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I'm unfortunately back


Aug 17, 2007

FCUK women! You have stated that you have a low sex drive anyway!

Do things that you love doing! Pursue your passions & be confident doing what you love weather it be going to Star Trek conventions, Rhyming Rap songs on top of cop cars or whatever. You will attract people of both sexes when you love yourself & are happy. Getting dates from there will be very natural, when the women see your passion & love of life. Stop worrying about women not getting you or pleasing them. Work on yourself first. Make happiness & fun your goal for your free time....... not women. When you enjoy your life, you will attract women- when you loathe yourself, everyone, will at best just pity you, mostly you will repel all decent people of both sexes. Have you noticed that some people here don't want to hear your sad cry for help? Lastly, once you have committed yourself to being more happy & fun(your idea of fun, not anyone else's), start making friends with others that are also positive and fun, with the similar hobbies.

I have a ton of hardcore geek friends, that have a very hard time socializing with normal women........ but when they get together & start talking about their gaming adventures or computer languages, they somehow attract cute geek women. You need to be passionate about something anything really, and be happy with yourself. If you don't go to a gym & workout, you should join one & start.......... not so much to get big & buff, more just to build your confidence and to get you to appreciate your own body.

PM me if you want to call me & talk in detail. Good luck in finding the real you!


Aug 27, 2007
DoingittoDeath said:
Obviously, you're not in the right frame of mind right now.

Take that trip, bud - think about something else - bookmark this page and come back in a month. Things will be different.

I Total agree with you on this one, you need to take that vacation, and maybe things will look different when you come back



Oct 11, 2005
Dude, count your blessings! In these times no real man wants a women around except for sex. Now suck it up and go to the review section and book one.;)


Mar 26, 2007
Dee said:
1. Are we sure Gameless isn't having us on?

2. If not:

a. misery is his pleasure,

b. like the Peter DeVries character, he has a problem for every solution, and

c. he bears some responsibility to do more then just reject every suggestion.

3. If memory serves me correctly, he's done the same thing before.
Well if he's doing this because misery is his pleasure or for entertainment; He should get a hobby, feeding squirrels in the park ( actually quiteinteresting if they start fighting over a peanut), get a blockbuster membership, take up knitting or look into some psychotherapy.... maybe he could buy a rat, put it in his pocket and wander around with a note pad scrawling stuff Oscar Wilde like (the rat solves the problem of being lonely)... I think he should go for the Oscar Wilde thing... it's really in at the moment ;-)


May 9, 2005
Get Game

GD I sent you a PM with a link, if you follow it, it could change your life. I know it helped me.

Help is out there but you must be willing to put forth some effort.



New Member
Dec 6, 2005

You need to take the time to morn your loss. Be assured that many men have had similar bad experiences, however, after an appropriate length of time has gone by you need to explore what you can do to change your outcomes.

Posting on MERB is good “mental health therapy” in the sense of talking it out. But it won’t assist you in making the changes that you want to make. The advice you get here may be priceless, then again it more likely is worth what you paid for it.

In many areas there are various self-help groups or if you feel that you really have a problem in being able to emotionally connect or in making good relationship decisions therapy might be of assistance you can inquire through some of the national or provincial organizations to find someone who can help you in the area for which you are specifically seeking assistance - one size does not fit all.

In any event I’m sorry and I hope life starts looking up for you.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
gamelessdork said:
I kind of envy you guys who see SPs because you want to. For me, it was because I had to. Had my last relationship. Same old, same old. I'm not compatible with any woman. I have nothing in common with them. It's depressing for me, but I know that the heartbreak of it ending outweighs any of the joy I got from the relationship. I lack the personality that women like. Thank god my sex drive is so low, I have no desire to even see SPs now, but I'm back to that state of mind where I know I have no other option if I want to have sex. I wouldn't wish my life on anyone. I realize I have my health, I have two legs, etc, but damn, I was the happiest I ever have been, but it was all a lie. Never again.
I pray for you so that things get better and as soon as possible.
Please don't think you're not compatible with any woman: as you know, it's like a keep rolling it as long as the right number wont show up. Eventually, it will. I understand that it's frustrating when the number does not show up but better keep waiting for the right number rather than being stuck with the wrong one. I just hope you get in a fresh new pattern where you keep your distance from searching for the right woman and focus on something else -> Most of the time, it's when you're detached from an interest that it runs after you. Who knows...things could align properly when you won't expect it (meeting couple of great sps who could revive the matrix, some more great female friends..and kaboom, the morale is sends attractive signals to some gems...and here we're back on track).
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
People here are being very supportive to Gameless and offering him sound and well meant advice. Unfortunately Gameless's game is rejecting and refuting all the well-intentioned suggestions. Some people enjoy wearing a sign saying "kick me".
Apr 16, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Welcome back, Tony. :D

Yeah looks that way! How does that multiple ISP thing work again?
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