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How important is her “O”


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Following this interesting thread for some days, I asked the girl this morning if she had an « O ».
The reply: « Of course yes. You didn’t notice? »
Me: « Oh ok… »
Maybe as a conclusion, all Os are not the same. Some of them are loud, some splashing or both…
Funny part, she told me twice she was about to piss During the action.
we woke together (I was plugged in the O) and backed up together until we reached a beach towel to save the bed.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Following this interesting thread for some days, I asked the girl this morning if she had an « O ».
The reply: « Of course yes. You didn’t notice? »
Me: « Oh ok… »
Maybe as a conclusion, all Os are not the same. Some of them are loud, some splashing or both…
Funny part, she told me twice she was about to piss During the action.
we woke together (I was plugged in the O) and backed up together until we reached a beach towel to save the bed.
Now that is what I called a human rights violation alright. Ha!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Another conclusion is that watering is not part of « O » itself but a collateral damage. :)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Watering , as you call it, is not a natural phenom for most women. The ones that have it , turn it on by stimulation and involuntary contractions from strong arousal. It may come without or with orgasms depending on the women.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Thanks for the precision professor Cloudsurf.. :D
Do we know percentage squirt with or without o?


Hard Member
Oct 14, 2014
I learned the hard way that some women cannot cum no matter how matter the amount of books you read and toys you bought other than from the shower head which seems to have been "torqued to spec" with her lady parts. As such, it would be foolish to expect the O, especially with a provider. Nonetheless, that doesn't preclude them from enjoying it. This is why I like to start the session with some oral and it is often reciprocated in kind.

Essentially, getting "A for effort" is more than enough and I am sure she is able to find sexual gratification on her own time.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2012
Well here is the thing, like I said before I would be thrilled if I was able to please any SP half as much as they please me, but here is reality.
While I think I still look decent for my age it is not like when I was in my 20-30s when I was a trained athlete without an ounce of extra on me and could pretty much attract almost any girl that I went after especially in my own community where I was well known.
Right now they are not seeing me for my looks, I am not kidding myself and why would they get so exited over jumping in the sack with someone twice their age at least.
I don’t kid myself or write reviews detailing all the imagined Os lol, I am just simply grateful that I can afford to and that such gorgeous women are willing to see me.
My goal is not to give Os, but to be easy to be with, safe and that they will have a pleasant time and perhaps enjoy a nice glass of wine, some pastries and some pleasant conversation along with their bedroom talents with an older guy who considers himself lucky to see these stunning women.
such a lovely wisedom.


Active Member
Dec 21, 2018
There you go ....a man with experience. BTW did you mean bucking instead of buckling ?
Add to that pelvic twerks and pussy contractions. What about when she is having uncontrollable orgasm and pushes you away till she catches her breath. Creaming and surprise squirting are other great signs.
Find a girl who masturbates every morning and carries her favourite vibrator everywhere.
I use Wanda (magic wand) every day. Morning/ to go to sleep at night.. you’re right. I even bring her on vacation
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New Member
Oct 21, 2022
Not all are willing therefore there is a certain validational aspect to being able to get a stranger to allow you share in such a vulnerable experience (iykyk).

There are some typical tells to help gauge a lady's willingness to have an 'O'. Obviously everyone is not the same and there are other factors that weigh in but she'll tell you some way or another either verbally or non-verbally if she's down to have an extra good time or keep things relatively square.

To me, the ability to have an genuine 'O' depends on comfortability, chemistry and dare I say, attraction level. I can only assume that if could be quite difficult for a woman to 'get there' without the proper seduction required to put her in the right mental headspace. Fellas, think of how difficult it is for us 'get hard' for someone we're not attracted to. Good luck trying to fake that.

Going back to the question. While it's not a priority by any means, the best experiences I've had with frequented SPs or women in general are ones who were open enough to genuinly climax and share in a vulnerability that you can fantasize not many others get to see. Wins all around.

Results vary and it's definitely uncommon, especially with SPs who must be highly guarded in many aspects for obvious reasons but that just makes each genuine experience with a proper finish that much more valuable and enjoyable overall. I was thinking of ending with some sort of lock and key reference here but you get the point.

- M

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
It`s way more complex than "piss" .Don`t let your ignorance of a women`s anatomy show.
It is a medical proven fact that 90%(maybe more) of those fountain girl's "nectar" is just plain urine expelled from the urethrea. Only a very few ones would have excessive Bartholin's gland secretions.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
It is a medical proven fact that 90%(maybe more) of those fountain girl's "nectar" is just plain urine expelled from the urethrea. Only a very few ones would have excessive Bartholin's gland secretions.
I wasn`t disputing the component. I believe it is a mixture of urine and gland secretion in most cases. I was referring to the ejection mechanism. In most cases, except the fake ones, it is caused by sexually induced contractions.... sometimes but not always accompanied by orgasm. I`ve seen escorts have their first squirt and the reaction is surprise, embarrassment or shame. Some have warned me that they are messy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
To me, the ability to have an genuine 'O' depends on comfortability, chemistry and dare I say, attraction level. I can only assume that if could be quite difficult for a woman to 'get there' without the proper seduction required to put her in the right mental headspace. Fellas, think of how difficult it is for us 'get hard' for someone we're not attracted to. Good luck trying to fake that.
Cool. Right on the nose.
That's why I like this forum.:)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Well. A little bit from the other side...
My o isn't important. But the fact that the guy at least trys or wants to see it, goes a long way.
Yes the man is paying for his o...
But if in the time we share together i feel a blowup doll would be more suited to him getting his o than a human being. I refuse to ever return...
If his pleasure matters more than my discomfort and displeasure, I won't be returning.

There should be at least a degree of 'give a shit', for the person you are seeing. When sex is a 1 sided me, me, me, expect that there is always a chance that if you want this expierience again, it may choose to refuse you.

I don't make it his responsibility to get me off, but if he activly prevents me from enjoying the expierience as well. Well damn.. get you your o and f u if you think i will ever return.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
And in reading this... my question is thrown out that you guys do realize there are many ways a girl can orgasm.. and only 1 includes squirting right???

There is a lot unknown about womans orgasms and aren't as studdied as all that... but there's many different layers a girl can orgasm, and different locations where it seems to come from. And that's just speaking from myself. When i read up on female orgasms and find the studies don't seem to carry the full picture only ever focusing on 1 part or aspect.
Like many focus on the space where squirting comes from, but orgasms can come from deep within as well (think secretions that have her wet to begin with.) They don't come from the urethra, and it is a completely different texture. Gooey rather than liquidy. Much like your own cum.
Then there's barly noticable orgasms where there is a bit of a rise and release, while there can also be the mega waves too depending on the intensity of the hightened pleasure levels. A girl can be built up and explore multiple waves over and over, each often easier to come by and more intense than the last while men tend to have their 1 wave and need to relax, and the next is lessoned.. a woman can o 3-5 times consecutively, and still keep going if she isn't made to stop and wait for him to be ready to rise again. (Honestly a mans most waisted time is cumming and doing nothing till he is ready to go again... if he focused on her in that time his 2nd round would be a more wild ride)

Admittedly when i do orgasm it is often more by what is happening in my head than what is actually being done to my body. Men are often so focused on the physical, they forget to play with the mind as well. And it is often the mind that will prevent a woman from her own pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
It's very important to me to give the woman an O. I'm the same as the comment above, i will work on giving her an orgasm first and then it will be my turn. However, i know that in some cases it wont be possible because she isnt into me so if she hasnt came after 10min of DATY or i am feeling that she is not into it. I will not DATY anymore and focus on my pleasure for the rest of the session in that case lol :p
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