Montreal Escorts

Hot Take, Giving money to fellow Clients.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Alright Jalimon
I’ll take the hit
You can pay my next session and watch. Can’t garantee i will enjoy myself. But I will do it for you buddy. ;)

Haha nice but I am not there yet! We could re-try the failed dp we tried last time... Oups that implies that I will join the fun ;)


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
I didn’t read the whole thread but yeah, as much as I would like to get gifted a free session I would never go around asking for one. I am also a young guy with a limited buget which forces me to hobby sporadically if I don’t want to end up broke. I’ve had to make sacrifices, I stopped seeing my ATF because she moved to an outcall agency and I refuse to spend hundreds of dollars on a airbmb or hotel cause it’s just not affordable for me, ( my residence is not ideal for outcall). Bad or mediocre sessions also sting particularly hard because the money I spend on the hobby has alot more value to me and I can’t afford to compensate for a bad session by booking another the next day or next week. Sometimes I go 4,5 months without hobbying just cause it’s not realistic budget wise, sitting on a bad session for that long is not a good feeling. Thankfully I only ever had one session that I can truly say was bad, so I guess I am lucky in that department.

Unfortunetly that is part of life and you have to work with cards you have. The girls getting thousands of dollars from sugar daddies are in a way still earning that money, by giving the daddy what he wants, even though they are being overcompensated they still worked for it. Being friends with rich hobbyists doesn’t entitle you to free handouts just cause they like your personality.

We live in a world where when it comes to sex, women have full power over men. Men have to work hard to get laid, which is why the hobby exists to begin with. It’s not good or bad, thats just how our species functions to achieve optimal mating. Its part of being a man, if you want it to change, either get good at attracting women for free or work towards a high paying job that allows you to cheat the system more frequently. Whatever you pick I wish you luck cause I understand the struggle. But don’t start begging, it will get you nowhere.

Gil Grissom

New Member
Feb 9, 2011
No way a hobbyist or a SP will step up and give you a freebie. The best you can hope for is if a SP visit is raffled off at one of these SP/Hobbyist get togethers. Providing that the hobbyist are willing to chip in or if a SP is willing to donate one for the hobbyist.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
No way a hobbyist or a SP will step up and give you a freebie. The best you can hope for is if a SP visit is raffled off at one of these SP/Hobbyist get togethers. Providing that the hobbyist are willing to chip in or if a SP is willing to donate one for the hobbyist.
you obviously don't read well.dock holiday came forward to share his gifts 1 from eager beaver and i have met both gentlemen.EB has always been a generous person and doc always did well with the ladies
my personal experiacnce back when i posted under a different handle in boards many members would take me out for a good meal and pay meals and drinks.even agency owners who i hung with at times at wandas strip club. and a number of board escorts of the clock would meet me and join me for dinner
1 x member who married a top escort who i introduced them to each other.he had paid 2 escorts 1 night in montreal for me.and in the old senior members circle there is many members i have me who are not only well off but very generous.
was 1 very popular SP back in the day she paid for me all the time dinners and drinks.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
No way a hobbyist or a SP will step up and give you a freebie.

Wrong, I used to see a SP who would give me 2 freebies a year 1 for my BD and 1 for XMAS and I know for a fact that other members got the same freebies, this was her way of rewarding her regulars.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ How about really, really rare.
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