Montreal Escorts

If escorts could review clients... what would they say about you?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Do not think that most escorts would give an honest public review. CAF in Alberta has escorts responding to their reviews, all sugar coated. It would be career suicide if they wrote what they truly wanted to in most cases. I was seeing one in Calgary and she mentioned that the CAF thing did not work as some clients told her " Why did you not say XXXX like you did to person X ".
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep! I can definitely say that we read MERB, every single threads/reviews. We also communicate with each other regarding blacklists, grey lists and clients in general. It's a way to keep each other safe and also try and avoid seeing disrespectful or dirty clients. It couldn't be public like here because we respect our clients' privacy but yep!
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