Montreal Escorts

HABS car flags

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
True fans are fans all year long.
We all know there are plenty of fairweather fans who just jumped on the playoff bandwagon when the team started to do well.
If the real fans want to fly their flags all year round, more power to them.

I don't have a problem with that & wholeheartedly agree.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
ok but whats the cutoff point?

Why should there have to be a cutoff point? I see baseball fans wearing their team's jacket year round or their team's baseball cap so why can't someone fly their team's flag on their car year round?

Doc, when your feeble team can even make the post season, much less eliminate the league's number one team and the Stanley Cup champs, then you can have the right to criticize the Habs or their fans. Until then you're just another delusional Leafs fan hoping that your team will actually be able to win something, anything, even 1 playoff round, before you die.

Good luck with that. :cool:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, when your feeble team can even make the post season, much less eliminate the league's number one team and the Stanley Cup champs, then you can have the right to criticize the Habs or their fans. Until then you're just another delusional Leafs fan hoping that your team will actually be able to win something, anything, even 1 playoff round, before you die.

Ladies & gentlemen, i rest my case.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Ladies & gentlemen, i rest my case.

(Hey Tech.....why don't you just go and f$$$ yourself? You're so full of it, so you might as well do something useful with it.)

And who is it that spends most of his time around here taking shots at the habs and habs fans because he has nothing good to say about the team he cheers for? It ain't our fault that supporting your team has turned you into a cynical and bitter man. I'm sure that there's gotta be some sort of pill you can take for that. Have you tried cyanide? :p


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
And who is it that spends most of his time around here taking shots at the habs and habs fans because he has nothing good to say about the team he cheers for? It ain't our fault that supporting your team has turned you into a cynical and bitter man. I'm sure that there's gotta be some sort of pill you can take for that. Have you tried cyanide? :p

A classic, Techman - a true classic!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I don't see anything wrong with fans keeping the flags on their cars for a while after their team has been eliminated. It's a nice gesture to show some appreciation for an unexpected showing by the habs. After all, Leafs fans walk around with bags on their head for most of the year...then again, they may just do that to keep from scaring people with their hideous appearance.;)

Let me guess Einstein. Are you one of those still going around town with one of these flags on your car? :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And who is it that spends most of his time around here taking shots at the habs and habs fans because he has nothing good to say about the team he cheers for? It ain't our fault that supporting your team has turned you into a cynical and bitter man. I'm sure that there's gotta be some sort of pill you can take for that. Have you tried cyanide? :p

You shouldn't talk. A few weeks ago, you looked absolutely childish & ridiculous in your stupid Windows vs. Apple (iPad) battle with Rumples. You really went down a few notches on everyone's impressions of you in that thread. And i'm not the only one who felt this way. People were just shaking their heads in disbelief with that one. Man, Rumples really made you look bad in that thread!! Totally awful!!! There were even people who no longer post or follow the boards that heard about it & came back to check it out!! I remember thinking at the time: "Techman got whipped by a computer thread!! He should go jump off the Champlain bridge!!" LOL!!!!!!!
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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
Visit site
Well, look at it this way. After WWII ended, many Japanese soldiers refused to believe that the war was over (and that they had lost) and still believed that the was was still going on & that they were winning....for weeks....for months....even years!

In much the same way; over the last 43 years delusional Leaf fans have refused to accept how bad their team really is (even though Toronto hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the Stanley Cup finals since 1967). This denial has gone on ....for weeks....for months....even years!

In fact, during every off season, Leaf fans ignorantly brag about how good their team will be during the upcoming season. As an example, here is what one dumb ass Leaf fan had to say about a Toronto team that went on to a 29th place finish, marking the franchises fifth straight season without a post season appearance;

And you say that the Leafs overpaid by giving a 5 year contract to their next captain for $4.5 million per?? Are you serious? This past winter, some teams were saying that Komisarek would get at least $5 million per season, if not more........

He's exactly the type of player brian burke has been looking for to toughen up this leafs team. He wants other teams to be afraid the next time they come to play at the acc. I'm sure he's not done yet in trying to improve toughness on this team.

Wow!!! I think getting him for that kind of money is a great move by BB!!!!!

Now that's what i call a GM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo Burkie!!!!!!!!

I love the Leafs defence right now....big!!!!!!!!

But since the arrival of Burkie, they're a team on the right path
It's great to be a Leafs fan these days!!!!!!!!!!

The Leafs are a different team with Kessel & Gustafsson in the lineup.

I'm proud to be a Leafs Nation member tonight!!!!!!


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
Visit site
And who is it that spends most of his time around here taking shots at the habs and habs fans because he has nothing good to say about the team he cheers for? It ain't our fault that supporting your team has turned you into a cynical and bitter man. I'm sure that there's gotta be some sort of pill you can take for that. Have you tried cyanide? :p

you can add insecure and frustrated to that list of Leaf fan traits


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
you just proved how passionate leafs fans are and how bandwagon habs fans are, not all, but definately you, your saying dont root for a team who has not won in 40 plus years, but root for a team who has won sooner and more ofton? your so bandwagon it is not funny any longer bro... pathetic P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C

In much the same way; over the last 43 years delusional Leaf fans have refused to accept how bad their team really is (even though Toronto hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the Stanley Cup finals since 1967). This denial has gone on ....for weeks....for months....even years!

In fact, during every off season, Leaf fans ignorantly brag about how good their team will be during the upcoming season. As an example, here is what one dumb ass Leaf fan had to say about a Toronto team that went on to a 29th place finish, marking the franchises fifth straight season without a post season appearance;

And you say that the Leafs overpaid by giving a 5 year contract to their next captain for $4.5 million per?? Are you serious? This past winter, some teams were saying that Komisarek would get at least $5 million per season, if not more........

He's exactly the type of player brian burke has been looking for to toughen up this leafs team. He wants other teams to be afraid the next time they come to play at the acc. I'm sure he's not done yet in trying to improve toughness on this team.

Wow!!! I think getting him for that kind of money is a great move by BB!!!!!

Now that's what i call a GM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo Burkie!!!!!!!!

I love the Leafs defence right now....big!!!!!!!!

But since the arrival of Burkie, they're a team on the right path
It's great to be a Leafs fan these days!!!!!!!!!!

The Leafs are a different team with Kessel & Gustafsson in the lineup.

I'm proud to be a Leafs Nation member tonight!!!!!!
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
you can add insecure and frustrated to that list of Leaf fan traits

Considering the way Rumples had his way with him in the computer threads, i'm surprised Techman isn't a Leafs fan since he fits your description to a 'T'.

I mean, it was like David vs. Goliath. Heck, it reminded me of the night James 'Buster' Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson. It was so unexpected!!!!!!

But of course, you have your teams mixed up. You were referring to the habs, right? :D
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
you just proved how passionate leafs fans are and how bandwagon habs fans are, not all, but definately you, your saying dont root for a team who has not won in 40 plus years, but root for a team who has won sooner and more ofton? your so bandwagon it is not funny any longer bro... pathetic P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C

2439 posts and ALWAYS the same repetitive, tired, unoriginal, illiterate, nonsensical bullshit. At least get a new act!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL! stealing yet another line eh? haha, fraud, lol,, but then again everyone knows you by now, btw, got your habs flags off your vehicle yet? btw it was mrsc who had the 8 yes EIGHT habs flags on his/her car. you looked as silly then as you do everytime you post :)

2439 posts and ALWAYS the same repetitive, tired, unoriginal, illiterate, nonsensical bullshit. At least get a new act!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
ROFL! stealing yet another line eh? haha, fraud, lol,, but then again everyone knows you by now, btw, got your habs flags off your vehicle yet? btw it was mrsc who had the 8 yes EIGHT habs flags on his/her car. you looked as silly then as you do everytime you post :)

Well, you didn't take my advice but I see you proved my point. By the way, I see you still can't read and you still can't tell the difference between the sexes (or at least you're still PRETENDING that you can't so that you can use it as an excuse for all your "special" friendships and all your "hanging out" with yoou very close friend).

The Wings are my team, not the Habs - even though the Habs did better than the Wings in the playoffs. You see, unlike your ship-jumping very close friend, I stick with my team even when they don't make it to the final (for the first time in 3 years). Also, I don't put ANY flags on ANY of my cars.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Doc,

You shouldn't talk. A few weeks ago, you looked absolutely childish & ridiculous in your stupid Windows vs. Apple (iPad) battle with Rumples. You really went down a few notches on everyone's impressions of you in that thread. And i'm not the only one who felt this way. People were just shaking their heads in disbelief with that one. Man, Rumples really made you look bad in that thread!! Totally awful!!! There were even people who no longer post or follow the boards that heard about it & came back to check it out!! I remember thinking at the time: "Techman got whipped by a computer thread!! He should go jump off the Champlain bridge!!" LOL!!!!!!!

Totally false. One person knew everything about technology and the other was just promoting his investment from what he read...until he actually got the device, but by then his opinion had long been foreordained with the investment. It was the length of the thread that was insane.

On subject there's nothing wrong with showing team support year round that doesn't get in the way of others enjoying their lives as they wish. I don't like the team, but, Canadiens flags only add to the cultural uniqueness of what Montreal is. It's part of the flavor and I enjoy seeing them.

C'mon Doc, how can anyone complain about the Windows vs. Apple thread and still participate in these hockey threads now, which with the end of the Leafs and Canadiens seasons have only become a way to keep the bickering going between the fans of two teams that are out of the playoffs...and how does it look??? If you changed the sport from hockey to basketball or something your emotions weren't so heavily invested in in these threads and looked back at the kind of posts I think even Doc Holliday would vomit at the content.


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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Totally false. One person knew everything about technology and the other was just promoting his investment from what he read...until he actually got the device, but by then his opinion had long been foreordained with the investment. It was the length of the thread that was insane.

Well that's your opinion & i respect it. But the way I (and many others) saw it, it looked like two kindergarten kids fighting in the sandbox & one kid saying that his toy truck was better than the other kid's toy truck, and arguing on & on about it and not conceding anything to the other in order to calm things down. It had become one of the most immature threads in the history of this great board!

But i'll be honest that Rumples surprised me with his computer knowledge (and facts) and how he was able to keep up with Tech's rampage of attacks. I give kudos to the guy, he really put up a heck of a good battle & in my eyes won the arguement (as a whole) since he was able to make his opponent appear a lot worse than he did. When that thread started, everyone, including I, were positive that it would be short-lived & that Tech would eat-up Rumples due to his considerable computer knowledge. However, Tech got blinded with his anti-Apple obsession & too his eye off the ball, allowing himself to fall into Rumples' hands & get slowly eaten by a shark, bit by bit. :D

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. I don't have much of an opinion about habs flags if it's kids going around with them. But i do question the sanity of the adults driving around with habs flags hanging onto their cars. Just my opinion & i'd feel the same way if i'd be a habs fan.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. I don't have much of an opinion about habs flags if it's kids going around with them. But i do question the sanity of the adults driving around with habs flags hanging onto their cars. Just my opinion & i'd feel the same way if i'd be a habs fan.

Totally agree with you Doc !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Sorry about my last post !

I forgot to emphasize 'sanity' in your post.
But since we all saw this pic a long time ago.

Let me show you some love by putting back once again this one which I like


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
smart bear and lucky bear!
Sorry about my last post !

I forgot to emphasize 'sanity' in your post.
But since we all saw this pic a long time ago.

Let me show you some love by putting back once again this one which I like
Toronto Escorts