Montreal Escorts

Hot Take, Giving money to fellow Clients.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, why would you pay to get intel on someone you’ve met? Why not just ask the sp herself?

As I posted above, I was curious on what I missed out on and I am not in Montreal to find out on a whim. I live in the US and was not gonna be around for another couple months. So I wanted a local guy to do a test drive, was that simple. It was an MP lady. I told him the condom story so he knew he was not going to get limited to a rub and tug. BTW, in case I did not make it clear, the condom drop occurred after the session, not before. He got the intel I wanted and declined my money and the girl was out of the biz by the time I was next in Montreal.


Oct 8, 2018
Understood. Pretty sly of her to drop a condom & then mention it as though it were some fluke accident. She clearly wanted you to know that she offers full service. I probably would have just asked her right there on the spot though.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Understood. Pretty sly of her to drop a condom & then mention it as though it were some fluke accident. She clearly wanted you to know that she offers full service. I probably would have just asked her right there on the spot though.

Dude, you are not reading between the lines. I knew she offered FS after that. What I did not know is whether she offered the specific service I wanted- BBBJTCIM. Hence the offer and the intel collection. The time and place where that condom drop occurred was not right for that kind of conversation. Also, it was not sly of her, she was trained to do it, and probably only did it with guys she liked or was comfortable with, hence I hired a guy I assumed or hoped she would be comfortable with. He was a younger, decent looking MERBite I knew from parties.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't need any intel on her, don't know her. I would only offer money for intel on someone I actually met.

She is an escort. Did it ever occur to you to ask her? I ask for intel on people I haven't met. However, if there was a 220$ escort and I didn't know the exact services she provided, I would just book that escort and find out for myself rather than spend 220$ to send over an escort to a fellow MERBite so he can tell me if she jacks off cock with her right or left hand or something.

. For Mike, who sounds on this board as a smart guy, fluent in French and English the possibilities to earn decent money in Canada are limitless. It is laziness, fear of change and the lack of initiative that prevents him from success. Maybe his sexual appetite will provide enough stimulus to lift his ass, thus any free money would be just detrimental.

Man, sometimes the truth hurts but it is best not to sugarcoat such things. MinutemanX is a soothsayer.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
After I watch a movie, it was 2h15 this morning, I was checking merb before going to bed and I saw this thread from HM...
I was like WTF... I thought I read it all already but a guy looking as he's trying to get (beg) money for seeing SP... wow...
I said to myself, he must be drunk and depressed...
If I understand well, you're looking (or wonder if it does exist) for some kind of SD who as a fetish that would make him jerk when he pays a random poor guy to see SPs...?

I remember few years ago you started a thread to help you find a job and you manage to get a booker job at Wildtime...
And now you evolved... No more looking for a job... Now you're looking for a way to get someone to donate money so you can get layed...

A fellow merbist paying another fellow merbist to see an SP...
If I remember correctly, this somewhat already happened here on merb... But it was not I believe in the context of a fetish (Maybe it was???)...
Remember this story that happened between STN and Ricky Bonds few years ago???


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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She is an escort.

She was NOT an escort, was extremely new to the business and according to other intel I got, had almost no real life sexual experience due to the particular unique culture she came from mainly and not the way she looked. As I already stated I was not in a position to have the conversation I wanted to have at that moment in time, nor did it occur to me exactly what I wanted to know until I thought about it later on.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Remember this story that happened between STN and Ricky Bonds few years ago???

Yeah but in that case cash money was given and the promised info was (allegedly) not delivered. In my case there was a promise to pay cash for intel, the intel was provided, and then my cash offer was declined despite the hobbyist incurring the cost of seeing the girl and gathering the intel. It's almost like a polar opposite to the STN/Ricky Bonds situation. And by the way my situation did not involve Bonds, nor did I tell STN to pay Bonds for intel. STN did that on his own, probably confusing Rickys Bonds with James Bond, the famous master of collecting many intels.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You can do it that way. I would just book the girl myself and find out. I would save that other 220$ and book another girl or perhaps I would book that girl for another hour...extend the date if you will but I sure am not going to give a guy a girl to find out if she does CIM so I can do CIM. I might buy him dinner. But that's me and everyone else on the board (except for Sol Tee that one time)

I remember Ricky B and Sol Tee. That was a shitty thing that RB did (or didn't do) and Sol Tee was ribbed/teased mercilessly for giving someone money to see an escort to see how good she was.

Good night all.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
You can do it that way. I would just book the girl myself and find out. I would save that other 220$ and book another girl or perhaps I would book that girl for another hour...extend the date if you will but I sure am not going to give a guy a girl to find out if she does CIM so I can do CIM. I might buy him dinner. But that's me and everyone else on the board (except for Sol Tee that one time)

I remember Ricky B and Sol Tee. That was a shitty thing that RB did (or didn't do) and Sol Tee was ribbed/teased mercilessly for giving someone money to see an escort to see how good she was.

Good night all.

Was thinking the exact same thing Hungry. I would rather pay the girl and do the test drive myself. Did it many times in fact...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I saw this thread from HM...
I was like WTF... I thought I read it all already but a guy looking as he's trying to get (beg) money for seeing SP... wow...
I said to myself, he must be drunk and depressed...
If I understand well, you're looking (or wonder if it does exist) for some kind of SD who as a fetish that would make him jerk when he pays a random poor guy to see SPs...?

You are correct that i was drunk (but not depressed at all), and it may have be the reason why i decided to make the thread (alcool loosing inhibitions). I woke up this morning and immediately taugh "oh yeah i made that thread yesterday, oh boy, what kind of reply there would be" but as i read my post again and the initial responses (wich were very correct at the beginning, sadly it changed along the way) i was cool with it and decided to let it up. Right before bed, before making the thread i just had seen an SP saying some guy just paid for her scholarship out of the blue so it came to my mind wondering about that version. Now i guess im gonna have to repeat myself, i just used myself as an exemple as i fit the bill, i didn't asked anybody for money. To be clear, i don't think that kind of guy would be found on merb, or even in Montreal. If it would had been, it would had happen a while ago. That being said a guy (wich i won't name in case he would prefer not) did offered me once (maybe as a joke, can't be sure, he was drunk) to pay me some time with a street walker. I declined. Not my gig and not worth the risk lol.

I don't remember if the Wildtime gig happened out of a thread i made? I do remember meeting and talking to Jimmy a few times in the first parties i got to (PJs) but it wasn't until much later it happened. I do remember i was at a friend's party in Montreal and they picked me up to discuss in the car about it and this is when we agreed on that. It was 6 years ago so obviously some details are forgotten. Reflecting back on that time, obviously there is things i would change if i could go back. But even if it was short and not how i imagined it would be, ultimately im happy about the experience it was. Gave me an ocasion to see the other side of the business and im glad i met 2 ladies specifically during that time, one i saw actually the past year (she is either retired now or on another hiatus) and the other one it didn't end as i hoped it would be nontheless i put aside the bad memories of the end and remember the good times we had.

But just so we clear once and for all. I DO HAVE A JOB. Its part time, its not exeptionally financially, but it does it for me. The free time i have due to the part time is something i apreciate a lot. I could go work at Time Horton if i wanted to, probably full time and make more money, but then i would have MUCH less time to do stuff i enjoy doing and would do a job that is not fun and i don't like instead of one i actually enjoy. And like i said in my current situation i don't pay a lot of expenses, my money goes on a couple bills i have (my phone, internet), my CC debt and the rest goes into my hobbies.

Now you seem almost "offended" at the taught of this thread, obviously you are not the kind of guy this could apply to (and its fine). I know for instance you always search for the "deals" and try to pay the less possible. Not judging, if you have fun doing that and can save money, powers to you. We are all different.

And no i don't think some guys would actually "jerk" and get aroused at the taugh of paying for someone else to see an escort or buy himself items. It would probably be more a "feeling of satisfaction" and being happy to help a fellow john, again kinda like some guys find satisfaction when they give an expensive item to an SP or send virtual payment totally out of a meeting. There is a lot of peoples, and yes GUYS too, that have amazon wishlist and get gifts from viewers/fans and open them either on instagram or youtube. Now granted yes they are "semi famous to famous" but its another variant of this idea.

Maybe its clearer this way? Anyway...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I remember Ricky B and Sol Tee. That was a shitty thing that RB did (or didn't do) and Sol Tee was ribbed/teased mercilessly for giving someone money to see an escort to see how good she was.

Good night all.

The real story, the Ricky Bonds thing was to prove that someone ( Tony ) was spreading false rumors about an SP ( she would not see him on the side and he was stalking her ) and I asked anyone to see her, not to mention to her what the session was about and give an honest review. Ricky being the slimeball he is did not see her and decided to keep the money as he was broke as fuck and could not pay me back.
I did not need intel on her as I seen her many times.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
...Now you seem almost "offended" at the taught of this thread, obviously you are not the kind of guy this could apply to (and its fine). I know for instance you always search for the "deals" and try to pay the less possible. Not judging, if you have fun doing that and can save money, powers to you. We are all different.

I was a bit shocked indeed.
How did you conclude I was looking for "deals"? I NEVER negociate prices. I just see SP that fits in my budget and also I prefer the thrill of "hunting" on local ad sites...

And no i don't think some guys would actually "jerk" and get aroused at the taugh of paying for someone else to see an escort or buy himself items. It would probably be more a "feeling of satisfaction" and being happy to help a fellow john, again kinda like some guys find satisfaction when they give an expensive item to an SP or send virtual payment totally out of a meeting. There is a lot of peoples, and yes GUYS too, that have amazon wishlist and get gifts from viewers/fans and open them either on instagram or youtube. Now granted yes they are "semi famous to famous" but its another variant of this idea.

I believe that, most of the time, these guys that are using their financial capabilities, it is to impress the girls and seduce them to have them make the first step to offer sex and/or love and/or exclusivity.
Also, these Instagram/tweeter girls have lots of visibilty (Semi-famous as you said) and eventually, lots of fans... And there comes the competition between fans to try to conquer her...

So... Rich guys don't get satisfaction only to give expensive gift to any random person. They give money/gifts because they can, and in that case, the other person is sexy and they have some crush on her.
It's certainly a good way to get their attention and make some show off in public.

I don't see what satisfaction a richer guy would have to help a fellow john to get layed... It's really not the same context as giving money/gifts (often in public) to someone you're sexually attracted to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Had a feeling that you were drunk while posting this Mike.... ;)

Speaking of careers, you do know there are jobs in the video game field, right? You could be a manual tester, to detect bugs in upcoming video games. So basically, you'd be doing something that you already love (ie. playing videogames, and getting paid).

Also, there are developers for video games as well. But obviously that requires a lot more skills/education (and isn't easy).

Bottom line is there are no easy paths in life. If you wanna make the big bucks legally, you gotta work hard. Just find something that you're passionate about and pursue it.


Sep 4, 2006
I once paid for lap dances for a friend. I had just graduated and had been working for a year, and returned to the medium sized Ontario town where I grew up. This was the moment I finally decided to visit a strip club for the first time..but had no experience which ones were good or where they were located. I did not have a car with me on this visit so I told my friend if he took me to good strip club I would pay for two lap dances. It worked out and was $40 well spent.

I think the real question many of us are avoiding here is how someone would actually fund another man to meet escorts. The money might be spent on something productive like groceries, paying bills or even go towards tuition!! The only way to be sure would be to give the money to the SP and ask her to open a tab for my friend. Thats akward and I am not sure she would want the book keeping responsibility that goes with it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The real story, the Ricky Bonds thing was to prove that someone ( Tony ) was spreading false rumors about an SP ( she would not see him on the side and he was stalking her ) and I asked anyone to see her, not to mention to her what the session was about and give an honest review. Ricky being the slimeball he is did not see her and decided to keep the money as he was broke as fuck and could not pay me back.
I did not need intel on her as I seen her many times.

Well, you DID need intel, namely that Tony was the one spreading rumors. I do not see how this was going to be a constructive endeavor even if Ricky Bonds performed the contract, because what if he determined Tony was not the source of the rumors, or what if determined that he was? Were you going to be able to do anything about it and should you have been doing anything about it other than telling the girl what she should do, which costs nothing to do?

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Well, you DID need intel, namely that Tony was the one spreading rumors. ?
you mean elf gone bad man of a thousand handles. .he was a card did you ever meet him
i did a number of times if it is the same tony your refering to


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think the real question many of us are avoiding here is how someone would actually fund another man to meet escorts. The money might be spent on something productive like groceries, paying bills or even go towards tuition!! The only way to be sure would be to give the money to the SP and ask her to open a tab for my friend. Thats akward and I am not sure she would want the book keeping responsibility that goes with it.

It's probably unlikely that HM would actually use the money on something productive like paying bills or using it for tuition, but I see it more likely that someone would give him money for nothing ONLY tor productive activities rather than chasing escorts, or gambling, or booze/drugs.

As far as Mike starting this thread while drunk, drinking and posting should be a Custom Infraction, and Mike should get a Custom Infraction for his admission of starting a serious or at least semi-serious thread debate while drunk.

Regarding the case of me buying an escort for Doc Holliday, as was mentioned earlier in the thread as a surprise for his birthday, the $300 cash for one hour of HDH entertainment was passed under a restaurant table to Celine at one of her parties through a prearranged plan with Celine, rather than given to the escort directly. Celine invited us to one of her agency parties which was at a restaurant. Doc was at another table. After whispering to her I passed the cash under the table and nobody saw the transaction. She then sent the escort to Doc, I think the very next day, an HDH lady she had working for her at the time. I forget her name but Cloudsurf had recommended her to me as a wise choice. It was unlikely Celine was going to be pulling a Ricky Bonds on me because a number of people knew about the surprise, including Doc himself after the gift arrived, and her industry credibility was at stake.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Since we are on the subject. If any guys are willing to pay my part to participate in their fantasy mfm or just to watch a dude bang a girl. I am willing to partake

But i do have some criteria.
None of these 60$ /10 mins blowjob girls. A guy has to have some standards.
And no fat girls. Don’t want it to be like the first episode of broker mirror either. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The real story, the Ricky Bonds thing was to prove that someone ( Tony ) was spreading false rumors about an SP ( she would not see him on the side and he was stalking her ) and I asked anyone to see her, not to mention to her what the session was about and give an honest review. Ricky being the slimeball he is did not see her and decided to keep the money as he was broke as fuck and could not pay me back.
I did not need intel on her as I seen her many times.

Ahhh yes. The Elf. Thanks. Now I remember. Thanks for jogging my memory. Hell, if I were around, I would of seen her on your recommendation alone and the fact that the Elf was out badmouthing her would of only helped to motivate me to see her more. I would have let you buy me a beer or maybe a steak if you were so inclined but I get it. Did he ever pay you back? I mean RB could of painted your apartment or something?
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