Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It's just numbers... But I know making those numbers are possible. I spent time in Toronto with a famous girl who retired 2 weeks after I saw her. It took her 4 year to reach her goal for retirement. And her goal was quite high ;)

I am worst client there is. I am cheap and often see girl that gives me rebate ;) It works for me... But down the road I am the first to admire such girl that can make it big and retire early. This biz is not meant for medium to long term career...
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
This is not everyone’s reality, though. I’m sure all the girls that retire super quick with lots of money fit a specific physical stereotype, for example ;) Or they don’t have other projects that cost money or anything. The typical long-haired spinner escort in Montreal potentially makes a lot more money than some of us ever will (if she charges similar rates and works similar shifts, for a fair comparison, that is)


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Today it's very hard to spend/save cash. Government is on the lookout for cash. She can always go on a (friend's) company payroll, give the company cash and they, in turn, give her a paycheck she can deposit. That's about the only way to deposit. Otherwise, you can spend on clothes, trips, restaurants, sometimes rent.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This is what a lot of people don’t understand and escorts are no exception.
It is even more difficult to save money than to make it.

Unless you are disciplined and learn how to manage your money, having a high income is no guarantee that you will be able to retire anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ I get it Tiger. I've been saying that for years and I know it is true for the girls in the US and I'm sure it is true in Canada too. What do you do with all that cash? I was at a MUH party once and I was standing around the kitchen counter and asked this question. One girl from Toronto said "I have a box in my apartment... I tried to stop her. I didn't want her to make herself a target. The point is that most don't legitimize the money. How do you get a mortgage? Can you just buy a condo or car with cash without worries? I am thinking that you can at least claim some of the cash and pay taxes on it as an escort or as a masseuse which is not illegal but I'll bet most don't.

So you save up 500K and then retire and you put it in a off-shore bank account or safe deposit box and get a regular job or marry a sap who pays the bills or go on assistance??? If you can't legitimize the money you can't invest it. Do you watch inflation eat away at your pile of cash? Remember, girls retire in their late 20's. They are going to live for another 60 years. 1/2$MM over 60 years hardly seems like enough to me.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Julia the Toronto girl was a short big boobs big ass type girl. Probably 10lbs over... Brazilian type. Not at all typical spinner ;) Once with her she was just like Sonia. ALL for you and pretty much anything goes.

Fradi/Hungry/Tiger good point but yes the best of them manage to legitimize their income. They are selling a service which is not illegal. That Toronto girl managed to buy 2 condo's which took a lot of value...

I know of some who have a couple of 100k stored in different bank vault... I personally find that to be very risky...


Sep 4, 2006
So you save up 500K and then retire and you put it in a off-shore bank account or safe deposit box and get a regular job or marry a sap who pays the bills or go on assistance??? If you can't legitimize the money you can't invest it. Do you watch inflation eat away at your pile of cash? Remember, girls retire in their late 20's. They are going to live for another 60 years. 1/2$MM over 60 years hardly seems like enough to me.

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I knew an indy who would stuff cash in safety deposit boxes. She made a lot of her money in the era where CDN $1 = USD 0.66. Alot of her clients flew in from the US and gave her the money in US currency. She put it in those boxes without converting them, so she lost a ton of money.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Jalimon, you did say Toronto and I did say Montreal. I’m sure you know what Montreal guys prefer. Montreal really is more of a market for petite spinners. I’d probably make more money in other provinces indeed lol


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

She's not an Indy but it gives you another perspective...

Thanks for that link-a very good read. :thumb:

In fact, it's one of the best, most realistic sounding interviews that I have ever read with a sex worker.

It's in French, but if you want to read a reasonably good (but not perfect) translation in English, just open it in Chrome, right click on the page and select "translate to English."


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree Capt ;) We should start a thread based on this interview. So many interesting subject to debate in there...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I personally declare my revenue, just bought a house and am planning to buy a condo in the next two years. I dislike the stigma around the fact that we don't save or can't pay a mortgage cash. We have SW-friendly accountants, wealth managers and so on. It's possible, the ressources are there. I'm not saying everyone can or wants to do that and that's ok.

Regarding this not being a medium to long term job... why not? As long as you respect your boundaries, charge what makes you feel comfortable and are me it's the best job in the world. The day I'll stop is the day I'm not happy doing this anymore and I don't see that happening any time soon. An exit plan is important, like any other job, but I've met providers in their 40s making more money than I do, the key is taking care of your body and mind!
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Like I said earlier, it gives an another perspective but it is not a one size fits all.

But 200k in cash equals approximately 400k as a regular revenue.
She is more on the volume versus the quality. You can read between the lines that she is not into it often with her clients. I do not think we can apply that theory to all the SW..

As mentioned by Julia, she might be in the body frame that everyone (except me) dream of having sex with.

If she can have serious objectives with her money but you know what, not my business :)

But given that it is her work, I do agree that unless you intend to it for a decade, a good planification is essential to leave without any regrets.

400$ per month for a personal trainer, it is a really big investment....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I personally declare my revenue, just bought a house and am planning to buy a condo in the next two years. I dislike the stigma around the fact that we don't save or can't pay a mortgage cash. We have SW-friendly accountants, wealth managers and so on. It's possible, the ressources are there. I'm not saying everyone can or wants to do that and that's ok.

Fortunately there are many more like you who were blessed not only with gorgeous looks but an equal amount of brains.
I have been lucky to have been seeing such an incredibly smart and beautiful woman for quite some time now.
It is really a good feeling to be with a confident and smart woman who you know is not just seeing you because she needs all the bookings she can get.

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
Do you ask questions about how your hairdresser spend their money? I mean... that's a little bit patronizing right there. Can we please just have fun and stop being bitter? Give pleasure and intimacy, learn to know eachother and not making things complicated? I'm not asking you how you made the money you give me, don't ask questions about how I spend it please.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Rosie I truly understand you. Really. But it's hard not to patronize you girls a bit. Some of us have been around... We are like 25, 30, 40 years older... We've built businesses.. We've lost some too haha

To be honest I will never judge a girl I see, or really exactly to the same for my clients and business providers, based on sexual orientation, political views or their race. But I have cut ties, and again same in my regular business, with girls for whom I did not approved of their lifestyle...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I actually saw a really strange one this morning on Twitter, I won’t say who.
She says she is available for the holidays but will be charging her Toronto rates.

Merry Christmas, ho ho ho, I guess it is one way to insure Santa is going to be good to you.
Gives you such a warm feeling of being wanted perfect for that holiday feeling lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Do you ask questions about how your hairdresser spend their money? I mean... that's a little bit patronizing right there. Can we please just have fun and stop being bitter? Give pleasure and intimacy, learn to know eachother and not making things complicated? I'm not asking you how you made the money you give me, don't ask questions about how I spend it please.

It's your money. Do with it what you please. I sure hope you pay yourself first because the profession you chose is like the NFL. Not-For-Long and you can be sidelined for a multitude of reasons and I don't think the AFLAC duck is going to pay you to sit home because you have a rash or a cold (I could be wrong). I certainly will not see a girl if I find out I'm supporting a drug habit. I will not enable this.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Do you ask questions about how your hairdresser spend their money? I mean... that's a little bit patronizing right there.

Yes, I second this. And I mean, it’s not like spending money on escorts was the smartest investment ever either, so who are they to care about other people’s wallets hahah

A dude: Girls really should spend on intelligent things
The same dude: *spends money on a bad blowjob then proceeds to write a bad review*
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