Reading this is why I'm sometimes leery of seeing an SP who has been at it for a "long" time (my definition of "long" is a case-by-case basis). It takes a special or dedicated person to sustain a high service level over several years. Charlie was one of my better memories in Montreal. No complaints from me about her at all, from looks to service.
To answer thread question, of course there have been plenty times where my hype level to see an SP did not match what I got from the session. Some of these letdown sessions were with active Montreal ladies so I won't name them.
The worst letdown was Gia Venetia. Posted about her before but not by name the first time. She badgered me days before the appointment about how I had to take her to eat before the session. I declined. If I had known she would have kept up the badgering in person, I would have canceled. Unluckily for me she kept it up in person. Even suggesting room service was not enough for this entitled ****.
We ended up back in my room upstairs only because the 10 minute of disagreement/arguing in the hotel lobby was on the verge of the cops being called. When it was all said and done, three hours paid for translated to only 20 minutes of so of action, of which her DFK resembled a fish's mouth motion when it's gasping for breath on land. Dousing $2000+ to fire would have been a better value than what I got

Then she texted me the next day about a tip.

Neat coincidence or not: I couldn't find any reviews on her before I took the plunge (not everyone without a review is that bad). It's a shame really because as her pictures suggest she's just as hot in person. But some SPs skate on their looks instead of their personality. She's one of those people better served at other work, because she's not very good at her current job at all.