Montreal Escorts

GT a quebec....lessons for Mtl

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
I certainely second that anyone taking the time to set up
great parties are entitle for the applauses.

I am still :D at Porter's post cause it is so true. Like we say for any election,
if you don't vote, you certainely aren't in any position to complain ;)

Unfortunately, like Doc said earlier (by the way, where that post went :D),
there is always someone to break the party :mad:

Anyhow, cause of the nature of the activity itself and the private side the ladies
wish to keep, I could just agree to not encourage them to participate.

I was really enjoyable each time we did, but then, reality of some innocent
just teared down the nice part of it :rolleyes:



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot said:
Hello all,

Porter, sorry to hear how things turned out. I organized a couple of small GTs among those I could trust and everyone took care of his or her own expenses. Your efforts are commendable. But the results you got aren't surprising.

Considering the aggressiveness of people like SL, and his refusal to leave those alone who want to be left out of his intrusions, it's not only the ladies who should be worried about photos. The underhanded types probably have no scruples about taking and using photos whether the privacy being abused is that of the escorts or hobbyists. Unfortunately we can be sure there is more than one person out there who doesn't care about the rights of others. That's why these GTs should be secret and by invitation only. GTs by open invitations are very risky since there is always someone who might show up just for the opportunity to make trouble for a certain lady or client they have a grudge against by exposing them. It's a sad situation to have to worry about such people.

good luck,


What does SL have to do with any wrong doing at any GT? He is the one who started organizing GTs in the first place and there were never any accusations of impropriety at any GT he ever organized. Your insinuations are out of bounds and you have nothing to back them up and they do not belong in this thread.

As far as I can remember, you have never attended any of the HDLM GTs and as such you have no right to comment on something you know nothing about. All the Montreal GTs have been open to all members and they should always be so. If people want to have a private get together they have every right to do so but they have no right to call it a MERB GT if it is not open to all members.

No one has ever been forced to attend a GT and it is up to every member, agency and provider if they wish to do so. Why should anyone have the right to say who may or may not attend a board GT?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
And one note about people taking pics with their cell phones...

It may be a stupid thing to do, it may be childish and it may be intrusive. But in the long run all it is is a picture of a person in a bar. There is nothing to prove who it is or what they are doing there or what they do for a living. In other words, it is worthless and proves nothing about anyone. It's hardly comparable to someone making a video of a session with a hidden camera which has probably happened a hell of a lot more times than anyone has taken a simple cam pic at a GT.

And considering the number of pictures of girls taken by clients that circulate back channel all the time it is hardly something to freak out about. I find it ridiculous that SPs who allow clients to take nude shots and more of them during sessions, in fact a member of merc uses one such pic as his avatar!, are worried about a cellphone pic taken in a bar.

Some people are so paranoid that I wonder how they ever get up the strength to leave the house.:rolleyes:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Techman said:
What does SL have to do with any wrong doing at any GT? He is the one who started organizing GTs in the first place and there were never any accusations of impropriety at any GT he ever organized. Your insinuations are out of bounds and you have nothing to back them up and they do not belong in this thread.

As far as I can remember, you have never attended any of the HDLM GTs and as such you have no right to comment on something you know nothing about. All the Montreal GTs have been open to all members and they should always be so. If people want to have a private get together they have every right to do so but they have no right to call it a MERB GT if it is not open to all members.

Hello Techman,

Yeah, I expected this response, though I hoped it wouldn't happen.

You mean the GTs where SL met so many people who had a great time. The ones where he made friends and gained enough trust so that they gave him their email addresses, which he refuses to delete at their request because they don't want to part of his expose ( as several have written on this board ). Yeah, that has no relation to intruding upon privacy or one's personal wishes. ;)

I have never attended because I have not been able to, being so far away and unable to be there when they are set. had I done so SL might also be refusing to delete my email address. However, you can see escorts any time you are free since you live in or near Montreal and don't. Yet you feel free to comment on the hobby at will, which I had never had any problem with and in fact favor. So don't be hypocritical.

Doc Holliday said:
Most of the people who've made personal attacks against him fall into two categories: those who don't know what their talking about & those with skeletons in their closet who are terrified he'll spill the beans about some of the stuff they did.

Well, fortunately I'm neither. When someone calls a guy who persists in going against the fair requests of those he is intruding upon a "straightshooter" he looks like an idiot.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

People gave SL their addresses because they wanted to be kept up to date and to make sure they didn't miss the next GT. No one forced them to do so.

I have about a dozen email addresses. Do I worry about someone who might send me a message and think that it is an invasion of privacy? Since when does an email constitute an invasion of privacy in any shape or form? Am I that paranoid and insecure? No, I am not. If you are then maybe you should never give your email to anyone or just use one email for the boards and nothing else. And it is not so difficult to block someone from your email in any case.

Did he send you a postcard to your home addressed to your real name? No? Then there is no invasion of privacy. You can not invade the privacy of someone who does not exist and you, as a board handle, do not exist in the real world. If you think that you do then you have some very serious problems and really need some help.

You are constantly attacking someone you know nothing about, beyond what others have told you, and have never met. Why don't you just take a break before you get in over your head and make yourself look stupid.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Merlot said:
Hello Techman,

Yeah, I expected this response, though I hoped it wouldn't happen.

You mean the GTs where SL met so many people who had a great time. The ones where he made friends and gained enough trust so that they gave him their email addresses, which he refuses to delete at their request because they don't want to part of his expose ( as several have written on this board ). Yeah, that has no relation to intruding upon privacy or one's personal wishes. ;)

I have never attended because I have not been able to, being so far away and unable to be there when they are set. had I done so SL might also be refusing to delete my email address. However, you can see escorts any time you are free since you live in or near Montreal and don't. Yet you feel free to comment on the hobby at will, which I had never had any problem with and in fact favor. So don't be hypocritical.

Well, fortunately I'm neither.



Basically you are commenting about events that you never attended involving people that you have never met or could identify if they were standing in front of you and situations that have no impact on your life.
Speculating as to whether someone would delete your email address that you admit they do not have is not grounded in reality.

As for the poster that live in Montreal commenting about the Montreal scene.
Here is a little clue. They do so from knowledge. None of the same posters comment about your hometown because they do not have knowledge about relevent activities there.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
Once again, extremely well said & i agree with you 100%. However, if i'm ever at a get-together & i see someone secretly taking pictures with either a digital camera or a cellphone, i guarantee you that i'm not walking out of the place until i make him swallow that damn camera! :mad:

(or i'll shove it right up his fat ass! :D )

I totally agree with you and posted something similar earlier but I won't lose any sleep worrying that someone may have taken a picture of me in a public place. But if I catch someone doing it, he will need emergency medical help. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Merlot said:
The ones where he made friends and gained enough trust so that they gave him their email addresses, which he refuses to delete at their request because they don't want to part of his expose. When someone calls a guy who persists in going against the fair requests of those he is intruding upon a "straightshooter" he looks like an idiot.

Why do you seem so convinced that he'll want to include you in his 'expose'?? What have you done that you're not telling us? Your continuous objections & attacks towards the gentleman make you look guilty of something. :rolleyes:


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Miss Jessy xxx MtlSexCity said:

However, I can say something here about parties ...

We use to go, I use to go but ...

We have find out that many girls faces ended up in some cellular !
Yupe easy as that, people taking pitures of girls without the girls

You can figure the rest and this is one of the main reason why
we aren't interested anymore.

A total lack of respect, the party being private or not.


People taking pictures of any party goers is troubling. But what is more troubling is that this issue was not raised earlier so that people would be aware ASAP.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
thebitchelor said:

(But here, dont forget people who record stripper with their cellphone while they are on the stage...ok its stupid i know, and childish...but its happened many, many time thati saw somebody doing it...with me or some of my friends there)

I have seen people do that on a number of occasions and have either turned them in to the doorman or handled it myself. In either case, they did not leave with a functional cell phone.:cool:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
eastender said:
People taking pictures of any party goers is troubling. But what is more troubling is that this issue was not raised earlier so that people would be aware ASAP.

I agree. I would like to know when this occurred and at which GT. Chances are that it was not done by anyone who openly attended the GT but was lurking nearby instead.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
Isn't that what got Ryan O'Byrne in trouble in the first place? ;)

Yeah but cell phones are a lot cheaper. Besides, they always felt they got off lucky. After all, I could have broken something other than just the phone.;)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Techman said:

People gave SL their addresses because they wanted to be kept up to date and to make sure they didn't miss the next GT. No one forced them to do so.

Well Techman,

So when he was asked to drop some of those same addresses by those who gave him their addresses out of friendship, but wanted no connection with his expose, he was right to refuse because they originally gave it freely??? Yeah right. That's honorable isn't it. ;)

By the way, try writing without the need to use the silly matter how angry you get.

Doc Holliday said:
Why do you seem so convinced that he'll want to include you in his 'expose'?? What have you done that you're not telling us? Your continuous objections & attacks towards the gentleman make you look guilty of something. :rolleyes:

Oh, so you accuse me of making assumptions when I don't know the guy and here you make such a very lame assumption. But I am amused by your tactics. I thought you were more grown up than to play dirty lawyer tricks.'re being cheap in defense of your pal. I would be very surprised to be mentioned at all, except where I voted on the committee with Techman, Jessy, and Robin to ban EE for that conspiracy SL mentioned. Yeah, maybe there.

Hugs Techman and Doc,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Merlot said:
Oh, so you accuse me of making assumptions when I don't know the guy and here you make such a very lame assumption. But I am amused by your tactics. I thought you were more grown up than to play dirty lawyer're being cheap in defense of your pal.

I just want you to stop your constant whining about the guy. The more people whine about him, the guiltier they may appear. I haven't heard from the guy in nearly 2 years, so i'm not really sure why you refer to him as 'my pal'. I have very few 'pals' in this business & that's the way i like it.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
So when he was asked to drop some of those same addresses by those who gave him their addresses out of friendship, but wanted no connection with his expose, he was right to refuse because they originally gave it freely??? Yeah right. That's honorable isn't it. ;)

When did they ask him to drop them? After they received the email? If so, how can they claim 'harrassement'? Have they received anything else since? If they wanted no connection with his expose, why have they continued to comment on it instead of shutting their mouths?

Have these people appointed you as their spokesman? Can they not speak for themselves? Who appointed you the moral compass by which all the rest of us may be judged?

Can you answer any of these questions with a valid answer that will give you the right to continue your crusade against SL, who you have never met and know nothing about other than what your little circle of friends, of at least one of whom dislikes SL, has told you?

You have already formed an opinion of something you have yet to read and have no knowledge of the possible content beyond what he posted in his preface post. Your comments and opinion of anything to do with SL are invalid due to total ignorance of the facts and of the man.

Why don't you just wait until you read it before commenting any further and digging your hole any deeper because your overall credibility as a poster will suffer if you continue in the same manner.


Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
eastender said:
People taking pictures of any party goers is troubling. But what is more troubling is that this issue was not raised earlier so that people would be aware ASAP.

Sorry but I never pull the alarm before I am sure of anything.
I had doubts about it for a long moment, but only got ''a fact'' lately.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I happened to stumble on this thread tonight and I think things have changed a little in Montreal since you started this thread Cloudy, wouldn't you agree? It seems like some great times were had up North. :thumb:

Does anyone still have these parties anymore in Quebec City? If not, Delta, I nominate you since you are local and have this sort of a je ne sais quoi with the ladies :eyebrows:

We Montrealers can learn to have more fun from those folks in Quebec city.
Their GT, unlike ours , was held in a private club and not in a public place like HDLM.
While there was a charge for admission the turnout was larger than ours with over 20 agency and Indy girls in attendance.
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