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Good dating sites


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
funny thing, some of the girls i messaged back then turned out to be SPs and MPs. who knew? some of the girls in the business are quite familiar :eek:

I met a girl in a Christmas dinner. We were not alone, almost 20 people at a restaurant. The dinner was organised by a RC member. I thought that she was out of my league. I saw her name and her picture on site where SP and MP put their ads. I wanted to be sure if that was her... and she was. It was fun to go some funny things with her! ;)


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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I've mentioned it here before but I've had huge success on Seeking Arrangement website. Actually was juggling 3 at one time and super hot. Lots of young 22-28 yr old girls mostly students and desperate for money. Give them 200 and spend as much time with them as you want. All GFE and willing to do anything to please you and see you again. Amazing.

I just subscribe to This site ;) ...will report back ....really hope too find Good ones ...if you can ..PM me about more infos please.
Real gorgeous Asian always up for it :thumb:


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
There's one big difference between Ashley Madison and a site such as Seeking Arrangement. In the former, guys outnumber women by a lot. In Seeking Arrangement I understand that women outnumber men, by almost 2 to 1. But a lot of women on SA are out for considerable sums--allowances of 2K-5K/month. Not sure how many readers of this board can afford that. There is the category of "negotiable" however . . . Haven't tried myself.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
For dating websites you have to be really good looking and photogenic, otherwise you end up having all the faties, oldies and desperate cases. I am average looking, that's what I got. There is an inflation of value of women because men tend to set for about anything just to get laid. Instead of dating sites try the bar scene and being at ease with plain strangers. Don't expect to find your significant other in a bar though just some casual fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Has anyone tried badoo? Its a dating app for your smart phone.

I've had about 20 replies in the last 3 months
8 of them gave me their numbers
A bunch gave me their facebooks
I went on about 4 dates

The cool thing about badoo is that you can search by distance from you. So interesting scenarios can happen. I've messaged a girl once who was in the cote des neiges area, all I did was ask her to hang for a coffee at the second cup. I knew she was a student so she couldn't be too far from the uni. She agreed and joined me. We both lost touch in the end but it works.

My best friend found his current gf on badoo, been almost 3 years now. They have a weird relationship but it works for them

Tinder is another app but it's more for people who want to hook up. Harder to get replies


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
I tried Badoo. Just like for the other dating sites, you have to be good looking to please women there too, and I don't have the chance to be a good-looking man.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Has anyone tried badoo?

I (female) friend of mine invited me a couple of years ago to join Badoo in order to keep in touch with her. She is a French Canadian but I ended up in Badoo South America. After a month I deleted my account because I was constantly assailed by two or three women that were very inistent. I finally met one of them in Panama City. She was a little bit older than me (in her early sixties) but still very sexy (as latina women can be!). I had fun with that very rich widow but she was looking for a long term relationship...and at that time I was trying to satay away from this kind of relationship.

I prefer to hunt women in the traditional way...not on the Interne because I found that it was to easy (at least on Badoo South America).
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