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fucked up story


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
A friend of mine confessed me that he f...... his son's girlfriend 3 weeks ago, and he's asking me my opinion on this. He's 48, she's 23. My personnal reaction on this was he was totally fucked up to play in his own son's back. I told him that he was an egocentric SOB to do such a thing. We haven't talked since. Have I been too harsh on him? Am I too judgemental? Before calling him back, I would like to hear from you guys, if you have ever been confronted to a similar story ? How would u feel if your best friend would come to you with this confession? Honnestly, i wouldnt see myself doing this to my own son,that's why I am reacting this way. Do you have any advise for me please?


Jun 9, 2015
Shame on the so-called father ( he don't deserve to be called a father ) and shame on the girl.

I wouldn't call this guy back. Backstabbing his son like this? Nobody needs this type of person in their life, just my two cents.


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
I was faced with the identical situation a couple months back. Without getting into any details, you told him what he truly is. I went even so far as to call him a f****** degenerate whore. A dad would never resort to such baseless inconsiderate acts on his kid. I haven't spoken to him since and somehow I don't think I have made a mistake.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I do not have enough of the details to go on. There may be some extinuating circumstances.

I sure know that i would like a crack at a few of my son's GFs. Not saying I'd do it
Jun 9, 2011
I have seen and heard about some sickos. I know a guy that fucked her daughters friends, he pulls out some weed and they party. Then there is the mom that fucks her daughters BFs when she brings them home. It is a sick world just under the surface.


Aug 12, 2011
Interesting thread! But so far I haven't read any response that addresses the original question as I see it. Marky123 is not asking opinions on the morality of his friend's actions, but rather on what his attitude should have been (be) towards his friend. He seems to have a serious affection for him and does not want to loose his friendship. Not knowing the story's details, I will not make any further moral judgment. Nor will I give direct advice to Marky123. But i do want to say that a true friend does not judge, yet he has the right and the duty to confront the other with what he has done. I would say that a confrontation that takes the form of insults is not exactly non-judgmental. If I was in a situation like the one described, I would ask my friend a lot of questions in a non-threatening way, to help him reach his own conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
What was done was really bad but Orgone is right I don't think we have enough details to draw our own conclusions. And to answer the question, I think he definitely should call his "best friend" and talk it out. What he has done was morally wrong but he did not commit any illegal crimes etc... I would not want to throw away a great relationship for a mistake of this magnitude. If you are a friend of mine, you are a friend for life. There are only 2 situations that would break my friendship: 1) if you physically, emotionally or mentally harmed myself, family or friends and 2) If you committed a "serious" illegal act, for example, homicide, rape, terrorism etc...


Feb 18, 2015
Marky123 is not asking opinions on the morality of his friend's actions, but rather on what his attitude should have been (be) towards his friend. He seems to have a serious affection for him and does not want to loose his friendship.

But i do want to say that a true friend does not judge, yet he has the right and the duty to confront the other with what he has done.

The age difference isn't a problem. Most of us are having sex with women half our age. Betraying your son is a grave problem. How can anyone risk losing a son's trust. No question this is big.

If it was only a mistake let it go. If the father is putting sex above his son's trust and their relationship then he needs someone to remind him what is important in life.

It's not about morality to remind dad his son is far more important than getting some.


New Member
Oct 22, 2011
If she is willing to do what she did ..... she was never a real girlfriend!

Case close


Active Member
Nov 24, 2006
I think orgone is right. marky is asking about what he should do to his friend.

If I were marky, I would tell this friend that: You betrayed your son, you cannot expect to cover this up for the rest of your life, do whatever you need to do to win his trust back. Even if you cannot win his trust back, still tell him what happened so that at least he knows this girl does not deserve him. And don't play it like, hey I did you a favor to find out she's a bitch. That would be bad.

My two cents. And this is indeed fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I may be old fashioned but I grew up in a time where you NEVER had anything to do with someone dating or even ex or a friend or a family member. This to the extent where I have had friends who after breaking up with a girlfriend gave the all clear to date their ex and not one of my friends went down that road. The reality was that had any of them dated his ex, none of our group of friends would have had anything to do with him or the girl in question ever again :(

The issue with a father having relations with his son's girlfriend is disgusting. She is after all 23 years old, he in this case is the one who is older and I would assume more responsible and in fact has more to lose, I don't think admonishing him the way you did is over the top, I would lose all respect and would not have anything to do with a "friend" of mine who did something like this.


Sep 22, 2015
i've got a liberal attitude about a lot of things. this isn't one one of them. what kind of girlfriend this is doesn't matter. this is not a game. you never betray family, your own child no matter what.

what would the guy do next. to you. i've seen it happen more than once.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I'd say definitely don't tell the son because it's between him and his father.

It is a really shitty thing to do but we all know what happens when it comes to getting some action and you can imagine a 48 year old with the opportunity to have sex with someone half his age. Some guys would probably put that in front of everything sadly.

I think it really depends on how serious his son was with this girl.


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
I would definitely not rat anyone out - that is such a chick thing to do.
You have to decide what the friendship is worth. Personally I would wash my hands of the guy, his kid and his girlfriend. Who needs that kind of crap in their life as a friend. I draw the line at deceit and deception. Whats next? your wife/girlfriend? maybe he has already?
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