I don't get what Trudeau has to do with Legault's stupid war against anything English.
Or what this thread has to do with politics lol

Or what this thread has to do with politics lol
what this thread has to do with politicsI don't get what Trudeau has to do with Legault's stupid war against anything English.
Or what this thread has to do with politics lol
View attachment 57591
You have to know a certain "special" person for that one and be willing to turn a blind eye to a lot of ongoing activity.Maybe add to list: "Pay a union buddy at port and get a 100K$+ job with no skills required"
what this thread has to do with politics
well if your english everything
guy asked for help i gave him a good tip and explained the excemption
a chinese man a skilled fitter of aircraft englines with no english or french has been hired in the past in positons which were impossable to fill otherwise he was not the only 1
if your looking for a descent job.the charter of rights is supposed to protect everyone and trudeau like a pretentious child uses the non withstanding clause like i take a daily shit
Seriously Trudeau is totally responsible letting these illegal laws being put forth which the 1st of 3 was shot down on court he is the reason any qualified Anglo in a technical field is refused a job with the skill set refused because he can't talk french
i personally took a beautiful black woman i met(didtn hit on her tried to help and did)
took her to a business i knew was hireing ased to speak to the manager
with my credentials and presentation of her she was hired on the spot....i am proud to say
and i spoke wtih the supervisor in french as he had no english bot bottom line needed a worked this is the way it should be
person willing to work
employer willing to give a chance politics has no place in trying to ern a living
she had no french
a warehouse job
restocking inventory
night shift
no contact with the public
I worked in aerospace grandfather clause applied to older workers aside from the exemption for technical termsI don't understand what you're referring to. I know lots of anglos who were born here, who have limited or no French, and I've never heard them say they had trouble finding jobs. I worked for an airline and people were transferred from Ontario and BC all the time and they didn't know French. All meetings, emails, documents were in English, so there was no real need for French. However English was mandatory. I mean, if you're going to deal with the public or if a company operates in French, then it would make sense that you'd have to speak it.
Companies require that their employees speak English too. My mother worked for a pharmaceutical company. When she was promoted to a position that required dealing with almost exclusively American doctors and travelling to US hospitals, she was extremely lucky that they wanted her in that position and paid for private English lessons. But in normal circumstances, they would have considered only applicants who spoke English & skipped those who only sole French.
What law are you referring to that has to do with Trudeau? I'm aware of what Legault been wasting our money on but I don't understand how Trudeau has anything to do with this provincial crap. So that part is what's confusing me about your comments.
Edit: You seem to have deleted the comment while I was replying lol
I worked for an IT shop in St-Laurent. There could be 12 french speaking attendees (et pas nécessairement de souche) in a meeting. if only one couldn’t speak french, we we’re all speaking English.a pissing contest over stupidity.
I worked for an IT shop in St-Laurent. There could be 12 french speaking attendees (et pas nécessairement de souche) in a meeting. if only one couldn’t speak french, we we’re all speaking English.
That is stupidity.
Each time I was pissed off inside. Couldn’t say anything because I was scared to be depict as a racist or as a méchant separatisssse
Oh man, I'm not that old.........are you talking back in the 60s
I worked 37 years in aerospace was lucky enough to travel all over the world and be paid for it,i am very fortunate back in the day connections were more important than anything.
in aerospace back in the 70s was english irish scottish french chinese and everyone got along
the government is happy when there is conflict with french and english and other groups
as the government is screwing everyone and their job is easier with in fighting
reason government does not like criminals is they don't like competition
and when we are fighting with each other their job to screw us becomes easier
smoke and mirrors its called
I used to vote liberal
but Trudeau is an Embarrassment
only thing that boy is competent to do...... would be
anything requreing him to handle shit with his hands!
i managed 37.5 yrsI worked 37 years in aerospace was lucky enough to travel all over the world and be paid for it,