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full disclosure: here we go..

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Effectively Mod's asked me questions, and I gave them explanations. I admit that my reviews are very similar to GF style, very easy to understand, and I gave explanations to Mod's without trying to foul them.
It's funny to see some members always trying to find "shit", or assuming that they are smarter than our Mods. Our Mods are doing a great job, and they have a life too.
...Was I suppose to reply ? I believe I owe explanations only to Mod ? Maybe I am wrong...

You're wrong, you owe explanation to the community according to me as the insinuations agains you, MDF69/Grenouille, IF they are true, would mean that you, Grenouille/MDF69, would have FOOLED the whole community.

I know that Grenouille is not that retired and still read merb. He even throw a review recently and voted in the polls. And I know that he is still booking SPs...
So I'm surprised he does not come here to take your defense since this is an important issue that concerns him and is as important to reply as voting for girls and guys or making reviews etc, to clear up his reputation. Cause the insinuations are directed to GF as well. He certainly would not want to retire in this controversy about him.

You know what, there is a very simple and fun way to clear things up. You should come to a next Iggy's GT :)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not a bad idea UBob, but a SP that knows them BOTH would need to be there to verify, same with the challenge i offered and according to Gf and MDF69 they have both seen several of the same ladies. I'll even pay for the coffee.

You know what, there is a way to clear things up. You should come to a next Iggy's GT :)


New Member
Nov 1, 2013
Oh boy! It's incredible how things can evolve in a so short period! As Thor Jr said earlier, "This thread has more lives then a cat..... its like the energizer friggin takes a licking and keeps on ticking...." It started as a story where Ricky Bonds was trying to defend himself against Sol Tee Nutz comments about a remotely prepaid session with a Rebecca (who is she by the way?), when Cinderella jumped on board with a different point of view, deleted some of her posts, the Mods taking action and later on chickening out by removing part of their explanation, Coralie defending her "friend", and we are now down to MDF69 and GFE! So funny!

Let me give another life to this thread by giving my opinion about some of the matters discussed here :cool:

The Cinderella fan club may as well try to crucify me for telling the truth but the mods rescinded their initial judgement "Posting reviews in exchange for free services" for a reason.
Cross-examining Cinderella (IF it was her) returns out of the blue from retirement, making impulsive complaints, who then deletes her posts, the proof that they were recently in very good terms which doesn't make sense with Cinderella's behavior to go against RB, etc.
As a good lawyer, I'm surprised EagerBeaver didn't comment on this one. Maybe I didn't understand what you meant correctly, but are you deeming as "proof" the fact that she removed some of her posts? We all do things for a reason, whatever it is, but this is not a "proof" of anything.

I became friend with Cinderella, and even though she's retired we are still in touch. I know for a fact that RB didn't pay her, and he saw her multiples times. The 1st time he "forgot his wallet" and would pay her on his next visit. Then he made a review. It's true that Cinderella made a lot of meeting$ as a result of his posts, but she has never asked for that, and she NEVER implied that it was to be deemed as a paiement. She was just too nice and didn't enforce her point of view strongly enough, and maybe RB took that as an agreement. That only RB can tell us. But again, she NEVER agreed to not be paid. RB kept seing her - and not paying her - always telling her how he did good things for her (and for other girls!), would help her and blah blah blah yada yada yada... In short, he manipulated her as much as he could to have freebees. And Cinderella is not the only girl he's played with FOR FREE.

I personally had a good opinion of RB until this whole story came out. Now I came to realize he's just a manipulative SOB doing everything he can to have sex with girls he couldn't pay for anyway. His reviews were useful, but I respect the girls in this business too much to accept the way he plays them.

Hello everyone. I think you have misunderstood Ricky. He has been a good friend of mine for years now and I doubt he is the kind of person capable of screwing people over. He is a kind soul and always wants to help girls, including yours truly. He has helped me and a number of other girls I know to get up on their feet after falling down. I don't know what has taken place here or the events, facts etc. One thing for sure is that I am 100% positive that Ricky would never mess with a sex workers income! I kindly ask you to reconsider his status here.

Coralie, I'm actually very surprised to see you coming to his defense (if it's really you!). I figure it's the same as with Cinderella: He asked you to come up for him! Cinderella refused. The main diference is the way you deal with some people. You were not ashamed years ago to pump all money from anyone gullible enough to think your "apparent" feelings for them were real (I'm refering to Ponpon, amongst others), so i'm not surprised to see you jump at the defense of someone using the same kind of tricks. You and RB are somehow in the same league after all! Although you are MUCH better looking and give awesome BBBJTCIM! LOL

Thus it is proving difficult to take your kind request seriously Coralie.
Clara, I don't know you, but are you one of the many SPs RB played (or tried to play) tricks with? Did he also see you and promised you the moon? You might have had another "artist name" before and I'd understand you may not want to tell or us to discover it (or maybe I'm off here), but please, if you have something to say, please let it out! It's about time a guy like RB gets exposed for his actions. I hope more of the girls he tricked to have free services will jump in.

Then the topic changes...

Well not much negative against Grenouille really if it is only that he posted a retiring thread and he seems to have another active handle in the name of Mydear_Friend69.
Many here pointed out in many threads MDF69 posted in that he wrote exactly the same way as Grenouille.

MDF69 does not seems to deny it with vigor yet.

Apart their writing being exactly the same, I guess there is not enough "proof" for the mods (Same IP for exemple) to act against this trickery.

I don't understand the problem here. Let's say (and I'm NOT saying it's what it is, I don't know) GrenouilleForever is in fact MDF69. Many members here have had more than one handles at some point. There's always a reason, sometimes it's good, sometimes not so good. We are not in the head of those changing handles, so based on what would we be allowed to judge them? As long as it's not doing harm to anyone, it's not done to deliberately fool us, and the handles are not used concurrently, who cares?

Bottom line I'll enjoy reading comments and reviews from MDF69 as much as I did enjoy reading GrenouilleForever. As far as I'm concerned: End of story.

If we're talking about RB and his future handle (and he will come back, that's written in the sky!), let's see how the mods will handle him. IMHO he'd fall in the categories "doing harm to someone" (the girls) and "deliberately trying to fool us" above.



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
It is the best of the year. Retired has to be there too.

I totally agree 100 % Even if a person has retired, they still deserve recognition for the posts that they did

Best Regards



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am not sure why you think I would comment on something I know nothing about. Furthermore, I don't speak French. I attempted to translate Cnderella's posts on Google Translate and the translation I got made no sense. So really don't understand why you think I would comment on it. Also, whatever the Mods did, they did. If you think they should explain what they did, they can answer for themselves if they wish.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Many members here have had more than one handles at some point. There's always a reason, sometimes it's good, sometimes not so good.

There is never any reason someone has 2 handles at the same time .

Best Regards



New Member
Nov 1, 2013
EB, I thought you would comment as he took as "proof" something that was unrelated, and you're usually quick to identify those situations. Forgot that you didn't read French, and didn't want to single you out. Sorry about that.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think Smuler was trying to say that there is no valid reason to have two handles and if so, I agree with Smuler.. It's also a violation of board rules.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Have not read through these 15 pages of usual Merb back and forth but.......

I know we are only 16 days into 2016 but I am declaring this as the THREAD OF THE YEAR!

With the rocket upside of the strength of the USD, 2016 is going to be quite an interesting year.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
i took my time with this because it really wasn't all that important to me. Besides being highly amusing, it really isn't something i would put much thought into.
Let it be known though that as many can vouch, im a transparent guy

I agree Numerati

Remember, this is how it started :eyebrows:

Best Regards



New Member
Nov 1, 2013
I have proof of your actual "friendship" with Cinderella of which you claim but I do not wish to defame you/break your heart with it's nasty content about you (coming from Cinderella's work number).
Your only source of info is being a client of hers lol... to which she can lie about anything to get you to defend her.

She has seen RB multiple times like you said, paid or not paid it was her decision to keep coming back.
The "proof" is already being handled by the mods and your story is just noise in the background.
Interresting! It's funny how you seem so involved! Are you RB? Already back? ;)
And don't worry about not willing to break my heart, I'm a big boy. But it's sooooo nice of you! :lol:

Feel free to send me your "proof" anytime. My email is my handle at



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
As long as it's not doing harm to anyone, it's not done to deliberately fool us, and the handles are not used concurrently, who cares?

This is the problem. Not only having two active handle is illegal on merb, but MDF69 and Grenouille posted praises to themself and MDF69 has voted for Grenouille as reviewer of year 2015.
BOTH have voted for their fovorite SP, Indy, Agency of the years... etc...
Should they be in fact the same person, this is totally fooling the community badly. This is a scam.

Should GF wanted to get a new life on merb, at least, he should have been more discrete and stop shilling himself with his second handle lol.


New Member
Nov 1, 2013
This is the problem. Not only having two active handle is illegal on merb, but MDF69 and Grenouille posted praises to themself and MDF69 has voted for Grenouille as reviewer of year 2015.
BOTH have voted for their SP, Indy, Agency of the years... etc...
Should they be in fact the same person, this is totally fooling the community badly. This is a scam.

Should GF wanted to get a new life on merb, at least, he should have been more discrete and stop shilling himself by using a second handle lol.
Good point. Totally agree.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
I did not foul anyone, but that is your right to believe so.
Me semble tu essayes (maladroitement) de détourner l'attention de ton cas mon cher MDGF69 lol

Qu'est ce que tu penses de venir en discuter à MPGT-1 ou VIP5 ? ... drinks on me mon ami!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just a thought on the coralie banning. Perhaps it was not a blue troll hack but RB used her handle to post and the mods found out by ip address or whatever.
I liked it when they posted why people got banned, it took out the guess work.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
So an other guy got fooled by RB... Comon Sam, tout le monde ment alors sauf lui?
Are you certain about the status of your "friendship" with Cinderella? There is proof (coming from Cinderella's work number) but it may defame you/break your heart with it's nasty content.
Your only source of info is being a client of hers lol... where she can lie about anything to get you to defend her.

She has seen RB multiple times like you said. Paid or not paid it was her decision to keep coming back.
The "proof" is already being handled by the mods and your story is just noise in the background.

This among many other comments is not constructive, try to keep up with the facts.
Coralie's account has been hacked by a blue troll, even RB has no reason to lie he had no idea who was behind Coralie.
Notice how Coralie's handle has been banned.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I feel like im watching a Twilight Zone marathon... Lets smoke a blunt, grab a bag of chips and veg out man.

Have you ever read The Neverending story? :nod:

Thor Jr


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The Neverending story? :nod
Thor Jr

Hello all and Thor Jr

You are right Backdoor "Bookers" are a Never ending story .This thread is only a very small portion of the iceberg .

Those Backdoor guys are creating damages to this business and to the ladies in it .

From drivers , clients , board members , boy friends , girls working at other agencies , x agency owners and bookers ,
doorman , waiters .cab drivers ,Limo drivers ,Hotel Concierge,the list is long of people trying to get a "piece of the pie "
Interesting post and background BookerL. I agree agency operator, Booker, Driver, Escort they are all getting paid from and have different pieces of the same pie.

Many questions comes to mind how they recruit there prey .
Poaching through agencies girl is one them ,making large promises.
Making Arrangements for touring in TO and Galgary was very popular and still is at least for one of the 2.
Providing them with more money on each calls because they do not pay marketing .

But at the end what counts the most your gross earnings or your net ?

Some clients where trying to develop amicable relationship with some of my top girls explaining to them they where top business man would make them make more money then with the dummy pimp welfare guy she was working for ,that was me ,Lol

Always laugh at it since I was also successful in legitimate business .

Now some guys are using there long history of reviews to promote there experience to inexperience young girls ,like this thread revealed.

Hummmmmm! Truly
The Neverending story? :nod:
Thor Jr

I fully concur


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