Bikone, who made you the professor ? Are you a PhD, a doctor, a paranoid. According to you just touching anyone and you "could" get 15 diseases. Calm the heck down. If what you are preaching were true, 80% of MERB would all be dieseased in five minutes.
These medical threads are filled with all sorts of opinions and then too much focus on the outside chance of getting this or that. It's just a question of how much risk you want to take and who's medical data you want to believe. People get struck by lightning twice in their life, but then some people never get struck ever. Do you never want to go outside?
People out there, believe what you want to believe and get as paranoid as you wish, or just calm the heck down.
Yes I am actually, a Doctor that is. I am a Psychiatrist.
Everything is a risk in life, I agree, but please do not kid yourself into thinking that these viruses are not transmitted in this way, because they are.
I would suggest that you do a little more reading on STD/STI's. Knowledge is indeed power and the more we know as a collective the less likely we are to contract and spread anything to one another.