Montreal Escorts

HABS car flags


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Why do some cars still have them on?

The habs are out, their season is over.

I took mine off that same night they lost.

Now I have 1 up for the world cup.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
hey, give it some time

it's like when people still have their Christmas decorations up in March

and in Montreal, i don't think Habs stuff ever comes down


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
about a week ago, i was driving near Dorion, and had my windows down and all the sudden i heard this really loud and weird noise, well just as i look to my left i see a car with , YES, 8 of them! .... looked pretty silly actually
May 25, 2010
Et alors? S'ils aiment ça conserver le drapeau des Canadiens de Mtl sur leurs voitures, ils en ont le droit. Pour une équipe de 8e place, ils ont quand même été plus loin qu'on l'aurait imaginé. Moi je ne voie rien de mal à laisser ce drapeau là. Il y en a bien encore qui porte une casquette des expos de Montréal, le club-école par excellence de la lnb, et qui sont partis ça fait un méchant bout de temps.

And then? S 'ils they like this to keep the flag of the Canadiens of Mtl on their cars, have the right there. For a team of 8th place, they were really farther qu 'on l 'aurait imagined. Me I see nothing of badly to leave this flag there. There is definitely still which carries a cap of the expos of Montreal, the club-school par excellence of the lnb, and who left this makes a mediocre end of time.​

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
True fans are fans all year long.
We all know there are plenty of fairweather fans who just jumped on the playoff bandwagon when the team started to do well.
If the real fans want to fly their flags all year round, more power to them.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2006
Si tu dis ça, c'est parce que tu ne comprend pas le sentiment d'appartenance qu'ont les Québécois envers les Canadiens de Mtl. Moi je ne voie rien de mal dans ces drapeaux
Ce n'est pas spécifique aux québécois. Partout dans le monde il y a des gens qui font semblant d'appartenir à des équipes de divers sports.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Ce n'est pas spécifique aux québécois. Partout dans le monde il y a des gens qui font semblant d'appartenir à des équipes de divers sports.

Yeah ! but anyone who knows a little about here... should know it's THE religion.

Personaly I though it was silly and it was a pure BS commercial stuff from the states when it started here... but like anything about hockey we have to go along...

It's the same with all these people going around with their 'Support our troups'.
At first I felt it was silly and typicaly badwagon stuff then... it faded.

We'll see if this flag stuff wears out but frankly if you don't know what CH means in Montreal you should buy yourself a travel guide.

The best way to summarize this is... go anywhere in the world on your vacation...I mean very far on a beach...and if you hear anyone talking in Quebecois they'll probably talk about the Habs....even in summertime.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
about a week ago, i was driving near Dorion, and had my windows down and all the sudden i heard this really loud and weird noise, well just as i look to my left i see a car with , YES, 8 of them! .... looked pretty silly actually

Still haven't learn about this yet Igna ?
Yes it would look silly and pretty stupid but who cares... he's was not driving with 8 different flags !!!

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
The flags are just as useless before or after the team is out.

Yeah ! the same goes with the 'Support our troups' the ribbons, the Canada or Quebec Flag on Canada day and St-Jean Baptiste.

We don't need flags to know who to support.
Unless you're a perfect moron like the Nazis used to do.

But who cares... this is CH country. This team is never out.
Even if they weren't able to win this year.

They did a good job but hell...we want this fr*kn cup back here next year so that we can really celebrate 'Jamaican style' !!!!

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Like the posters for Elections.

There is still some "Votez OUI" posters from the referendum of 1995 on balcones on Papineau and on St-Denis streets...

Yeah tell me about it !!! there is still stupid morons who think the Queen is necessary !
They even have this shit in Ottawa even though we dumped her years ago !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
were you there? they had EIGHT FLAGS! not 4, not 5, not 7, EIGHT!..... by the sound they made as the car passed it seemed like more
Still haven't learn about this yet Igna ?
Yes it would look silly and pretty stupid but who cares... he's was not driving with 8 different flags !!!


Nov 12, 2007
Some guy hired a bunch of mercenaries I don't know and have never met from around the world to play a collection of mercs from around the world I don't know some other guy hired in a hockey game. Yet I don't feel emotionally invested, I wonder why.

Lameness, and this from somebody who grew up just north of Montreal during the 70's and played hockey as a wee lad.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Pour une équipe de 8e place, ils ont quand même été plus loin qu'on l'aurait imaginé.

Tu as absolument raison. Moi j'etais meme tres surpris qu'ils ont meme faits les series. :D

For a team of 8th place, they were really farther qu 'on l 'aurait imagined.

You are absolutely correct. I was even more surprised that they even made the playoffs. :D
Last edited:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Why do some cars still have them on? The habs are out, their season is over. I took mine off that same night they lost.

Well, look at it this way. After WWII ended, many Japanese soldiers refused to believe that the war was over (and that they had lost) and still believed that the was was still going on & that they were winning....for weeks....for months....even years!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I don't see anything wrong with fans keeping the flags on their cars for a while after their team has been eliminated. It's a nice gesture to show some appreciation for an unexpected showing by the habs. After all, Leafs fans walk around with bags on their head for most of the year...then again, they may just do that to keep from scaring people with their hideous appearance.;)


Active Member
May 23, 2005
I don't see anything wrong with fans keeping the flags on their cars for a while after their team has been eliminated. It's a nice gesture to show some appreciation for an unexpected showing by the habs.

ok but whats the cutoff point?


Cindy,your BBW fantasy
Wow, thats rediculous! No offense to anyone, but Americans are so big on freedom of speech, I guess that doesnt apply to Canadians eh.

(posted by 10-4Roger) Police in California say two Canadians who took down an American flag and replaced it with a Canadian following Sidney Crosby's golden goal at the Olympics could face charges of vandalism and flag desecration.

Police in La Quinta, Calif., have identified the two suspects as Ryan Smith, 25, of Bermuda Dunes, Calif., and 26-year-old Matt Siefert of Palm Desert, Calif., both Canadian citizens.

The La Quinta Police Department has submitted a complaint to the district attorney's office requesting state misdemeanour charges of vandalism and flag desecration for both Smith and Siefert, police said in a news release Monday.

Local media have reported that the incident happened during the evening of Feb. 28, 2010, following Canada's victory in the men's hockey final against the United States.

The U.S. flag, which had been displayed on a mountain top and maintained by a private citizen "in honour of the September 11, 2001 victims", was replaced by a Canadian flag, police said. The American flag was found damaged.

If convicted, the men could face up to a year in jail.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I don't see anything wrong with fans keeping the flags on their cars for a while after their team has been eliminated. It's a nice gesture to show some appreciation for an unexpected showing by the habs. After all, Leafs fans walk around with bags on their head for most of the year...then again, they may just do that to keep from scaring people with their hideous appearance.;)

I always laugh my head off when as predicted, Habs fans always revert to shifting the blame on Leafs fans whenever they feel cornered & have nothing better to say. Lame. Very lame.

(As expected, the poster will reply with something sarcastic about the Leafs or their fans....just watch.)
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