Montreal Escorts

How Best to Book for my Trip


New Member
Nov 3, 2019
I'm going to be in Montreal for 3 days in April and want to make the most of my trip. I had a disappointing trip to Toronto last year and don't want to repeat that.

I've been doing research on here and am wondering about the best way to ensure I book the girls that work best for me.

Obviously, scheduling this far in advance doesn't really work for agency girls, but the ease of dealing with an agency is so appealing, especially when trying to squeeze 3 or 4 sessions into 3 days. On top of that, it looks like some agencies (XO, XXXtase, Velvet Love), release the full weekly schedule, while others (Euphoria, Vogue) only release the schedule daily. Is this correct? I'll be in town Saturday - Monday.

From what I've read, the bookers at the agencies are pretty helpful, is that accurate? Would my best course of action be to check XO's schedule as soon as it goes up and then call them and ask for their recommendations based on the type of girl I like? Or should I know exactly who I want before I call? My concern is that if I don't have an exact girl in mind, they might just give me whoever, rather than carefully helping me make the right call. I'm also concerned about wasting a bunch of their time deciding on girls while on the phone, I know these bookers are very busy.

The perfect scenario would be if there's an agency that's particularly good at helping someone plan a trip like this and will go back and forth with me. I've even been thinking about tossing a nice long duo in there, but I want to make sure it's with two girls who know and enjoy each other, not just the two who happen to be available during my time slots.

Thanks in advance for your advice, this forum is such a great resource!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I know that XO releases the schedule for the week, I don't know about the others. As far as the others I know that Euphoria and Vogue release the schedule the night before.

Yes, the bookers are very helpful and great at what they do.

Your best approach IMHO would be to do the research a week or two before your trip. A lot can change in the next two months so looking through the reviews now or asking the agencies questions would be a waste of time. When your about a week out put together a list of the girls you want to see. From the large amount of choices that the agencies have it should easy to come up with a bunch of names. Then, when the schedules are released whether it be the week of or the night before be ready to book the girl. Always have a back up plan and a backup plan to the back up plan.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I had a disappointing trip to Toronto last year and don't want to repeat that.

What did you do wrong? That's the first question that you should ask yourself. Tell us what happened and we'll tell you what you did wrong.

...I've been doing research on here and am wondering about the best way to ensure I book the girls that work best for me....

Only you can know what's best for you and only you can do the research to determine who are the girls that might work best for you. Buying the services of an escort is not that different from buying any other service or product. You have to to gather information and evaluate it. There is a ton of information available on agency (and indy) websites and here on MERB. But you have to commit to doing the research.

But even if you do a lot of research, it doesn't guarantee anything. You can make a list of 3-5 girls that seem to perfectly match your preferences, but you will never know if that's true until you meet them in person. Furthermore, your preferred girls might not be available on the days and at the times you want.

... some agencies (XO, XXXtase, Velvet Love), release the full weekly schedule, while others (Euphoria, Vogue) only release the schedule daily. Is this correct?

Generally yes, but I would consider all "schedules" and availability notices to be tentative and subject to change. Girls can and do change their minds and schedules all the time. They drop off the schedule and add themselves to a schedule at the last minute. I don't treat the schedules as likely to be somewhat accurate until mid morning of the day of my booking.

...From what I've read, the bookers at the agencies are pretty helpful, is that accurate? Would my best course of action be to check XO's schedule as soon as it goes up and then call them and ask for their recommendations based on the type of girl I like? Or should I know exactly who I want before I call? My concern is that if I don't have an exact girl in mind, they might just give me whoever, rather than carefully helping me make the right call. I'm also concerned about wasting a bunch of their time deciding on girls while on the phone, I know these bookers are very busy...

Though I sometimes solicit information from a booker, I don't rely on their advice. Unlike some guys here, I don't know any bookers personally and they don't know me. You will be anonymous to the bookers too. The bookers are called "bookers" for a reason. They are not "escort selection consultants." :DThe job of the bookers is to book the girls and respond to basic questions like, "Does she have a lot of tattoos?" With all the other information resources at your disposable, don't depend on a booker to pick the right girl for you.

When you call, you should have a general idea of one or two (or max 3) girls that you would like to see. And you should know about what time you would like to book and for how long. The booker can then tell you whether one or two or all three girls are available and at what times. If your preferred girl is available at your preferred time, then book her. If you're not sure, then just say that you're not sure and you would like to call back. Check the photos and descriptions and reviews (if avail.) and then call back. Or call another agency and check to see who is available there. You're not obligated to commit right away. But if you don't commit to someone, then another guy may book her. The supply of great escorts in Montreal is large, but it is also finite.

...The perfect scenario would be if there's an agency that's particularly good at helping someone plan a trip like this and will go back and forth with me. I've even been thinking about tossing a nice long duo in there, but I want to make sure it's with two girls who know and enjoy each other, not just the two who happen to be available during my time slots.

Get the idea of "perfect" out of your mind. As Voltaire said, "Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien." ("The perfect is the enemy of the good.") If you try to achieve perfection in your booking process, then you will probably be disappointed. But you may actually have a "perfect" encounter with a girl that was only your second or third choice but who matched your preferences and who happened to be available when you wanted.

In sum, there is no way to guarantee a great time for every encounter. Even if you do a great job at researching the girls and talk to the bookers, you can still be disappointed. Sometimes two people just don't click and you don't discover that until you meet in person. But just by going to Montreal, you have at least guaranteed that you have a better chance to have great encounters than anywhere else in North America. So relax, do your homework and stop worrying about finding the perfect girl(s).


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Capt Renault's comments are basically correct. I used to try to plan my trips in advance, but it is just too difficult to do that with agency girls. That being said, you should take a look at well reviewed indy girls because they will book in advance. That is often a good option if you want a session the same night you arrive in town.

Really, you need to research the reviews and the pictures so that you have a sense of the handful of girls from various agencies that you really would like to book. When you see the schedules, just pick a girl that looks like she fits what you like. Dont try to find the perfect girl because there are just tons of great SPs in Montreal - both indy and agency. Once you make the choice to book a girl, just focus on enjoying that session. Odds are that you will have a great time.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
CaptRenault's answer is indeed fantastic. It's true that the booker will only go as far as providing your basic preferences.

Twitter is wonderful platform to contact and help your booking. Yesterday I was able to book a girl 10 minutes after she had sent her schedule to the agency ;) That's how it works nowadays...
But be warned. You cannot ramble on and ask 25 questions on Twitter... If you message a girl it's because you have decided to see her. And start your first message confirming that. If you confirm more then 1h booking then you can ask a bit more specific things.

It's the same with Agencies. If you want more then 1h booking start your first message. I am not 100% sure but I do think more then 1h booking will help get priority.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Be open minded, talk to bookers. Sometimes you will read reviews about a well reviewed provider and find you clicked better with someone who is flying under the radar. Talk to the bookers, Sam from XO, James from euphoria and Celina from vogue are great. Listen to what they say and go the direction they send you, you’ll be fine


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Bookers are only so much help to a guy who has never been to Montreal before. They dont know your taste and style and even if you describe it to them, they cant know who you will find attractive. Once you have seen a few girls at an agency, it is easy to say "I had a fantastic time with Jane because she really took the lead, but sally not so much because she was a little more passive." The booker knows both Jane and Sally and might have a suggested girl that will be a good fit for you. But when the bookers dont know you, focus on pics and reviews and just enjoy yourself. If you stick with major agencies and with MERB indys you will certainly have a good time.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
au contraire ma chérie, first time I ever booked in MTL a booker put me in the arms of Elena the great @ Xo, and that was Elena’s 2nd week @ agency. This was when one particular lady I wanted to see was unbookable. I’m incredibly variable as a client and tough to gauge as what I like. I’ve seen girls who aren’t even my type off their recommendations and it’s worked out. Part of it has to do with bookers knowing their providers. Sam, james and Celina know their girls well, and if they don’t their honest and tell you. My advice is start with them


New Member
Nov 3, 2019
This is all some good advice, guys.

Some have asked about my experience in Toronto. Basically, I did some research on Terb, and then booked three different well-reviewed girls with three different agencies. I won't name names, but two out of the three bookers really acted like I was wasting their time. I didn't feel like they were very polite. I wound up with one girl that was a bit heavier than she looked in her pictures. I also wasn't attracted to her face, unfortunately. (A pretty face is really important to me in an escort.) She was nice enough, just not my cup of tea. Then the second girl was friendly and pretty, but hadn't shaved her legs for a few days, which put me off. That wasn't mentioned in any of her reviews. These were all reputable agencies, btw. I had the opposite experience with Cupid in Toronto. The booker was so helpful and polite, and the girl I saw was legitimately one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Her smile practically knocked me on my ass. (Willow. Doesn't look like she's there anymore. Would love to find her.)

So I suppose I found myself wondering if there was something different I could do this time around. It sounds like Sam, James, and Celina will be a much better resource than those first two bookers in TO were. I'll get a list of girls together and reach out to them to help me choose. As I mentioned above, face is really important to me, which makes picking a girl from an agency tricky. I like a drop dead gorgeous girl with zero cosmetic surgery or lip fillers that doesn't look overly made up like a Kardashian. Is that the kind of thing I could mention to a booker when I tell them I'm trying to pick between girls X, Y, and Z? I would describe my type as "Girl Next Door," but I've seen some escorts that have been described on reviews as GND that I did not find attractive at all. On forums like this one, is GND code for plain-looking? I'm probably just using the term incorrectly in this context.

Thanks again for all the advice, all.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I would recommend khloe and Lexis from euphoria based on ur needs. From XO, LOLATHEBRAT and Priscilla


i can already tell which agency in TO u spoke to who acted rude


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...A pretty face is really important to me in an escort... As I mentioned above, face is really important to me...I like a drop dead gorgeous girl with zero cosmetic surgery or lip fillers..I would describe my type as "Girl Next Door," but I've seen some escorts that have been described on reviews as GND that I did not find attractive at all...

So you plan to ask a booker that doesn't know you and whom you don't know to recommend a girl that fits your personal standard of "drop dead gorgeous girl next door." Good luck with that. :rolleyes:

...I wound up with one girl that was a bit heavier than she looked in her pictures...Then the second girl was friendly and pretty, but hadn't shaved her legs for a few days...

Maybe you would be better off with one of those sex robots or dolls. :D

Seriously, even if it were possible to find the girl that perfectly matches your physical specifications, she might still be lacking in the things that really count, i.e. her personality, her sensuality, her libido and her service. Those are the factors that really distinguish the best girls from the average ones.

Almost all the girls from the well-known agencies meet a relatively high standard of attractiveness. But not all of them are equally good at their jobs and can make you feel like they enjoy your company and want to have sex with you. And sometimes the girls that don't meet the standard of "drop dead gorgeous" (which is a very subjective standard to begin with) are the ones that will make you feel the best during your encounter.

So do your research and ask the bookers a few questions if you must. But don't get too hung up on finding a girl that perfectly matches some impossible physical standard. Even if you find such a girl, you still might be disappointed.


New Member
Nov 3, 2019
So you plan to ask a booker that doesn't know you and whom you don't know to recommend a girl that fits your personal standard of "drop dead gorgeous girl next door." Good luck with that. :rolleyes:

Maybe you would be better off with one of those sex robots or dolls. :D

Seriously, even if it were possible to find the girl that perfectly matches your physical specifications, she might still be lacking in the things that really count, i.e. her personality, her sensuality, her libido and her service. Those are the factors that really distinguish the best girls from the average ones.

Almost all the girls from the well-known agencies meet a relatively high standard of attractiveness. But not all of them are equally good at their jobs and can make you feel like they enjoy your company and want to have sex with you. And sometimes the girls that don't meet the standard of "drop dead gorgeous" (which is a very subjective standard to begin with) are the ones that will make you feel the best during your encounter.

So do your research and ask the bookers a few questions if you must. But don't get too hung up on finding a girl that perfectly matches some impossible physical standard. Even if you find such a girl, you still might be disappointed.

Perhaps you missed the part where I came here for advice on what was reasonable to ask bookers precisely because I was unsure. Based on your post count, I assume you're some big shot around here and are therefore very entrenched in the scene. I'd ask you to please consider that not everyone is a fucking expert on this shit. I've never been to Montreal, but the way people talk about it have my expectations high. Please take your condescension and shove it. Others have offered helpful advice and guidance. If you don't care to, that's your prerogative, but I don't need your negativity. I do not believe it's unreasonable to come on here and ask what steps I can take to increase my likelihood of a positive experience. I'm not hung up on getting an absolutely perfect experience, but I do think that explaining my win conditions to the people I'm seeking advice from could help them provide said advice.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Don’t listen to half these guys, half of em say shit to kiss ass with the girls, listen to me, I kiss the bookers asses..

if you got some extra cash go see miss Sasha jo!
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
duubouu honestly CaptRenault is straight to the point yes but still I re-read his answer and his advise are absolutely perfect.

Facial beauty is so fucking subjective... For example go see the profile of This girl has been voted best SP 2 years in a row. Me I find her drop dead gorgeous. Some simply GND and some do not find her much attractive... One thing for sure 100% of her client had a crazy wonderful with her.

You have to remember this is not real life. This is paid time escorting service. All booker of Montreal will tell you all of their girl are beautiful. Plain and simple. Why would they say otherwise?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
All booker of Montreal will tell you all of their girl are beautiful. Plain and simple. Why would they say otherwise?

Oh yada....yada....yada Jalimon....actually my experience is that most of the time female bookers will give this answer, a lot of times, guy bookers will give you a list of girls who they think, or even a specific girl they think will fit your needs. For me, I’ve been more than happy with this concierge type of service that I get mostly in MTL and maybe one other city. You really can’t compare MTL bookers to any where in world. Honest truth, no smooch smooch in this post

now, let me be specific. If I ask hey buddy, who is getting great feed back? You know I like the natural look with out enhancements! I like these chics who look just as good and don’t require a ton of make up..... I may get a response such as the following

so n so just started, take a look @ pics, she might be up your alley. Gettin good feed back, relatively easy to book, anticipating that too change

or hey buddy you got any recs for me? They may respond with “i think you want so and so”

no one is saying that bookers are like “that chic sux, don’t bother” or “that chics rockin a she-stache, stay the fuck away!”

come the fuck on boys, don’t be a bunch of silly gooses

just find the bookers here more than anywhere else take that extra personal


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Don’t listen to half these guys, half of em say shit to kiss ass with the girls, listen to me, I kiss the bookers asses..

if you got some extra cash go see miss Sasha jo!

I kiss Sasha Jo's ass.

It is really nice when you have a report with the booker.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Perhaps you missed the part where I came here for advice on what was reasonable to ask bookers precisely because I was unsure...

I did offer specific advice on what is reasonable to ask the bookers. Apparently it wasn't what you wanted to hear.

...I do not believe it's unreasonable to come on here and ask what steps I can take to increase my likelihood of a positive experience...

I told you what steps to take.

...I do think that explaining my win conditions to the people I'm seeking advice from could help them provide said advice.

Other than noting that "a pretty face" is "really important" and that your type is the "drop dead gorgeous...girl-next-door," you didn't explain what are your "win conditions." You just suggested that the bookers should be able to figure them out for you. But since they don't know you and you don't know them, I don't see that as a winning strategy.
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