Montreal Escorts

Happy cannabis day....


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
HAPPY CANNABIS lol lol......are you going to enjoy and celebrate ???

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have been celegrating for decades. I am one who wishes it was not legalized. The quality will not be there, the prices will be too high and the new road side check stops will be a real pain in the ass. I will continue to pick up superb weed for $200 an oz or $750 QP. This was nothing but a tax grab to make the Liberal deficit not look so bad.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I don't agree with the legalisation but not because of pricing. I really feel that this has not been properly thought through. I think the ramifications of legalising pot will end up costing a lot more than they have anticipated. The taxes are a plus, but at what cost ?

Oh and BTW the line up downtown is a 2hr wait lol, and it's pretty cold outside. Not for me anyhow


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
I heard a good one this morning.....PROUD TO BE CANABIAN......:D


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Marijuana in Quebec FAQ

The Montreal Gazette published this useful guide to the new federal law that permits the sale and use of marijuana along with the local and provincial regulations that regulate how and where it can be sold and consumed.

How old do I have to be to buy cannabis in Quebec?

For now, anyone 18 or older can buy it. But the new CAQ government says it will increase the minimum age to 21, pointing to studies that suggest cannabis use can harm young, developing brains.
Alberta also chose 18 as the minimum age but all other provinces and territories opted for 19.

Where can I consume cannabis?

These rules are complicated, in flux and may change.
Quebec’s current law bars people from consuming cannabis wherever tobacco smoking is prohibited, as well as in some other locations.
The long list of places where consumption is barred includes bars, restaurants, CÉGEPs, universities, sports centres, daycares, schools, hospitals, bus shelters and within nine metres of the doors and windows of these places.
Usage is also forbidden in outdoor play areas intended for children that are open to the public, including splash pads, wading pools and skate parks, as well as within nine metres of these places.
But Quebec’s current law is mute on the topic of other public spaces such as parks and streets, leaving that detail to cities.
Some municipalities have tried to fill the void — Hampstead, Westmount and Quebec City are restricting smoking in some or all public spaces.
Montreal has opted not to pass its own bylaw, instead sticking with provincial rules that allow marijuana use in parks and streets.
However, puffing on marijuana is still be verboten in some Montreal parks.
That’s because five boroughs where the Ensemble Montréal opposition party controls local councils — St-Laurent, Pierrefonds-Roxboro, St-Léonard, Montreal North and Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles — say cannabis use should be banned in public places.

St-Laurent became the first to enact such a bylaw, so starting on Day 1, you won’t be able to use any form of cannabis in that borough’s parks or on its streets.
That will create a situation where on the St-Laurent side of a street you can’t smoke cannabis but on the other side — in neighbouring Ahuntsic-Cartierville, for example — you can puff away.
The CAQ has said the jumble of rules will lead to “chaos,” with people unsure which rules apply.
That’s why the CAQ says it plans to impose a blanket ban on consumption in all public places, including parks and streets across the province. However, it has not given a timeline.

Where can I buy cannabis?

Twelve Société québécoise du cannabis stores opened on Oct. 17, with another three to start selling marijuana before the end of the month.
Of those 15, four are on Montreal Island. These Montreal locations opened on Oct. 17: 970 Ste-Catherine St. W., 9250 l’Acadie Blvd. and 6872 St-Hubert St. The fourth, 830 Ste-Catherine St. E., will open later in October.
One store will open later this month on the South Shore (9575 Ignace St. in Brossard). No stores are planned for Laval.
By year-end, 20 SQDC stores are expected to be in operation across Quebec.
The SQDC is an offshoot of Quebec’s government-run liquor-store monopoly, the Société des alcools du Québec.

What are cannabis stores like?

From the street, you can’t see the products for sale. Inside, stores do not promote or encourage consumption via displays, posters, literature, product labels or advice provided by employees, the SQDC says.
A security guard in the store’s foyer screens customers to make sure they meet the age restriction.Once inside, buyers can get product information from interactive displays, posters and employees. The product itself is behind the counter or in closed glass cases.

How much does cannabis cost?

The SQDC says the cheapest items will cost less than $7 per gram. Quebec’s prices are expected to be the lowest in Canada.

What is sold at cannabis stores?

In total, about 150 different products are available.
Cannabis is being sold in dried, fresh or oil format. You can buy pre-rolled joints, marijuana in pill form and accessories such as cannabis vaporizers.
Products are available in 10 different aromas, from food-inspired ones such as lemon and cheese to quirky ones — skunk and diesel fuel among them. Woody, earthy and floral aromas will also be on tap.

Is buying cannabis like wine shopping at SAQ stores?

In some ways, yes. As with wine at the SAQ, cannabis stores offer a wide selection of products and employees provide guidance.
However, you can’t sample the cannabis products.
And, unlike SAQ workers, who don’t warn about alcohol’s harmful effects and the dangers of drunk drinking, SQDC employees provide information about the effects and risks of cannabis use.

What about online sales?

The SQDC’s online store opened at 9 a.m. on Oct. 17.
To accept delivery, consumers will have to show ID proving they are at least 18. Packages will not be left unattended at the door if no one is home.

Are edibles being sold?

No. The sale of such products will still be prohibited.
How much cannabis can I have in my possession?

In a public place, you are allowed to possess 30 grams of dried cannabis. That’s the maximum amount you can buy at a store. One gram is about the size of a loonie and can produce up to three joints.
At home, up to 150 grams can be kept. That limit applies no matter how many people live there.
In Quebec, youth are not allowed to possess any cannabis.

Can I leave cannabis anywhere at home?

Not if children can come into contact with it. Quebec’s law calls for a fine of $250 to $750 if you are caught keeping cannabis “in an unsafe place easily accessible by minors.”
The Canadian Association of Poison Control Centres says all cannabis products should be stored as you would “medications and other potentially toxic products — locked up and out of reach in child-resistant packaging or containers.”

Can I grow my own cannabis?

Under Quebec’s law, it is prohibited to cultivate cannabis for personal use.
Federal legislation allows Canadians to grow as many as four plants at home for their own consumption. Ottawa has said it has no intention of contesting Quebec’s ban but individual citizens may ask the courts to strike down the province’s rule.

Can I travel with cannabis?

When travelling inside Canada, check local consumption rules as they may vary.
In Ontario, for example, smoking it in some public spaces will be permitted. But New Brunswick says “consumption of cannabis in any form will be prohibited anywhere but in a private dwelling or on land adjacent to a private dwelling.”
Ottawa is warning travellers it’s illegal to take cannabis across Canada’s international borders and that travelling to another country with any cannabis could result in criminal charges.
In addition, the federal government notes, a traveller could be denied entry to another country if they are involved in Canada’s legal cannabis industry or if they have “used cannabis or any substance prohibited by local laws.”

Can I still buy cannabis from my local dealer?

Not legally. Only the SCDQ is authorized to sell recreational cannabis in Quebec.
The federal government says displacing the illegal market is one of the goals of legalization.

Can I use cannabis at work?

Consumption is prohibited in workplaces, except some workplaces located in a private residence. In some situations — dangerous workplaces, for example — employers can conduct random drug tests.

Can I smoke cannabis in my apartment or condo?

It depends on your lease or condo rules. If there is already a no-smoking rule, then, no, you can’t smoke marijuana.
Under Quebec’s cannabis law, within 90 days of legalization a landlord can change the lease conditions by adding a prohibition against smoking cannabis. With condos, rules can be changed if a majority of homeowners agree.

Can I drive after consuming cannabis?

No. Cannabis impairs your ability to drive. And if you’re caught, you could lose your licence and face a stiff fine and a criminal record.
Police who suspect someone is driving under the influence of drugs can ask the motorist to perform a series of physical coordination tests focused on eye movement, walking and balance, Montreal police say.
Fail these tests and a police officer will arrest you and take you to a police station where you will undergo more coordination tests and provide a urine sample for analysis.
If convicted of driving while impaired by drugs, the penalties are the same as for drunk driving, Quebec’s auto-insurance board says. For a first offence that means a criminal record, a minimum $1,000 fine and drivers’ licence suspension for a minimum of one year.

Where can I get more information?

Quebec cannabis sales:
Quebec’s current cannabis law:
The federal law:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I believe all social behavior morality laws should be abolished. The government has not place to enforce their cheap version of moralism. I am also against prohibition. See what prohibition of alcohol did during the 1930's in the US. There was mobsters everywhere. All psychotropic drugs should be legal including marijuana and so should prostitution. Drinking alcohol on the streets should not be restricted like it is here. In Germany people are allowed to drink alcohol on the streets. I also say Government should stay out of selling marijuana and alcohol. They monopolized it and therefore set high prices. We need competition and lots of it. Less licenses and less permits equal more competition.


New Member
May 2, 2017
October 17th 2018 marks the day the government became the ONLY pushers that can operate, they accept NO competition...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I had a question that I couldn't find an answer for, can a US citizen buy marijuana in Canada or is it only for only those that have a Canadian ID?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Anyone of age.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I also say Government should stay out of selling marijuana and alcohol. They monopolized it and therefore set high prices. We need competition and lots of it. Less licenses and less permits equal more competition.

Wow, you are beginning to sound more like a conservative, keep it up :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Thanks STN, I'm on my way!

Woe woe woe....take's illegal to bring cannabis or other drugs in US...severe if you buy here :welcome:BUT you will have to enjoy 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Funny, I thought somebody would misunderstand my post and I appreciate the looking out.

But, I’m heading up to a Montreal to partake, not do something stupid like trying to bring it back.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 enjoy and have lot of fun again in our unique city....:fat:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Wow, you are beginning to sound more like a conservative, keep it up :)

To the contrary... That is a libertarian stance not a conservative one. The conservatives like big government. They want to put more and more rules on social behavior like illegal prostitution, illegal same sex marriage, illegal abortion, illegal drugs, Legault wants to raise the legal limit to smoke marijuana to 21. You get my drift. The only thing the conservatives are liberal are on the rich. They want to deregulate them and give them the tools to get richer off the expense of the working class. No I am far from a conservative. Never will be.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I’m pretty sure that residents of a foreign country will not be eligible to purchase
Please report back if you go...

I wonder if you will be asked for your passport

Best Regards


New Member
Nov 8, 2017
Any Store’s open near Crescent and St. Catherine’s? And can US citizens purchase ? I’ll be on the island Sunday.



New Member
Dec 20, 2017
The only thing the conservatives are liberal are on the rich. They want to deregulate them and give them the tools to get richer off the expense of the working class.

CLOUD, you made a great point about ironic conservatives!


New Member
Apr 27, 2018
Actually you are very close from the one on metcalfe and st-catherine

970, rue Sainte-Catherine O
Montréal, Québec, H3B 1E3

Expect long line or as it goes maybe some out of stock.
Also on sunday they close at 5 pm.

They will ask you for an Id (supposed to be only if you look like under 25) just in case bring your driver license or passport or both to be sure.

Yes you can buy even if you are not canadians why not more money to the state.
Toronto Escorts