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Going the Distance-movie 2004


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
This is a question that I figure only MERBites could possibly answer. In 2004, Much Music and CHUM Ltd decided to try their hand at film making and came out with a movie called Going the Distance. It was supposed to be a road trip comedy featuring a Canadian cast, Canadian landscapes, etc... turns out the movie was a total bomb.

So why do I bring this up? Well, at one point, our intrepid band of travellers ends up in Montreal and, of course, head to a strip club. They take a shot of the Club Super Sexe neon sign and go to shots inside the club. Now I've been to Super Sexe more times than I would care to count since I moved here a year ago, but the interior of the bar in the movie didn't look like Super Sexe to me. And since they claim that everything was shot "entirely on location" in a variety of Canadian cities, including Montreal, it makes me wonder what bar they shot at? The place in the film had a couple of trapezes set up, as well as an on-stage shower.

I've always been one for mindless trivia, so please help me out: what bar appears in Going the Distance? Or was it even a Montreal club at all?



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm not familiar with the movie, never saw it, so I'm downloading it now. It's gonna take a while before I get it, 24 hours or so, but when I finally get a chance to see it I'll let you know. Do you know about when this scene happens in the movie so I can just skip to the right scene? The version I found apparently isn't in either english or french so watching it all the way through could be a bit of a chore but I'll do my best.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I just watched the scene you're talking about and as you suspected it is definately NOT the SuperSexe . Unfortunately I can't id the bar as it's not at all familiar to me. I'll check it out in more detail later and post a description of the layout here. Maybe someone else can figure out where it is.


New Member
Jul 7, 2006
I've seen the movie but not enough of MOntreal clubs to identify it. I agree not the greatest of movies but for a Canadian fare, I'm glad they tried to do a teen-comedy instead of another typical Canadian angst movie about inuit and moose.


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
Thanks for the effort, Techman. I wouldn't be surprised if they just shot the exterior and then shot the rest in Toronto. I had asked the doorman at Super Sexe about it a while ago, but I think he was too new to have been around during that time. Maybe someone else can ID the club. It looked pretty cool to me.

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