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Getting a pm asking details from someone who has NO post at all !


Dec 31, 2011
I don't post often because I'm not here often.

My first review(s) were a way of saying I'm legit (and not LE).

I continue to post, in part as a way of giving back/sharing information, and because this is a polite and civilized board. And my thanks to those who have said a kind word of encouragement in response.

I agree with what others are saying. The community is dependent upon what its members share. If you want to lurk, that's fine. But don't expect special consideration if you're not willing to participate in the community.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I realize now that we all invested a lot into this hobby, why would we give our "valuable" feedback to a "scavenger" when they can easily do their own research like we all have done to get to where we are.

Not too long ago I was a newbie, now my knowledge and involvement have grown exponentially thanks to both members and SPs who were replying to my PMs. Now I get PMs from new members and I am very glad to help them. I even get PM's from members that have been here for much longer than I have and I hope this shows how important it is to help someone out.

This would be the answer Chowzilla. Investment and return. UncleSam is one of those I answered when he asked questions. Newbies deserve respect and a chance to show they can be good contributors. We were all in their position once.

Edit: old members with no posts I won't answer, most of them only take and don't give/share

Now this is the kind I referred to earlier, except some of the worst also have many many posts. Hoarders!


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