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French Canadian !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I found that if you are in a place where you do not know the language just make a slight attempt to speak the language, have a sense of humor and be polite, it does work.

Yes but if you do all that with an obvious German surname while buying your potato salad at the IGA supermarket, it just doesn't work, because of the instant loss of credibility.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well this thread certainly opened up old wounds. Here's my 2 cents. At the time, Bill 101 was important to keep moderately political francophones from voting for independence. To them, the law was enough to calm the storm in the 1980s and 1990s. That, from a big picture point of view is making the best of a bad situation. It was not ideal legislation if you believe in individual rights and freedoms but in my view it helped to kick the legs out of the PQs movement.

You are right this bill was drafted to maintain the peace. At the time this was the only way as those terrorists were creating a lot of problems and they were not about stop.

These days people who live here should speak French, but that doesn't mean that any website should be in french.

It is funny you write this... Those same people who created so much problems should speak English. The fact of the matter is that it was logic and made sense for medium and big business to conduct their business in English however those French people mostly the uneducated ones who did not know English were not able to hold management positions or government positions. Their problem. But now this Bill 101 has completely altered the linguistic landscape and has made it a rule for everything to be in French including the provincial government so now all those businesses had to change their language of operation for this rule... This allowed those people who did not speak English to hold management and government positions. They could now hold those management high paying decision making jobs. But you know language is a skill and knowing English is one of them. They were too jealous. They also created Office Quebecois de la Langue Francaise aka the Language Police to enforce French. Did you know that the OQLF has an annual budget of $19 million? I could think of many good ways to spend that money but enforcing a language is not one of them.

But this is all the problem of the 60's and 70's. These days many of the younger generation are bilingual. It was the uneducated Generation X who did not speak English. Many baby boomers speak both languages as you needed to know English to hold management jobs. But the language wars is something that will always go on in this province. The PQ is dangerous and are pushing for more stricter and more draconian enforcement of French.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009

Je vous dois des excuses. J'espère que les accepterez. J'ai lu votre message trop rapidement et de manière tordue après avoir lu le titre. Je ne m'adressais toutefois pas directement à vous, mais à ceux qui qui ne payent pas pour être sur merb.

Les administrateurs du site ne sont pas au Québec et ne parlent pas français. Le nombre d'annonceuses unilingues sont une quantité négligeable pour eux. C'était pareille il y a dix ans. Soit ils ne répondaient pas, soit ils prenaient plus de temps pour répondre à des courriels rédigés en français. Je ne suis pas spécialiste en logiciels. Je ne sais pas ce que leur coûterait d'offrir le choix entre un interface vbulletin en français ou en anglais tout en conservant le même contenu, anglais et français, du site actuel. Quoi qu'il en soit, je doute qu'ils se donnent la peine de traduire tous leurs messages d'interaction avec les annonceuses : grilles de prix, méthode de paiement, etc. Honnêtement, pour vous simplifier la vie, je pense que la manière la plus simple de communiquer avec eux est de demander à un membre que vous connaissez de traduire vos courriels. Je l'ai déjà fait pour trois ou quatre tds. Ce n'est pas un gros service à leur demander parce ces courriels n'on souvent que trois ou quatre lignes.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
You are completely right about this one. However the government should keep its nose out of this and let the citizens decide what language they want to use. Me myself since I work in Quebec I am forced to operate in French. It is not a choice it is mandatory.

But then again how unfair it is since you are working in a french province? If you where like Jailmon in some business or whatever im sure you would work mainly in english as foreign investor use this language. If you are "forced" to work in french it mean you serve the public or something and that is just NORMAL. Honestly it happened to me entering a place in MTL where i was unable to be served in french, and i was really hungry, i didn't know the city well, and in a hurry otherwise i would had just turn around and find a place that can serve me in french if i was a local cause it really annoyed me. Hey if i was a japanese citizen and entered a place where i couldn't be served in japanese but rather in ... i dunno... portuguese... while in japan... yeah i would be pissed !!! ONLY NORMAL.


And and if you don't like it here in Quebec because of the language or whatever... oh well you got 9 other provinces and 2 territories to choose from... As you guys love to say in english, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out... :/

I didn't read all posts in full details tonight, ill have another look in the next days but i just really don't like when peoples criticize french in Quebec. Its just something you don't do. And yes i vote PQ and will keep doing !!!

As for the messages on the soviet union and the symbols, i promise you guys ill give a deeper look into it and i did read what you guys posted and your bad memories from it. But i know the CCCP was not all perfect and all good, i always knew it. Maybe the bad outweight the good and this is what i have to give a deeper look. But i don't think over there whole history it was just all bad. Truth is even bad guys sometimes end up labeled as good guys wrongly. Who is on our 10$ Bills... oh yeah... Macdonald.. yet he is the guy that hangeg Louis Riel... Somebody explain why this person can keep his status... I don't care if he was the first prime minister of Canada... what he did is unforgivable !!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
OMG how stupid ypu are! That's a dumb generlization i'm a genxers and i'm bilingual!

Read again. I wrote "Uneducated". Are you uneducated as in high school drop out?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
But then again how unfair it is since you are working in a french province? If you where like Jailmon in some business or whatever im sure you would work mainly in english as foreign investor use this language. If you are "forced" to work in french it mean you serve the public or something and that is just NORMAL. Honestly it happened to me entering a place in MTL where i was unable to be served in french, and i was really hungry, i didn't know the city well, and in a hurry otherwise i would had just turn around and find a place that can serve me in french if i was a local cause it really annoyed me. Hey if i was a japanese citizen and entered a place where i couldn't be served in japanese but rather in ... i dunno... portuguese... while in japan... yeah i would be pissed !!! ONLY NORMAL.


It is not a question of customers. I worked in other types of jobs where I dealt with the public but I had the choice to operate in English. Meaning I communicate with management in English, I write all my reports in English, I get to choose to have my computer and applications all in English. But Bill 101 forbid that. Some companies let it slide while others did not they probably got pressure from the language police. It has to be all in French. See I do not have the choice. My choice and right to freedom of expression has been restricted. BTW I had already moved to Toronto and lived there for several years. I came back for personal reasons and I am contemplating to move back there in the next few years. Having language enforced on me does not sit well with me. The main thing that kept me in Montreal are the escorts and stripclubs otherwise I would have been long gone a long time ago. Toronto is so much better in many ways. All English, lower taxes, very clean city, etc.. It just does not do as well as Montreal for escorts and stripclubs. Montreal has the most liberal clubs and lowest prices. Escorts in Montreal have very competitive pricing and you get very high quality service from top lookers. Toronto pricing is almost 50% higher then here. This is the only reason I never moved back to Toronto yet.

That is how the xenophobe separatists felt. How unfair that English is dominating in the workplace and government offices. They could not hold management positions because they could not speak English. See the irony in this. Best thing is to be able to speak both languages. Better for you better for others. Here is the thing is a business decides to serve in Japanese and remains profitable it deserves to survive. Do you know why? Because if a business serves in Japanese only that means there is a demand for Japanese language and there are enough people that speak Japanese. But you know this would not work in Quebec as there is not much of a significant Japanese speaking population. The business would go out of business. A business is there to make profits and they will serve in the local language. Like it or not English is part of Montreal. The rest of Quebec is another story. But just as Quebec is a distinct province so is Montreal a distinct city within Quebec. You get it. The government should stay out of peoples business. Let them decide what language they want.

And and if you don't like it here in Quebec because of the language or whatever... oh well you got 9 other provinces and 2 territories to choose from... As you guys love to say in english, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out... :/

This has always been the moto of the PQ. Speak French or hit the 401. Well they could have said the same thing to the xenophobes during the 60's speak English or go back to France.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Je vous dois des excuses. J'espère que les accepterez. J'ai lu votre message trop rapidement et de manière tordue après avoir lu le titre. Je ne m'adressais toutefois pas directement à vous, mais à ceux qui qui ne payent pas pour être sur merb.

Les administrateurs du site ne sont pas au Québec et ne parlent pas français. Le nombre d'annonceuses unilingues sont une quantité négligeable pour eux. C'était pareille il y a dix ans. Soit ils ne répondaient pas, soit ils prenaient plus de temps pour répondre à des courriels rédigés en français. Je ne suis pas spécialiste en logiciels. Je ne sais pas ce que leur coûterait d'offrir le choix entre un interface vbulletin en français ou en anglais tout en conservant le même contenu, anglais et français, du site actuel. Quoi qu'il en soit, je doute qu'ils se donnent la peine de traduire tous leurs messages d'interaction avec les annonceuses : grilles de prix, méthode de paiement, etc. Honnêtement, pour vous simplifier la vie, je pense que la manière la plus simple de communiquer avec eux est de demander à un membre que vous connaissez de traduire vos courriels. Je l'ai déjà fait pour trois ou quatre tds. Ce n'est pas un gros service à leur demander parce ces courriels n'on souvent que trois ou quatre lignes.

Google Translate works pretty well too on 3-4 line emails. It gave me a wonderful translation of your post. No need for her to ask for translation help from members when Google does the job, and does it well. That's why they are Google.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Je vous dois des excuses. J'espère que les accepterez. J'ai lu votre message trop rapidement et de manière tordue après avoir lu le titre. Je ne m'adressais toutefois pas directement à vous, mais à ceux qui qui ne payent pas pour être sur merb.

Les administrateurs du site ne sont pas au Québec et ne parlent pas français. Le nombre d'annonceuses unilingues sont une quantité négligeable pour eux. C'était pareille il y a dix ans. Soit ils ne répondaient pas, soit ils prenaient plus de temps pour répondre à des courriels rédigés en français. Je ne suis pas spécialiste en logiciels. Je ne sais pas ce que leur coûterait d'offrir le choix entre un interface vbulletin en français ou en anglais tout en conservant le même contenu, anglais et français, du site actuel. Quoi qu'il en soit, je doute qu'ils se donnent la peine de traduire tous leurs messages d'interaction avec les annonceuses : grilles de prix, méthode de paiement, etc. Honnêtement, pour vous simplifier la vie, je pense que la manière la plus simple de communiquer avec eux est de demander à un membre que vous connaissez de traduire vos courriels. Je l'ai déjà fait pour trois ou quatre tds. Ce n'est pas un gros service à leur demander parce ces courriels n'on souvent que trois ou quatre lignes.

Très bonne suggestion gugu...j'étais sur le point de lui faire la même y a sûrement des membres bilingues qui se feraient un grand plaisir de le faire.....


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
I offered my help going forward so there won't be another war between franco and anglo (I hope?).

Just a note ,what are you people writing so elaborate posts at 3 am? Isn't past your bedtime?


After seeing an SP, going out to strip joints, consumes few glasses of alcohol, getting home at 3 AM, thats when the
brain is in excellent shape hence the "The Elaborate Posts".

And one historical note and what an irony that because of the British, Quebec is Quebec now as we know it ?
(French language and culture protected).

British rule (1760–1867)
Royal Proclamation (1763–1774)

British rule under Royal Governor James Murray was benign, with the French Canadians guaranteed their traditional rights and customs.[21] The British Royal Proclamation of 1763 united three Quebec districts into the Province of Quebec. It was the British who were the first to use the name "Quebec" to refer to a territory beyond Quebec City.[22] The British tolerated the Catholic Church, and protected the traditional social and economic structure of Quebec. The people responded with one of the highest birth rates ever recorded, 65 births per thousand per year [23] Much French law was retained inside a system of British courts, all under the command of the British governor.[24][25] The goal was to satisfy the Francophile settlers, albeit to the annoyance of British merchants.

I wander if PQ knows this fact. (Or they are doing an excellent job of hiding it).


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Cruiser the British were no fools. They did all that so french Canadian would not join the Americans to fight them back, as many had already did.



Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
I communicate with management in English, I write all my reports in English, I get to choose to have my computer and applications all in English. But Bill 101 forbid that.
I am absolutely no expert on bill 101, and I'm simply asking the question here as some of you seem to be quite au fait. I work in both languages for a Toronto based company. My understanding is that legally, they have to make sure both languages are available to me (communications, computer, applications, etc). But I can still choose, no one is forcing me to use my computer in French.
Cloud seems to imply that an English speaking person cannot communicate with management in English, cannot choose to set up his apps in English and that his reports have to be in French.
I'm not sure that's how bill 101 works.
I still have the choice, only if I want my computer to be in French, my company has to make sure it's available. That's what 101 guarantees, isn't it?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Cruiser the British were no fools. They did all that so french Canadian would not join the Americans to fight them back, as many had already did.


That was mainly due to the efforts of the first American Secretary of State, Benjamin Franklin, whose mug adores the American $100 bill. This great American statesman, inventor and businessman has a section of the Muzee de Ramsey on Notre Dame in Montreal devoted to his involvement with French Canadians. He also fathered 19 children, many with prostitutes, and is considered the first great and well known American "hobbyist." He clearly didn't believe in monogamy and was a huge admirer of French culture, winning many friends in Montreal where he was well known to the local politicians and working girls.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am absolutely no expert on bill 101, and I'm simply asking the question here as some of you seem to be quite au fait. I work in both languages for a Toronto based company. My understanding is that legally, they have to make sure both languages are available to me (communications, computer, applications, etc). But I can still choose, no one is forcing me to use my computer in French.
Cloud seems to imply that an English speaking person cannot communicate with management in English, cannot choose to set up his apps in English and that his reports have to be in French.
I'm not sure that's how bill 101 works.
I still have the choice, only if I want my computer to be in French, my company has to make sure it's available. That's what 101 guarantees, isn't it?

In the spirit of Bill 101 it was supposed to ensure that citizens had the right to have service in French, to work in French, and to have their applications and computer or any other work related tools in French however it does not ensure that I receive it in English as per the Bill there is no right to English. So if I want it in English too bad for me. Bill 101 is being used the wrong way by xenophobes who are using it as a tool to eradicate all other languages. It was never drafted with the sole intent or purpose to enforce a dominance of French over all other languages. The spirit of his law was to ensure the preservation and the right to service in French. These laws has certain exceptions as it usually does not apply to companies where in their daily business activities they are dealing with clients outside of Quebec such as in your company and also to large companies hence why large companies still have their English names . Also some companies where the management prefer English they may work in English but this is all done on the low off the record. Legally if an employee decided to make a complaint to the OQLF because there is too much English in their daily business activities they will get a visit by the language police and I seen those on some occasions. Companies also must have a certificate of Francasition. When I worked at a call center for a major wireless service provider many years ago the computer application we used to access customers accounts is very easy to provide in either language but due to the language laws we did not have the choice so we got it all in French. The present company I work for is owned by the Caisse de Depot so you can imagine French is enforced. I do not have the choice to use English software or to send my correspondence in English. My immediate supervisor speaks to me in English but this again is done on the low.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fortunately you live in a democracy and you are able to express your views freely(something a lot of people value above their life), having said that so do others even without having to hit the 401.

Let me remind you of a little detail , you live in Canada( which does have 2 official languages) and it looks like you will continue to do so no matter how many times you go to vote, which is your right.

Your ancestors conquered the natives ( through force) and did not retain any of their customs.

Very well said and I completely agree with this


And and if you don't like it here in Quebec because of the language or whatever... oh well you got 9 other provinces and 2 territories to choose from... As you guys love to say in english, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out... :/

This quote you wrote is pretty typical of those xenophobe separatists and is pretty much the line of the PQ this essentially states Speak French or hit the 401. So this is your thoughts? Sam21 layed it out very simply is the truth. Remember your ancestors conquered the Natives are you speaking their language? We know the answer to that one. What you wrote is very ARROGANT. I guess you do not understand the meaning of freedom and democracy. This is the reason why people come to this country. They do not want to be under communist or fascist regimes where everyone is forced to do something they do not want. Having said that like it or not Montreal is a distinct city within the province of Quebec and English is part of it. Also what is more English is the business international language. Like it or not. Like every country has a language the international level also has a common language. You see for example automechanics who work in Quebec can only get the shop manual in English.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
That was mainly due to the efforts of the first American Secretary of State, Benjamin Franklin, whose mug adores the American $100 bill. This great American statesman, inventor and businessman has a section of the Muzee de Ramsey on Notre Dame in Montreal devoted to his involvement with French Canadians. He also fathered 19 children, many with prostitutes, and is considered the first great and well known American "hobbyist." He clearly didn't believe in monogamy and was a huge admirer of French culture, winning many friends in Montreal where he was well known to the local politicians and working girls.

Haha very interesting! So Franklin was our spiritual father to us all Montrealer hobbyist :) Who care cares about language you speak when your tong is in a pussy!

You got me interested in him, I will download some bio of him on my ipad for a bit if reading.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You got me interested in him, I will download some bio of him on my ipad for a bit if reading.


Actually he was very arguably the greatest American who ever lived when you consider his success not only as a politician but as an inventor, a publisher, a businessmen, a scientist, a philanthropist, a developer of civic organizations and contributor to the arts, and last but not least, the first great American hobbyist who hobbied in Montreal. There is a reason why things are named after him all over the USA and his face is on the $100 bill.

My personal opinion Ben Franklin and Abe Lincoln are the two greatest Americans in our history.
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