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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
regnad said:
...What I'm not familiar with are the precepts of Islam, the Koran, and the teachings of Mohammed. Are you? From what? Fox News?

You live close to Montreal, so here's your chance. Why not drive up there Saturday to learn more about Islam? According to news reports, some local Muslim groups are planning to organize Islamic educational activities Saturday in Montreal.

Montreal Muslims say they will proceed with march to denounce Danish cartoons

Also, Fox News? What is that? I'm not familiar with it. :confused:

Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, all the news media, with the possible exception of Aljazeera are up to no good.

Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
That demonstration will be on McGill College tomorrow. If you all want to meet Mr. Stiff, I will be there telling them to go back to their homeland if they don't have a sense of humor.


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Apr 23, 2004
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Board Stiff said:
That demonstration will be on McGill College tomorrow. If you all want to meet Mr. Stiff, I will be there telling them to go back to their homeland if they don't have a sense of humor.

Wow Board Stiff, you narrow mindedness makes our country sometimes unwelcoming for others

I don't think it's very nice to make assumptions and insult a religion calling someone a false Prophet.

I respect Mohammad a lot as, one man, was able to convince billions of people? All recent and previous "False" prophets were barely able to convince 50 people... There obviously something substantial there...

Makes you wonder doesn't it? Muslims didn't just come out of nowhere.

I think we just are so brainswashed by bad media portrayal, that we see Muslims as bad people due to some bad apples, where we find in every culture and race anyways.

To all their own, and sometimes whack, judgement I guess. :rolleyes:

Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
Damn, that is a bleeding heart comment.
The holocaust was no joke.
The Iranians hold a holocaust cartoon contest, do you see Jews burning down Palestinian embassies? Oh sorry, Palestinian embassies don't exist, because Palestine never existed. Everything I have stated in this thread is irrefutable fact.

A slave trading womanizer is no prophet. How old was Aisha when he bed her? 14? 8? huh?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Munich And The Hamas Electoral Victory

I have hesitated to embark on this thread again because it degenerated so quickly into fundamentalist views on both sides. Today, Saul Landau published an excellent article on Spielberg's movie and Hamas' election victory. I paste a quote below and the full article is on Znet:

"Whatever the defects, Spielberg displayed the courage to question Israel’s supposed morality. The film’s hero and his supporting heroes learn the harshest of lessons, unlike real Mossad agents who keep assassinating. In 2004, Israeli assassins murdered the blind quadriplegic Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. A month later, they killed Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi. As American forces have discovered in Iraq, the “eye for an eye” strategy results in re-producing zealots faster than you kill them.

Avner burns out on killing. So, his handler, Ephraim, travels to New York. Come home to Israel, he tells Avner. Now skeptical, Avner asks for assurance that those he murdered really did plot Munich. He also invites Ephraim to dinner at his home. But Ephraim rejects the dinner offer and refuses to assuage Avner’s guilt. Avner becomes paranoid, thinking Mossad might kill him as well.

After all, Israel has used violence – alongside democracy – since its inception. At one point, to undermine the PLO, Israel even supported a nascent Hamas, thinking that religion would distract Palestinians from their desire for statehood and independence. Hamas turned out to bite one of the hands that initially fed it, the Israeli government. (See The Condemned of Nablus: A Review of Paradise Now in - December 8, 2005)

Hamas won an election democratically because they and not their secular rivals showed they could deal with Israel both from a tough and clean – unlike the organization Arafat wielded – position. Calling Hamas “terrorists” misses the point. Hamas is a symbolic child of Munich – with both Palestinian and Israeli ancestors. Now, the world must decide what to do about it. The Spielberg movie will not offer much guidance. But it does raise important, myth-shattering questions."

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
On Zmag...

Thanks for clarifying that Regnad and you're lucky to have dined with Zinn, who along with Chomsky, Finkelstein, Fisk and a host of others have been brave enough to expose the harsh truths in the Middle East. I read Zmag because it carries important views that you will rarely see in the mainstream media outfits.

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Free speech is nice, but you can have too much of a good thing. Maybe we should consider this proposal by the Muslim Council of Montreal:

We call upon the Canadian federal and provincial governments to...pass a law that considers Islamophobia a hate crime. We must not allow Islamophobia to be spread under the illusory blanket of freedom of speech.

It might be a good idea. If we could send some Canadians to jail for making hurtful remarks against Muslims, maybe people would be scared and they would finally shut up.


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Apr 23, 2004
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Board Stiff said:
Damn, that is a bleeding heart comment.
The holocaust was no joke.
The Iranians hold a holocaust cartoon contest, do you see Jews burning down Palestinian embassies? Oh sorry, Palestinian embassies don't exist, because Palestine never existed. Everything I have stated in this thread is irrefutable fact.

A slave trading womanizer is no prophet. How old was Aisha when he bed her? 14? 8? huh?

No one said the holocaust was a joke. It was a terrible tragedy as many other tragedies against humanity across centuries, from Crusades, to Iraq, to Kosova, to Hiroshima, and the list rolls on.

Of course there are no Palestinian embassies. Instead, the bomb the snot out of Palestine convenient.

Slave trading womanizer? LOL please. Do you even read other people's history and get straight facts before you speak? How was he a womanizer? Did you read WHY he had more than one wife?

Are you so diluted by today's world that you would question what Aisha's age was when he bed her? You're too funny.

Once again, you're narrowmindedness makes us look bad in the rest of the World.


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Mar 12, 2003
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Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
CaptRenault said:
Free speech is nice, but you can have too much of a good thing. Maybe we should consider this proposal by the Muslim Council of Montreal:

We call upon the Canadian federal and provincial governments to...pass a law that considers Islamophobia a hate crime. We must not allow Islamophobia to be spread under the illusory blanket of freedom of speech.

It might be a good idea. If we could send some Canadians to jail for making hurtful remarks against Muslims, maybe people would be scared and they would finally shut up.

Are you kidding me? What an insular comment. Let's pass a law just to protect Islam. This thread should be deleted on that statement alone.

Regnad, the JDL are not followers of Kahane, per se. That is such a bigoted, anti-Hebrew comment (notice my hesitation to use the term anti-Semetic, usually a misnomer). They were merely founded by him!

Reppy, doesn't narrowmindedness mean focusedness?

How many of you know that the Great Hajj, the muslim leader of Jerusalem in the 1940's travelled to Germany to meet with Hitler and discuss the "Final Solution" in "palestine"? I bet none of you knew that.

It is shocking that my archenemy, SL, is the only one showing some modicum of rationality by supporting some of my tenets. It's disgusting actually. I suppose the rest of you would be happy with Israel being bombed into the Mediterranean Sea because the Jews run the media and banking system. Please. I am truly sympathetic to both sides, but this has turned into such a politicized rah rah event. I notice that Montrealaise automatically side with ""Palestinians", because of the underdog/false sense of subjugation that the Quebecoise feel. Drop the linguistic difference, and there is no difference betwixt anglo and franco Canada, besides the fact that Francos smoke more, take longer breaks, and don't like to marry.

Once again, everything I profer is truth. I have no reason to make this up.
The cartoons were very poignant and intellectually stimulating. Islamic radicalized extremists are deconstructive and have no solutions to succeed on their own.

The fact that I am the only one with a wrap on this side of reality shows that not many Jews are in this hobby!
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Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
regnad said:
BTW, Stiff, while I'm not practicing, I was born Jewish.
I feel sorry for you then. You are contributing to the demise of your own.
They may have been founded by Kahane, are not followers per se, not anymore.
He has been marginalized in the last ten years, the deceased rabbi.
I don't care about the JDL, don't "Hijack" the thread. Or I guess hijacking is okay if it's done by Palestinians on El Al!

Thanks for the spell check though.
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The Physician

New Member
Dec 17, 2005
Big Daddy Cool said:

Not to take EagerBeaver's side, but you are forgeting one very important reason for the ways the Palisistanians are treated. They keep blowing themselves up and killing inocent people. You have young children as young as 5yrs learning to use guns on the infedels and throwing bottles at Isreali soulders. The terrorists has gone as far as to have trading cards of themselves being serculated amoung their youth. Here we trade hockey cards and compare how many points each player has scored. In Palistine, they have trading cards of terrorists who have killed others through agression or suicide bombings. This is no lie, but based on facts I've read in papers and seen on documentries. Is there any wonder why they are being striped surched.

i think you are a victim of the west media like everyone

Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
The ex-prime minister of Israel, the female Golda Meir, once said "I can forgive the "Palestinians" for killing Israeli children, but I can never forgive them for killing their own children".

That one sentence shows the difference in two cultures, ostensibly "brothers" from Abraham. These are two very different cultures and need to be looked at accordingly.

The success of Palestine will not make or break the arab culture or population, while any more concessions by Israel will ultimately result in the demise of the most important and influential (per capita) culture on the history of the planet.

Wonder why there aren't really any Jewish escorts? It's the culture.

Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
Posted in Copenhagen:
Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage.
Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.
A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India. Kills six. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia. Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.
Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage.
Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage
Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.
Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged.
Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims .. no Muslim outrage ... but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose


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Mar 12, 2003
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Ok, that's enough of either or bashing ANY culture or religious belief.

I for one think that for the betterment of the peaceful co-existence of some various members of this board, that the Mods remove this thread, as it serves no purpose, other than to inflame an issue that will (if it hasn't already) invariably end up either getting people banned, suspended or having the thread itself closed.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I second that proposal

I second SL's request, except I do not want it removed but closed. Mods, remember the cartoon thread? Please exercise your better judgements here as well because the same people keep creeping up to stir up shit. Very few members are respecting the rules when it comes to contentious issues.

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2-2 in bans... loser...
Aprevoius thread about the cartoons including links gets closed off faster than a 2 bit hoe can toss a john out the door but this one hangs around festering like an open sore??? Makes a lot of sense to me.

Amazing how they hold violent celebrations when they publish anti-semetic cartoons about jewish religions symbols or toss a bomb in an israeli cafe, but a western country takes a fart close to a mosque and it's nothing but violence against the west? Fuck 'em all, round them up and send them home.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
hornyanglo66 said:
Fuck 'em all, round them up and send them home.

Great insight. Mods, are you sleeping?



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Apr 23, 2004
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StripperLover said:

I don't know if BS' statements are correct or not but your statement claiming the following;

I wasn't aware that the whole world was reading Merb.

Actually, if he thinks like this on the boards, then he thinks like this outside of it, with his friends, family and must have supporters of this thinking, hence my comment
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