. Je paie pour mettre mes annonces alors oui c'est frustrant quand ça marche pas. Vous me dîtes qu'on ne me doit rien mais si vous payez pour un service, vous aimeriez que le service soit impeccable non ?
Je ne pensais pas que mon message susciterait autant d'injures. J'ai n'ai pas encore tout lu car la plupart des messages sont en anglais mais je tenais à répondre en premier lieu aux gens qui se permettent de m'insulter en public alors que j'avais demandé qu'on me réponde en privé.
Veuillez m'excuser pour le titre qui semble avoir choqué, ce n'était pas mon intention.
P.S. The best language of the world is the body language ;)
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