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Have you ever used/sent a Deposit for/to a SP?

Have you ever used/sent a Deposit for/to a SP?

  • Yes

    Votes: 73 41.7%
  • No

    Votes: 102 58.3%

  • Total voters

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
A lot of my clients actually prefer to pay upfront so the money aspect is taken cared of before the session and it feels less ''transactional''. There is no stress about the money, going to the ATM... And I'm already comfortable from the get go!


New Member
Feb 4, 2023
I did my first deposit yesterday. I offered to pay upfront as I was a new client and I don't have any references to vouch for me. I don't like to play games with money, even when I pay cash in person I always give them the money right away so they aren't feeling uneasy. Additionally I learned that what I was doing might've actually not been as good as I thought. I would count the money in front of the SP and hand it to her. But from some reading on this site it sounds like an envelope with the cash is better. But in my head, the SP doesn't know how much cash is in the envelope,

I don't like cash (even though I know the countless benefits of cash) since I live like a 20 minute walk(40 round trip) from my nearest ATM.

Going to get cash has been a hurdle for me in terms of the SPs I can book with; so when I can deposit for a trusted (I would need to do my due diligence!! I wouldn't do a deposit for someone just on LL without corroborating a lot of info about them from here or other sources) SP I know I don't need physical cash and that is just more peace of mind for me. Not to mention peace of mind for them as they are already paid, and have a good feeling about you from the get-go.

I also prefer outcalls to incalls so that also plays a role into my decision process. I think it's reasonable for a well reviewed & reputable SP to get a deposit before making her way to an unknown location. I haven't done this enough yet, but the experience I got from my SP when I prepaid in full was the best I've ever had. She felt genuinely excited to be here from the moment I opened the door. It was nice not having to do the transaction in person.

Every time I partake in this hobby, it's money I don't mind losing. It's a gamble and a risk. So I wouldn't send money that I couldn't afford to lose.

I don't know if I would say I prefer to deposit. But if it makes it easier to see an SP that's specifically on my radar, I'm not against it. It's better than potentially missing out on seeing them. I would need to have a strong desire to see this person based on things I've heard
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Jul 5, 2008
But from some reading on this site it sounds like an envelope with the cash is better. But in my head, the SP doesn't know how much cash is in the envelope,
The envelope should never be sealed, allowing your date to rapidly check and count while you freshen up.

Even though a sealed envelope can be seen as lack of experience, it could also be a red flag for your date possibly causing unwanted discomfort.


Nov 14, 2022
pretty much seen indies only, and they all ask for a deposit so it can't be avoided unless I book with an agency
some indies are low amounts, others as high as half the donation but those have been vouched for and reputable so I don't have any concerns nor ran into any issues

double, triple, quadruple check the amount before arriving, and also if I notice the indies didn't check the envelope at the end of the session, I will bring it to their attention so they're aware and excuse myself to the bathroom before leaving

but echoing to never seal the envelope, and be discreet if in public (for indies) like inside a giftbag or a card

Supporting Member
I did my first deposit yesterday. I offered to pay upfront as I was a new client and I don't have any references to vouch for me. I don't like to play games with money, even when I pay cash in person I always give them the money right away so they aren't feeling uneasy. Additionally I learned that what I was doing might've actually not been as good as I thought. I would count the money in front of the SP and hand it to her. But from some reading on this site it sounds like an envelope with the cash is better. But in my head, the SP doesn't know how much cash is in the envelope,

I don't like cash (even though I know the countless benefits of cash) since I live like a 20 minute walk(40 round trip) from my nearest ATM.

Going to get cash has been a hurdle for me in terms of the SPs I can book with; so when I can deposit for a trusted (I would need to do my due diligence!! I wouldn't do a deposit for someone just on LL without corroborating a lot of info about them from here or other sources) SP I know I don't need physical cash and that is just more peace of mind for me. Not to mention peace of mind for them as they are already paid, and have a good feeling about you from the get-go.

I also prefer outcalls to incalls so that also plays a role into my decision process. I think it's reasonable for a well reviewed & reputable SP to get a deposit before making her way to an unknown location. I haven't done this enough yet, but the experience I got from my SP when I prepaid in full was the best I've ever had. She felt genuinely excited to be here from the moment I opened the door. It was nice not having to do the transaction in person.

Every time I partake in this hobby, it's money I don't mind losing. It's a gamble and a risk. So I wouldn't send money that I couldn't afford to lose.

I don't know if I would say I prefer to deposit. But if it makes it easier to see an SP that's specifically on my radar, I'm not against it. It's better than potentially missing out on seeing them. I would need to have a strong desire to see this person based on things I've heard
I ask deposit for all my customer for out.

Supporting Member
Most indy ask for deposit. Only did once and never regret it .

Just send my second one.

I will see if i regret it this time at the end of the week.

I will never send a deposit to any one who dont have any review here.
I dont think reviews just be your way to decide .. but the réputation yes


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I was requested to send a deposit for the first time recently when I went to see a new SP and I do not regret it.

In terms of whether I will do it again, I imagine that I would if I have a strong desire to see certain new SP. I know I did with the one I sent a deposit to already and have seen her numerous times since.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Qu'est ce que le monde ne comprennent pas encore dans l'envoi de dépot???

Si 100% des clients se tiennent en refusant l'envoi de dépot (autant pour les tds réputés), ça aura pour effet que les fraudeurs vont aller ailleurs et les réputés n'auront le choix de s'adapter.

Se sont nous les clients, rappelez-vous en tout en restant respectueux.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry gentlemen but you have already lost this fight of yours against deposits.
There are so many now that insist on it that it is quite obvious that so many men have silently agreed to this and unfortunately I doubt it will be reversible.
Men will go to any lengths to satisfy their little brain even if the other tells them to be careful.

Personally I will select ladies that are ok with references or a Merb handle and will avoid the ones asking for a deposit.
I will never send an interact transfer linking me directly to a potential illegal activity no matter how stellar any SP reputation is.
It is not about the money a loss of $50-$100 is not going to put me in a different tax bracket it is about privacy and legality.

If I really want to see someone bad enough I would suggest a photographe through email of a gift card of their choice showing the validation code.

Luckily the ladies I am seeing I have known for a long time and we are beyond things like deposits we trust each other.
They know if I cancel within 24 hours I will pay them the full amount which I have done once or twice when a family emergency occurred my word is worth more than a couple of hundred bucks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes you bring a valid point.
Yes a lot of girls propose different ways to secure a booking instead of deposit. You can also respectfully ask her if there is a way you can book without doing a e-transfer and usually they will propose either gift card or wishlist or reference or ask a smaller deposit or any other way she feels safe to proceed (she should be the one deciding the alternative to the deposit not the client). The deposit is really just to have something if ever the client don’t show up because sometimes we get some clients that screen but cancel last minute and won’t pay a cancellation fee or send a tip. The important is to show her that you care about her safety and that you are really serious about meeting her. But wanting an appointment without any screening ( no name ; no reference; no ID ; no picture) and no deposit is a BIG NO for safety reason both for the girl and the client. Most people get scam also by showing up to the appointment and there is a guy or multiple guys waiting for them in the room. Both part should do the necessary to make the other person safe.
I agree with most of what you are saying except for this safety thing.
I keep seeing this as a reason for deposits. This is total bullshit, I wish SP would stop doing this, there are just as many scumbags and assholes with money as without, a deposit does zero to assure your safety, to avoid time wasters yes you are 100% correct on that.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
. We all try to adapt and finds what works the best for us. At the end the importance is that both worker and client find their satisfaction. Glad we have mostly the same point of view!
Yes the main thing is that we all treat each other with kindness and respect and that all of us feel safe seeing each other.
It really isn’t all that complicated for either side I have never had a bad experience with an SP but I tend to do a lot of repeat visits with ladies I have known for years. I also do a lot of research before I see someone and they have all been Indies that advertise on Merb.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Je donne ma petite opinion de la situation:
Certes c’est vous les clients mais c’est nous qui avons le corps nécessaire pour le service. Donc il est normal qu’on décide des règles du jeu.
Nous sommes tous impliqués travailleuses et clients : nous en mettant notre sécurité en péril à chaque fois qu’on rencontre quelqu’un de nouveau ou pas et vous en mettant votre argent en jeu. En tant que TDS nous acceptons beaucoup plus de risques comme se faire violer; se faire tuer; se faire niaiser; se faire poursuivre et harceler ( j’ai eu un régulier qui était devenu dangereux et malgré mon refus de le rencontrer il essayait par touts les moyens de revoir et en m’envoyer des photos de ma voiture)etc..
Je n’est pas de ratio statistique précis à montrer mais juste des remarque selon mon expérience et l’expérience de d’autre fille.
Je peux comprendre que ça fait mal de faire scam mais c’est un des risques que les clients prennent. C’est pourquoi ils existent des forums comme ici pour en parler et éviter que les autres ne se fasse avoir. De notre côté se faire niaiser par un client fait 2 fois plus mal car c’est notre temps qu’on a perdu plus de l’argent. Donc pour éviter cette double perte on demande des dépôts ou des références et/ou une preuve d’identité . Mais nous savons que c’est une chose compliquée à faire vue le nombre de scam et de clients hesitant. Ainsi les filles comme moi qui sont indépendante ont décidé d’investir dans notre image ( site internet; annonce le plus vérifier possible; réseaux sociaux; Onlyfan ; podcast; etc) pour avoir une meilleure crédibilité. Et on as même des reviews pour prouver encore plus notre crédibilité et notre professionnalisme. C’est très facile de vérifier si une TDS est vrai et si on veut même être plus prudent on peut prendre quelques jours/mois à observer la TDS et faire des recherches. Ainsi vous (les clients) éviter les scams. Le risque est pas à zéro mais il est baissé à 99%. Ça n’arrange pas vraiment les TDS qui se mettent une annonce une fois de temps en temps car elles ont pas bâti une réputation mais au moins les clients sont sur qu’ils se font pas scam en cherchant un peu sur internet à propos de la TDS.
Mais de là à dire qu’il faudrait abolir les dépôts ou se remonter contre les TDS qui demandent des dépôts c’est juste irréfléchi avec aucune pertinence. Si vous êtes sur ce forum c’est pour aider la communauté à faire la part du vrai et du faux; du bon service ou du pas bon service mais pas d’essayer d’opprimées encore plus les TDS parce que vous pensez que votre “vie” est plus importante à la notre. C’est du 50/50; je te donne le nécessaire pour que tu me fasse confiance et tu fais ta part en me prouvant que tu es sérieux et sécuritaire. Le dépôt n’est pas la seul méthode de valider si un client est sérieux ou pas mais c’est le meilleur moyen de ne pas se retrouver sans rien quand on se fait niaiser.
Habituellement les dépôts pour un rdv de 1h varient entre 50-100$ et si en tant que client tu n’est pas prêt à “perdre” ce argent là tu devrais faire plus attention et de recherche sur celle que tu veux rencontrer ou être prêt à prendre le risque. A la fin de la journée ton expérience est censé de forcer à être plus rigoureux sur ta manière de choisir à qui tu fais un dépôt au lieu de vouloir punir toute l’industrie. Tout le monde est un scam/dangereux/pas sérieux jusqu’à preuve du contraire. Et ce forum est censé aider.
* ( Ne pas prendre mon commentaire personnel. Juste faire une analyse de la situation avec la perspective des deux côtés et aussi d’un point de vue économique). Merci!
Chacune décide de ces propres règles et chacun decident avec qui il veut bien jouer !!!

Pas certain qu'un commerce imposant une règle qui le mènerait à sa fermeture la conserverait en place.

Tu as beaux mettre tout TES règles en place, seule les clients décideront s'ils y adhèrent.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Donc il est normal qu’on décide des règles du jeu.
Absolument! Mais le client a aussi une prérogative, soit d'accepter ou de refuser ces conditions et booker quelqu'un d'autre.

Nous sommes tous impliqués travailleuses et clients : nous en mettant notre sécurité en péril à chaque fois qu’on rencontre quelqu’un de nouveau ou pas et vous en mettant votre argent en jeu.
Le risque pour votre sécurité physique est, malheureusement, élevé et bien réel. Je ne nierai jamais cet état de fait. Sauf que, personnellement, je ne vois pas du tout comment un dépôt peut diminuer ce risque.

Pour le client l'enjeu n'est pas uniquement monétaire, à mon avis, le vol d'identité est le plus grand risque. Plusieurs TDS exigent, maintenant, en plus d'un dépôt, une pièce d'identité légale avec photo! N'oubliez pas, mesdemoiselles, qu'il y a, aujourd'hui, beaucoup plus de fraudeurs/euses que de véritables SPs qui s'annoncent.

Autre point, souligné par un autre membre dans ce thread, il est de notoriété, statistiques à l'appui, que chez les travailleuses du sexe, il y a quand-même un fort pourcentage d'entre elles qui souffrent, ou souffriront d'instabilité émotive et psychologique.

Donc, ok, votre crédibilité et votre honnêteté, aujourd'hui, sont sans tâches, mais qu'en sera-t-il demain? Connaissant les effets dévastateurs que peut avoir la pratique de ce métier sur la santé mentale de certaines personnes, qui sont probablement déjà plus à risques, je ne gagerais pas ma chemise là-dessus.

Comment suis-je sensé faire aveuglément confiance à de telles personnes avec mes infos personnelles et jusqu'à un certain point, mes infos bancaires?


New Member
May 22, 2022
Comment suis-je sensé faire aveuglément confiance à de telles personnes avec mes infos personnelles et jusqu'à un certain point, mes infos bancaires?
Comme nous nous protégeons, c'est aussi de votre droit de faire les recherches pour avoir votre sérénité.
C'est pourquoi je demande un dépôt ou un envoi de carte cadeau par exemple. Oui la demande de dépôt filtre les niaiseries qui sont harcelants et demande de l'énergie et nous font perdre beaucoup de temps (ce qui cause aussi notre chute).
Une plate-forme comme cela veut aider aussi, le fait que certaines aient onlyfans par exemple : les vérifications sont sur documents d'identité et bancaire.
Après libre à vous mais, perso je ne veux pas me retrouver en une des journaux parce que je me suis fais tuer ou tabasser par le 15% de clients dangereux et qui ne sera jamais arrêté. Vous sous estimer souvent ce risque essentiel à notre prospérité.
Libre à vous !
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