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Hobbying and SP'ing 101


Jul 26, 2006
This was a post I made for another thread, and Elizabeth thought it might be a good post to just make a thread in the Lounge. :D

Wouldn't it be rather funny/nice if someone actually started an online school/blog/lesson for hobbyist AND SPs on how to act during a visit. I think we already have one for the guys and how to act before hand, but don't think the ladies have one yet...

Hobbying 101.

-Shave face, and down there or just trim if you feel like it
-Brush teeth and make hair look decent
-Dress to impress, no bum clothing, but not going to the opera either.
-Clean the place up a bit if they're coming over to your house
-Have donation ready and be sure you know how much it is when you're booking
-Be polite
-Don't jump on her when she comes in, spend a good 10mins or so to converse and get to know the dos and don'ts with her.

Sp'ing 101

-Come in ALWAYS smiling and a friendly hug. Regardless of how shitty your day was or your last client was. If you're not in a good mood, DON'T TAKE THE CUSTOMER!
-Talk to the customer for a good 10min, tell him what you do or don't do. Ask him what he likes, and what he doesn't like. How open he is, and what he's up for.
-Mention about any extras you might usually charge for your services while you're talking, not when the guy's about to blow his load.
-Ask to use the washroom to do whatever you gotta do before and brush teeth/shower whatever it is, but if guys gotta be hygenic, it should go both ways.
-Don't answer your phone while you're in the middle of the action. He's paying for an hour of service/pleasure, not for you to chit chat on the phone. Besides, it really ruins the mood.
-Ask customer how they want it and if they are enjoying it or what else they would like to do. As a lot of hobbyist are probably shy/new and don't know how to initiate. You're the professional, guide them through if it seems like they are nervous/shy.
-Spend the full amount of time there that the customer asked for. Don't short change him his 15mins or whatever.

Man, I should be a teacher... :D

What else do you guys think is missing from here? What suggestions do you have about what hobbyist or SP's should do during a visit to make it go smoother.


Jul 26, 2006
Elizabeth said:
Yééé! Thanks MA! ;)

Ok, two comments to start...

About hobbying 101 : shaving is not necessary to me although it can irritate my face when we kiss. But men with stubbles are soooo sexy!

About sping 101 : you guys like it if the woman takes time to talk about her restrictions, ask what you`d prefer, etc??

I thought it was the kind of thing that ruined it a bit for the client...

Well I wouldn`t exactly say it as ``talking about what you do or don`t like``... maybe something more casual or smoother when an SP says something like...

``Just so you know.... I`m down with pretty much everything... except.. greek, digits, etc...``

I`m not saying that they should slap out a book with the ``This is what I do. this is what I don`t do. Take it or leave it``.

That would probably make things just a bit weird... but trust me, as a hobbyist, almost ALL THE TIME i`m curious what the SP is willing to do or not do... again, i`m not some kinda sicko that has crazy toys or into S&M, but just certain stuff like, ``Do you cimw? Do you allow digits? Do you allow....`` you know, the normal stuff, that just some SPs don`t do or don`t like to do... :)

But like I said though, some guys are too scared to ask, and don`t bother asking.. and naturally the SP is not a psychic... so she`ll never know what you want unless you say it... or unless she asks you what you want from the session... I know if an SP was to ask me... ``Is there anything in particular that turns you on or that you like or you would like me to do for you?`` That would REALLY break the ice for me and I would be able to mention and tell them what I like so naturally, if the customer gets what he wants on his mind... he`ll be a happy camper, and the girl will have 1 more regular customer..

thats just my opinion though. ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site

That is a very helpful and relevant link. That website goes beyond "Escorts For Dummies," which is what I was expecting. Instead, there are a lot of things said in that website that resonate strongly with me. I wish I had found such a website about 10 years ago.

Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
Hobbying 101 includes all you should do prior to the arrival of the SP but not much on what to do while she is there.
1) Have drinks for her. If you know already what she likes great, if not bring a good assortment both with or without alcohol (no not a full bar but at least some wine)
2) Little food some have no time to eat between clients or eat junk, fruits can be fun too to eat and play with
3) Massage oil, giving or receiving a massage is a good ice breaker for some SP
4) Start slow and built up the intensity as you see fit and as she is responding

Don`t forget your meeting is as good as the SP you see but also as good as you make it to be by being all ears to her needs.

Sp`ing 101

I would add
1) Get close to me in a non sexual way at first, just cause you want to, cuddle
2) Tell me what you like as we go along, I love to learn to be a better lover and please you too while I`m at it
3) Variety is nice too, instead of the usual: Daty, , etc standard fare

Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
While that makes a lot of sense from an sp`s standpoint, I must confess that I find being asked what I want always makes me somewhat uncomfortable. Often, my answer might be something like: "Oh nothing special...just the regular". I`ve always found these moments quite awkward, actually.

I have to agree with you, and although sometimes I have an idea in mind, it changes completely as time progress with the lady and the feel and mood of the encounter progresses.
Like I said in my last post I like to learn as well to be a better lover, so some initiative from the SP is welcome. Lets face it ladies when it comes down to business I don`t think you can go wrong.
Has far as restrictions are concerned, I have never had problems with them since I am not into the more "exotic" stuff.
No kissing has been my only hang up, and even at that I had to reconsider my position see my post

Elizabeth, the written resume might sound like a good idea but aren`t SP also modifying what they do or don`t do based on the customer. You might scare away some and you might promise somethings that you wouldn`t want to do with others.
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New Member
Mar 5, 2005
Both SP's and clients should wait for a minimum of 30 minutes after brushing their teeth, prior to an appointment. This is a safty precaution due to the possibility that brushing teeth could lead to gym breeding in many cases. It's better to rince using mouth-wash if you don't have that 30-minutes in between.


Nov 30, 2004
teeth brushing consideration....

SomeGuy said:
Both SP's and clients should wait for a minimum of 30 minutes after brushing their teeth, prior to an appointment. This is a safty precaution due to the possibility that brushing teeth could lead to gym breeding in many cases. It's better to rince using mouth-wash if you don't have that 30-minutes in between.

You are almost right BUT half an hour is not enough. Teeth brushing often leads to open microscopic gum abrasion that represent large open doors to viruses.:eek:

Only light( superficial) teeth brushing should be considered ( with a 2-3 hours delay before encounter) completed with mouth wash ….

Havana Club or Captain Morgan rum shall be used as mouth wash …:D


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Research research research

That is, for me, the best indicator of what is possible and what is not. Sure that might be a challenge for ladies who are not reviewed alot yet, but if a guy wants to know the does and don'ts, I prefer to send him to my reviews. Not because I want to avoid the question, but more, because I don't want to lock myself into a set of acronyms without ever having met the guy.

I wouldn't feel comfy talking 10 minutes either, I like more action than that and a do's and don'ts list would just seem too business-like. Ideally, you would start with some fun action - rest down a bit - talk a bit (maybe then you can discuss what you each like) then go for round two!

I know that a good deal of the board members here are not for sharing their member names, but really, it helps the lady get a clue on what you like and don't like, thus tailoring a session to meet your preferences. I find that alone invaluable.


Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
Well Elizabeth you sure would not scare me off with your resume that is for sure and it sure makes you even more desirable. You are a class act and all your post exude sensuality. (no I have never met Elizabeth......yet)


Jul 26, 2006
Hmm... I guess it does make me special...

But the reason why I actually mention and brought that up is because of an agency`s site that I saw, i think it is sexyxxx`s site.

It just showed pics of each girls, and what they do. That was the first time I saw that, and I thought that was really cool cause I get to know right away if they do or cim etc etc... that made it easier for me to know who i wanted to pick and what to expect of the gir.

Cause a site with it just saying, ``GFE, PSE, YMMV`` it kinda doesn`t tell me much. Some ppl ask for GFE, and when the girl arrive she doesn`t do half the stuff... so thats kinda whack...

But Elizabeth your resume idea might be a good thing also. Might turn customers away, but might also attract customers also. Might be shitty for a customer to see you and then not get what he was thinking you offer etc... :)
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